Hello Steven Seagal iam Lutje from Antwerp belguim,
and iam a realy graet big fan from you and you are a very great fantastic musian,singer and wonderful lovely actor.
I have all your movies home and your music olso to,you are very great and good man,, on belguim have you many fans and the whaet when you come back and i hope antwerp we have a great sportpalas there.
there coms very mutch groups there and give mutch conserts ,,,
and i hope that you give one consert and the fans olso to.
We loves you very mutch and you are very welcome.
Lovely kisses from me and make more music i love your music and all movies you bring the true out in you movies what happend on this world this very nice that you warning the people and that is very nice and wonderful from you ,you a very great and good man and i anderstand your movies.
And take sensei.