Could aikido take any martial art?

Although the Aikido Dojos in canada are pretty good rrates, far less than Goju Ryu(lol the place where my friend trains, he just can't see it for what it is, poor ******* oh well, they're crooks.)


Staff member
There's a Tenshin Dojo downtown, run by a 4th dan instructor (a woman!), not far from one of the apartments where I want to move to eventually (sooner rather than later). I believe the rate for an adult beginner was $150 for three months, and you could come to one class for free to see if aikido is what you really want to do. This sounds like a reputable establishment to me - what do you others think?


Hi everybody,
first my feeling first than "aikido can take any martial arts" is not the problem Take sensei says in a seminar than effective techniques " aikido or thai boxing or kung fu are not best the most important thing is how the people practice.
On a seminar in france in 1996 he explain and show how defeat a low kick attack , the uke was a real kick boxer , he explain to not get hurt you have to disapeared from the attack line , people have smile in their faces but when the boxer hit him he move fast and defeat his attack , very impressive...
second the philosophy of aikido is not to fight or says i m the best , the stronger of the world ,it's not competition but a non violent art ,control your opponent without hurt very different from thai boxing..
in aiki


New Member
I agree!

Aikido and Jujitsu are designed to defeat violence with redirection!

I do not think that any one art is better than another and they were all designed with a specific purpose in mind!

Aikido and jujitsu were designed for the samurai so that they could fight without their sword, of course the samurai were effectively political police so they would rarely wish to kill or maim their opponent (dishonourable) .

I love my art it is graceful and effective.



New Member
When it comes to using aikido or any other art form versus another marital art, the key is to adapt and overcome. If you do study art X and you need to defend yourself against art Z and you win..It doesn't mean that art X is better then Z, it could be you train harder, are more experienced or what have you.

I'm the type of person that doesn't say my style is the best and this style is crap etc..all arts have soemthing to teach you and all well teach you self defence. I think you need to ask yourself if you're happy in your style and believe in it? If not then try another art, or look into taking another art that might work well with your art (Have to be careful that one art doesn't affect the other however.)