Which is unAmerican!


New Member
Talk about flip flop

Bushy and his secretary of defence are at odds about when we pull out of Iraq..

The Republican congress minus two of their own senators votes just passed another billion plus tax cut for the millionaires. The Democrat from Illinois asked to extend the cut for tje poor, but was told it sounded too much like welfare. ????? Meanwhile our grandkids will be paying off out tillions dollar debit and everything will cost more because of the money we can't pay our debtors. Of course the Debtors just got tax relief too, is this not crazyness. These people have got to go and let us start over to clean it up.


New Member
Incidentally the Indians here say they thought their government was crazy and dishonest but figure the US is way ahead of them and seem to have more money they can steal from US citizens.


Potters Clay
I do not know what to tell you. All I know is that I am NOT a millianaire and I benefit from President Bushes tax cuts. The tax bracket went from 15 to 10. Tax credit for child care. I have four children so I do not have to pay in now. I guess we are just going to have our vote cancel each other out. :)


Above The Law
Talking Politics..

So now that we are taking politics, which president do you think would do a better job adressing these issues?





candle lighter
Captain Jack Sparrow ... hehehe
Seriously I believe neither have what it takes because we need someone with strong convictions but who doesn't let their personal beliefs get in the way of what is best for the entire country. These are very difficult times. Neither candidate seems immune to brain farts.
Here's one to ponder:
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln, US president from 1861 to 1865.


Above The Law
Whats wrong with the world today?

kickingbird said:
Captain Jack Sparrow ... hehehe
Seriously I believe neither have what it takes because we need someone with strong convictions but who doesn't let their personal beliefs get in the way of what is best for the entire country. These are very difficult times. Neither candidate seems immune to brain farts.
Here's one to ponder:
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and loose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln, US president from 1861 to 1865.

Excellent quote. Now in terms of the present, a simple question everyone is asking.

-Whats wrong with the world today? Things just got to get better..