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  • thank you Anneliese, you are my best friend thankyou?
    I dont anderstand Jim.
    whi you stopped by say hello ,Jim iam a very good female.
    I dont anderstand that.Anneliese and Sue anderstand me,
    and you not why.
    Lutje .
    you olso to Annelies ,i have your yahoo massage
    you kant shat there olso to whit me.thank you.
    this ok Anneliese.
    I see see you back and inow that my
    very dear best friend, i see you olso to.
    Lovely kisses and take sensei.
    Hi lutje, I did sent an e-mail to you just to see if it works.Let me know!!


    O thank you MisteryMom.
    I whas whrong sorry for that.
    You are my very best friend olso to thanks.

    If you need help to accept people as your friends just ask and somebody will help you!! I have tried to befriend you on this forum but never got an reply so far!!

    Love to be your friend:)

    Hello dear Annelies,Chef and Mistery Mom.
    Thank you and olsto chef and Mistery Mom.
    that you acsept me very lovely and well,thank you.
    You are my very,very best shatfriends and that is
    what Steven Seagal wonds you are realy great fans from him
    like i do ,,,and Annelies,Shef and Mistery mom you are my very best friends and all the Steven Seagals fans over all the world the are my best friends .
    Buth Anneliese you are my very best friend and Suzywong his my great best friend and i thank here very mutch for this wonderfull site , i thank suzywong you,from your very best emeal friend.
    To all the fans and Annelies,Shef and Mistery mom lovely kisses and take care and sensei.
    Hi Lutje,

    Welcome and enjoy the site. I will be posting to your post in the Off topic area. Congratulations you are the first to post where He should go in His Around the World in All His Ways Production. If you read some earlier posts this is only a dream but we have a professional writer working on a script and a research and development professional working on continuity and that person is also the strength and power of the project. Tigerfeet just to let you know.

    I will be posting about Antwerp Belguim. I don't see why He can't go there. Good job and welcome.


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