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  • Hi,

    Wishing you a very "Merry Christmas" and a very "Happy New Year". May Santa be good to you!!:)
    I’m sending you my very Best Wishes for the New Year and hope all good things come your way in the year ahead. Blessings for 2009!
    Hello Luna!!!!!glad to be your friend!!!
    it took me long to get back here because i don't visit often but i am glad i found your request to be my friend!!!how would not a Wolf be friend with the Moon??LOL
    Hello there. I just stopped to say Hi. I hope everyone here is doing well.:)

    Myst, if you mean me... It hasn't been that long. If you mean Purplelotus...I wouldn't know. It seems like we have all been busy this summer.

    Hello CountryEagle. How are you? I see you like languages. I do too. Luna simply means moon (no light involved). :D
    I hope I find sometime to get to know you better.
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