Please post your reviews for Flight Of Fury in this thread.
hofmae;172658 said:First Words
So, if i only would watch the first hour, the movie would be ok but not really entertaining, but if you watch the showdown, its really a cool movie. Way better then most dtv's and much, much better than Attack Force!
Ok, thank god (or better thank Joe Halpin) this time the story is great. For the first 10 minutes i thought it would be again a weird story, but it isn't. After the first 15 minutes everything is pretty easy to follow, no subplots, no weird stuff. Just easy to follow. Not especially interesting, but i don't care, im so happy that there is an easy story!!!
Yeah. In the first hour there isn't much action. There is some flyiing, some shooting, and really 1 or 2 extremely short fight scenes. Its not that much but its ok, i can live with it. But then the last 15 minutes are full packed with action. Explosions, big shootouts with a lot of terrorists on an airbase. The classic b-movie showdown, really a lot of gunfights and so on, the last 15 minutes are excellent, and everything is done better than in Attack Force and better than in Shadow Man (as example this time the car-hunt is not so bad like in Shadow Man). The action is really well done. Thank god they made a big showdown, that was exactly what i needed after not sooo much action in the first hour. At the End after a 10 minute long showdown at the base Steven flies with his stealth bomber against his enemy in a F16, it was entertaining
So, were not back to the good old times There aren't much fights... I think about the same amount of fights than in Shadow Man. 2 or 3 short knife fights with Seagal, then some 1 punch fights (im sure you understand), but in the showdown there is a cool big fightscene where seagal uses a knife, a pipe and so on. It's not that much, but all fights are made OK and are really watchable. Dont' have to expectations, the fight quality isn't something special, but its ok to watch, and i think it was fun. (Again thank god for the showdown). Normally i would not give so many points, but comparing to Attack Force or some movies with horrible fights (as example Out of Reach) this was pretty decent. I really wished for some more, but it was OK!!!
There is some dubbing. But not the whole movie, just some lines... About 10-15 lines in the movie i think.
Stunt Doubles:
I didn't saw a single stunt-double. I think there aren't any stunt doubles. All short fight and action scenes are made by Seagal himself i think, but i didn't look sooo closely.
Steven looked great. He really looks healthy, and man he really lost a lot of weight. He looks awesome. The acting is typical Steven pretty decent, and all other actors made too a very good job.
Its not a comedy, and there aren't the same amount of cool one-liners that were in the old seagal flicks, but there were some cool dialogues without Steven, and 3 or 4 cool One-Liners with Seagal. Oh yeah, and when he shoots down the enemy-airplane at the end he said "Sayonara" (like in the Orange commercial). Not much humor, but more than in the last few dtv's.
CGI_Effects/Stock Footage:
So first, i didn't saw a lot CGI. The explosions were all REAL. And if there are cgi scenes with planes, they look fantastic because i didn't saw them. To the stock footage... There is really a lot of stock footage, and a good viewer see's always when stock footage comes on. BUT the stock footage is really, really great put together. Even the flight action scenes (like the last fight at the end) are made very well, and were put really good together. So even the stock footage scenes made suspense, and they made fun. Good work!
Was really ok. Somewhere betweend Mercenary for Justice and Shadow Man. Way nearer to Mercenary. Was pretty good!
Great orchestral score. Nothing extremely special, but way better than in most dtv's. Typical action-b-movie soundtrack, but sometimes it goes to A-Quality. Pretty good.
Overall Rating:
First... All my ratings are based on the last few dtv's. So compared to movies like Out for Justice or Glimmer Man this movie would have something around a 2.5. But compared to the last movies this is entertaining funny ride. An awesome showdown, good gunfights, great using of stock footage, Steven looking better than ever, good actors, some pretty decent fights and a really easy to follow staright forwarded story. Really a step forward. I can't wait for Once upon a time in the hood. Sayonara
Ill give it 4/5.
Le-Martin;172686 said:Here are some screenshots from Flight of Fury. Will post something else later on.
Le-Martin;172679 said:Baby, you alright back there? Time for rodeo, buckle up!
A review of Flight of Fury, latest Steven Seagal movie
1) Does it have stock footage? YES and a lot of it, BUT although some of it looks really bad and although the never seem to keep track of the type of plane that is supposed to be in the scene, they manage to do some fancy editing with it and it ends up looking ok and actually fitting well into the movie and making it BETTER than it could have been had they used CGI or some other tool that would have been too expensive for them
2) Does it have voice dubbing? YES and it is annoying, but there’s not so much of it and the guy actually manages to sound CLOSE to how Seagal sounds. Seagal’s own voice does a lot of the talking as well and it is really cool to hear him again.
3) Does the stunt double make his appearance? YES and there’s quite a lot of him as well, but considering the fact that he is better used here and that Seagal is older, fatter and slower than he used to be and that he does not have the same passion for movie making as he once did, it does make sense to have a stunt double. And he is used pretty well here. Also, Seagal does some of the action himself, just NOT the running and jumping and falling, so it’s ok.
The United States Air Force is about to test their latest stealth fighter technology. The ACTIVE STEALTH SYSTEM, mounted on an F-117 Nighthawk prototype called the X-77 is going to be flown by Ratcher, one of the US’s better pilots. During the test, both the plane and the pilot disappear and head towards Northern Afghanistan. The Airforce calls upon the best stealth plane pilot in they have, John Sands who has to team up with Jannick, Ratcher’s friend and partner – their mission is to either get the X-77 back or destroy it and everyone who knows about it. Will they make it out with the plane in time, or will they destroy it? Will they find out what happened to Ratcher? Fasten your seatbelt, this is a Flight of Fury.
Overall this is a good movie and it does something that few of Steven Seagal’s DTV movies have managed to do, it has a coherent and pretty cool storyline and it manages to keep the audience interested in the plot and story for the better part of its length. The story itself has ONE SINGLE MAJOR BAD POINT – there was no need for that part of the story in which they are supposed to wipe Seagal’s character’s memory because he knows too much. It doesn’t make sense, it isn’t explained and it only takes up about a minute at the beginning of the movie. Sure, we get to see Seagal do some cool stuff, but it’s not that impressive. Also, the fact that navy and the air force BOTH get involved in a pretty straightforward mission, makes little sense and although they managed to find some cool stock footage of an airplane carrier, this part of the story is only there to make the movie longer, not better.
One cool thing though is the fact that they kept their heads on and had enough sense to say that the prototype stealth plane is based on the F-117 (the plane on the cover of the movie) and that the actual experimental stuff is technology that is ON the plane. They managed to get some cool stock footage of the F-117 and they use it impressively.
Also, the movie is not filled with silly and pointless action. Sure, there are some stupid moments like Seagal and his newly established team (later in the movie) decide to only use knives and they only do that in one encounter, five minutes later they’re using grenades and machine guns, but it’s ok, the action is pretty good so it’s worth it. Also they make the same mistakes that they made on previous other Seagal movies and they can’t maintain continuity. In one scene Seagal, driving his jeep encounters an enemy jeep and they get into a chase scene, yeah, but 30 seconds later, Seagal is being chased by another jeep. It’s supposed to be the same car…but it clearly isn’t.
The action is good and for the most part the movie has little action, in fact only the last part of the movie is an all out action movie, the rest is built like a thriller and for the first time in a Seagal DTV it works. They manage to create an interesting storyline and build some suspense which holds out until the end of the movie. In this movie I actually cared about what’s going on with the characters and the storyline mainly because they kept it simple and uncomplicated. What’s cool is that Seagal does not play the same type of retired, hidden, undercover, FBI/CIA/NSA secret agent so secret he himself does know about himself. This time (with the exception of the pointless memory wipe scene at the beginning) they manage to make his character at least a little bit realistic. What’s not cool is the fact that Seagal is supposed to play the best stealth plane pilot in the world, BUT he is overweight and a little old to play THAT type of role. Despite that he does seem interested in the movie and actually manages to ACT and not bad at all in most of his scenes.
In fact this the only Steven Seagal DTV movie that made me sad when it was over and not because I saw it. Most of his DTVs make me sad to see that he could make something so bad (Attack Force), but Flight of Fury is ALMOST very good. Had the right producers been involved this movie could have easily been as good if not BETTER than most of his other movies. In fact this had the potential to be as good as his Under Siege movies and no, I’m not kidding. The last time we saw this type of quality in a Seagal movie was during the first 20 minutes of Shadow Man and I think that it is NOT a coincidence that Shadow Man and Flight of Fury are both directed by Michael Keusch. In fact I would say this guy is the best director Seagal has worked with in a very long time. Unfortunately the movie is a letdown on the producer’s side who clearly didn’t put the effort in to make it better than it is and that is very sad especially on something like Flight of Fury that is almost as good as anything Seagal has ever made.
YES, Flight of Fury is damn good movie when compared to his recent movies. I say it is his best DTV yet even if it does not have the production values of Into The Sun. It has a good and simple story, it has suspense, it has Seagal ACTING, it has some nice action, some cool plane scenes (yes, despite the fact that they are stock footage), it has some a nice soundtrack and it is entertaining from start to finish which is a first for ANY SEAGAL DTV (Into The Sun had very little action and the rest were a mess).
Perhaps one of the good things is the fact that the script was not originally written by Joe Halpin. Nothing against Joe, but all the stuff written originally by him was CRAP and Flight of Fury was originally written by someone else. What I believe is that the BAD parts of the movie are a result of Halpin messing with the original script.
Unfortunately the movie is close to being very good, but not quite there. The main problem is the movie’s structure and production values which are both down to the producers and they clearly were not doing their jobs as well as they should have. The movie looks and feels like an 80s action movie and not the best kind, the B kind (perhaps some of this is down to this being a remake of a Michael Dudikoff movie). Had the movie had production values like Into The Sun, it might have been actually worth releasing into cinemas.
Also, although the opening credits look REALLY COOL and better that ANY Seagal DTV yet, they should and could have used something like they used on Les Chevaliers Du Ciel (The Knights of the Sky) again a movie about planes, but with AMAZING opening titles which would have suited Attack Force tremendously.
Overall, the best Seagal DTV movie yet
-simple and uncomplicated storyline
-cool stock footage that was intelligently used
-about 30 seconds of CGI that looks really good
-nice soundtrack
-Seagal acting and being active in the movie
-good action moments, including Seagal’s.
-Seagal in a pilot uniform, looks cool.
-voice dubbing is back
-production values are too low
-feels and looks like an 80s action movie (and we are in 2007…do the math)
-they seem to have added some stupid and pointless stuff to the original script (that of the movie Black Thunder)
REALLY good! I liked it a lot and recommend it to everyone, not just to Seagal fans.
I've seen the first hour of the movie, the opening credits in my opinion are the best of the DTV's.Le-Martin;172736 said:Since it took me some time to make the screenshots for both Flight of Fury and Le Chevaliers Du Ciel, could you guys, especially the ones that saw Flight of Fury post their opinion on the style of the opening credits from Les Chevaliers Du Ciel? I really do think that that style would have been great for Flight of Fury/
Le-Martin;172736 said:Since it took me some time to make the screenshots for both Flight of Fury and Le Chevaliers Du Ciel, could you guys, especially the ones that saw Flight of Fury post their opinion on the style of the opening credits from Les Chevaliers Du Ciel? I really do think that that style would have been great for Flight of Fury/