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  1. D

    Steven Seagal Attended "CRASH" Academy Party

    Thanks for the varification there. I was sure it was something to do with Gump, but I was equally sure it was the year after he became a big star with 'Under Siege' in 1992, so I picked the latter. Doh. Thanks for the pic! Awesome. I do remember when he handed them out he said "And one for...
  2. D

    Where can I hear samples of his Crystal Cave album?

    I usually just go the to listen to samples, but even though Steven's album is listed there with pictures and a track list and everything, there are no samples. Can anybody help me locate some samples? :)
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    Steven Seagal Attended "CRASH" Academy Party

    Steven actually presented an Oscar in umm maybe 1992. I think it was for Special Effects or Sound. Either way Seagal should have kept up. Speaking of Crash I reckon Seagal would have been pretty good in that film as the emotionally drained cop played by Matt Dillon. Seagal does look kind of...
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    Seagal Ranch For Sale....

    I didn't realize Seagal got so much for his films. When dealing with non A-list stars I always remember Bruce Campbell's autobiography where he talked about getting the lead in really his only lead Hollywood studio role, that of Evil Dead 3, and he worked out that most people probably make as...
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    New to the ways of the Seagal

    Hi! Great that there are more Rutger fans here! I've been a fan since Ladyhawke. But yes, Blade Runner is awesome. Rutger's 'tears in rain' speech is one of my favourite film moments. I think Steven Seagal needs just one amazing moment like that and it'll cement his career. People tend to...
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    New to the ways of the Seagal

    Hi, I'm kind of new to Steven Seagal. I've seen a few of his early 90's films over the years but never particularly appreciated him. Recently however I've been converted to the fan side of the Seagal 'Force'. I like his minimalist style, it makes every line he utters instantly quoteable. His...