Which is unAmerican!


candle lighter
How 'bout Captain Jack Sparrow for prez? He'd certainly be more interesting to look at and we'd know he was telling the truth LOL! Then again, having a pirate in office might be a bit much ... however he IS a good man!
(For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about please see film Pirates of The Caribbean)
"On deck you scabbard dogs!"


Potters Clay
I was just sitting here and thinking "Where have I heard that name before." I watched that movie only once last Febuary. Thank you for telling where tha name came from. I was having a blonde moment trying to figure it out myself!

I had a customer come and started railing President Bush. I put my two cents in, and all he could say was..."Well, I do not like Kerry either." He said who He would vote for but I do not remember the name. I think it was a musicians name. I heard Ralph Nader is running again too...???


New Member
It's me again

Road to Darjeeling from Kolkata

My jeep is slightly wrecked and so I’m stuck. My e-,ails are not moving out well from here so I don’t know if this will get any where also the letters on the keys have been overwritten in hindi and I can barely read the English letters. Oh1 how I wish I’d taken typing

Anyway this a strange little town. As I came in the tourists are leaving. Some thing I said maybe? Usually is...

Anyway the same debate Americans have is happening here though pretty one sided from Taiwan, Bangkok, to India. Namely Flip flopping which over here is about Bush especially the early promise to clean up the air, water, soil followed by withdrawal from the Keyoto conference agreement and then vetoing most of the clean air act. Anyway

Whoops someone wants me to comelook at my jeep. Hope they didn’t kill it. More when I get a chance.

Amos Stevens

New Member
Good to hear from you Hallarian!

Don't worry-Spot will take care of your jeep! And I told ya not to forget your deodorant-why wonder all the tourists left when you got there :)

Take care


candle lighter
It is odd isn't it that the Bush Admin policy, or lack thereof, on the environment hasn't been much noticed by the general public? But where are we gonna live if we destroy our planet? Someone must have something up their sleeve - like a direct flight to another planet perhaps?
Julie- glad you connected the Captain Jack Sparrow name :) "Good pirate, good man".
"Oh I love weddings! Drinks all around!" ("Sorry mate, couldn't resist")


Potters Clay
I do not know everything that President Bush has done on the enviroment except how it will effect my family. How does $10,000 dollars a year out of our pocket because of MORE STRICTER rules on animals and manuer. We HAVE to tell where EVERY drop of manuer gets dropped and how much. Under President Clinton we had the $10,000 dollars and the restrictions were less. I guess it all depends on where you look at the issues. :indiffere So, Yes he has done something. I am sure it is not enough though.
I support President Bush, do not get me wronge. You have to remember there will always be something that they do, that you do not like. They can not please everyone all the time. That is life! :)


candle lighter
Unfornately, Bush has done plenty that will affect the entire planet. Actually, it is what he has refused to do that will only hasten the environmental downslide. Yet we need to remember that it is his supporters - the ones who "elected" him - the oil/gas/timber/halliburtons who are doing the damage. Greedy little people who think only of their own pockets, and care nothing about the future of our planet - including our children and grandchildren. It is sad, very sad.


New Member
The manure problem and pollution!

Julie has raised an important issue most people ignore. As the population of people on earth goes up, the number of farm animals rises exponentially. Think about it. Farms with billions of turkeys, ducks, and chickens; millions of pigs and cattle and all making billions of tons of manure. In the old days when there were fewer animals on a farm no one cared when the manure leached into streams, and the smell was not so bad. But today people especially in states like Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Illinois have a terrible problem living anywhere near the big pig and poultry farms because while generating tons of manure they also produce billions of flies and smell. The air, ground, and water are heavily contaminated.

It’s a big technology problem. A solution is needed and soon. But that means high cost and the farmers can’t afford it and still produce food people can afford. We are going to have demand a cooperative solution.

Cities spend millions building efficient sewage plants. Maybe we have to develop something like it for farms. But cities also dump the waste water into streams or the ocean. How long can we do that as the number of people grows. The planet may become uninhabitable.

Of course manure can be used to generate methane gas to burn as clean fuel for energy. But Bushy isn't going to want that as it competes with his oil business.


candle lighter
Yes, manure can and is being made into methane gas but not on large enough scale. Just think of we could only get used to not eating meat and then humans could eat the grain we feed the critters (although I'd opt out of the ground up animal parts for feed). But of course that won't happen. Just a thought.
America isn't the only big pollution source - don't forget the brown clouds over India and the far east, as well as some of the European areas; however, the US does have the hightest rate of pollution into the atmosphere. China is coming up very fast on oil use - the country is finally getting into "modernization" despite the communist gov which is really just another name for greedy, controlling creeps.
War? Of course it is good for the people who supply the war materials - that was evident from the git-go. "What if they held a war and nobody came?"
Welfare? Granted there are people who desparately need help - they are real and they aren't leaches; however, there are also the lazy, good-for-nothin's who will never be able to hold a job of any kind simply because they don't want to. There is a house full of them on my block - the entire household is on disability. Why? Because they are all incest-bred morons; but it doesn't stop them from selling and using dope and screwing in the street. They walk to the liquor store every day several times a day to buy their booze (with their welfare $$). America isn't the only country to have a welfare system.
Of course terrorism is "UnAmerican" - it is UNHUMAN! For those still believing that heaven is just a kill away, think again - there is no heaven for murderers and marauding demons. The only heaven will be to relive the same suffering put on others for eternity ... doesn't sound like heaven to me.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch ... lol


New Member
Pollution in India, an ironic twist>

India's largest cities have taken a major step to cut the pollution by changing all buses and motorized rickshaws to propane. It helps BUT. The Us outsourcing of manufacturing to lower cost India has had the opposite effect. The new factories use soft coal and belch black smoke. Saves US companies big buks in fuel and cheaper labor, BUT is it fair?


Potters Clay
I have not seen ANY person in government do anything significant to help the enviroment. You can't blame that on only one political party I don't think. Mr. Seagals' movie "On Deadly Ground came out in what? 1994? What has the industries ever done to improve the enviroment since then? There have been car exhaust laws put in place, and what else??? Someone help me here?
I know Hallarian is probable right about the animals and the manuer. As a self employed farmer I can say for a small family farm such as ours we can not afford the cost getting dumped on us. $10,000 is not something we have lying around. We found out in August that the middle man who sells our eggs for us is going to dock us 3 cents per dozen eggs because the next guy on the ladder dumped that cost on him. We are the farmer, the bottom of the totum pole. So guess who gets to take three cents less for our product we sell?? Yup...We do. The middle guy will not let HIS profit drop. Some companies do not care we have families too. I think if each level docked themselves 1/2 cent or 1 cent per dozen it would have been nice. Nice dream :rolleyes:
I think the point I am trying to get at is there is greed everywhere in business. That is why heads have been turned for so long. Thinking of something else Hallarian said made me think of this: Remember in Fire down below, how the guys wanted to dump the chemicals on land FAR away from where THEY live? Where have companies been moving? Overseas. I know NO president would want companies to move abroad. That does not help us. It seems like for at least the last ten years or more companies have been leaving or monopolizing. Why? People get paid too much here? Makes product cost to much to make here? How can that be changed to make companies stay? The snowball is only getting larger. I still believe with all my heart that EVERYONE in government has been affected by power that the problem does not "seem" to be getting better. Each president that takes office has plans to improve things, but no matter who is in office all branches of government fight amongst each other and stall any progress from being made in jobs and enviroment. I know they have the best intentions but unless they stop fighting and work together, little progress will be made.
That is my two cents!


New Member
Bush promised companies the tax incentives

that made it cheaper to move over there. The people I know whose jobs left them for overseas, were not wealthy. They were making enough to get by. True there health insurance was too high but the pharmacological companies are mostly responsible for that, although new diagnostic equipment is hign. Too hishfor my clinic. Drgs like Depo provera is made from cheap materials and should be off patent, but with a few tricks is still on patent and has more than doubled for no reason.


candle lighter
For those of you like to read I strongly recommend "Perspectives on 9/11" edited by Yassin El-Ayouty available from Amazon.com This book has everything from first-hand accounts of those in the twin towers to legal perspectives of waging war to unity of humankind. The editor is a retired UN Principal Officer who is now Adjunct Prof for the Benjamin N. Cordozo School of Law and Saint Francis College. It does get a little academic so do not expect a simple read - it is amazing in scope and it's title explains it all - a myriad-faceted perspective. It brings up some very important issues that are not mentioned in mainstream media.


Potters Clay
Do you mean like a one world government? Like the bible talks about?

I think the real reason business are leaving is because they can pay the workers much less overseas AND keep the cost down like everyone wants AND keep their profits up. Speaking from our business. It makes it harder for us to pay our help when the minimum wage keeps going up but what we get for our product has not changed since the 1970's. We can not afford to leave, or get larger. Ever wonder why our food gets
brought in more and more all the time? A lot of other family farms said "Forget This"!!! We are losing our capability to take care of ourselves with our OWN products, just to keep the cost down. Everyone wants raises but does not want the product prices to go up.

Another thing I was thinking about was that no matter who is our president, they come in with so many ideas. They present those ideas before congress and the senate. If they shoot them down or shelve them the president gets the blame for doing nothing. All the people who voted against the legislation do not get blamed, and the fighting continues at our countries expense. Just a thought.


New Member
The reason they leave is simple:::

It's called greed becuase Bush, Cheney and the Republican congress promised to reduce taxes on these companies who go overseas. You still pay taxes. The outsourcing comanies don't . Their income tax on profit in the US is cut big too. Bush and party like welfare for anyone who is in the millionaire bracket. Just listen to him and his reps. Read the laws that were passed and the dilution of the Clinton clean air act. Ocerseas they dodge pollution restraints by not going to any country with clean air laws. They are buying Indiam Taiwan, Mexican, Kprean legislators to save their own profits..


candle lighter
Truly said, Hallarian ... it is sad.

Julie- no, not talk about a "one world government" - the book is about perspectives from sources not seen much in the mainstream media and it is very in-depth. All I can say is read the book and make your own decisions. It does help one to realize that there are perspectives that need to be heard and understood about 9/11, about how the people who escaped the towers felt, about people working for true peace, about how the government of the US was created and how laws are working or not working today, about how Bush beat around the Bush (sorry couldn't resist the pun) in getting involved in Iraq, about interfaith imperatives and the sovereign value of the Golden Rule, and much more. "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." Matthew 7:12
The book covers a myriad of perspectives that need to be heard. It is worth the read.


Potters Clay
What I was trying to say before is, you can make ALL the promises you want as a President, but if the legislation does not get passed YOU (the President) get left holding the bag. You can blame the Republicans all you want, but it does not mean they are the ONLY ones to blame. Both parties have made mistakes and doosies at that.
As for the business, they ALL are GREEDY. Money and power in business do that. Look at Enron, and a few others that have hit the news in the last year or two. You can not go around blaming ONE political party for ALL the problems in the world. (unless you are Michael Moore.) :rolleyes: I know President Bush is not perfect. If anyone thinks President Clinton or John Kerry are prefect, they have side blinders on.

This whole "He is to blame issue" reminds me of my favorite comment. A comment I feel like oh so often.
"I am a very responsible person, if something goes wronge, I am responsible." :D

This post is not intended to be sarcastic. I just hate blame games. I'm sorry. :(


candle lighter
Yes, of course we are in "The Last Days" ; however, it is very difficult to say just exactly what will be happening. One thing is certain - hatred and mistrust are running rampant. What I'd like to see happen is; ONE WORLD FAMILY! :) But of all of God's prophets couldn't talk sense to humankind throughout the ages, how will we change now? There seems to be a lot of "my religion, your religion" "my country, your country" "my gang your gang" mentallity and until we all realize that despite our differences and quarks we truly are One Family there will be destruction.
Julie- dear sister - I'm not "blaming" Bush - just pointing out some of his admin's (the Bush administration - not the GOP) activities. I don't really care for any politicians and like I've stated elsewhere I'd really rather see someone like Captain Jack Sparrow as president - because he's an honest man LOL! (Gotta keep some humor here, huh)
Mark Twain had some very interesting views about politics - have you read any of them? They are hilarious and so true.
Peace :)