Do Animals have Souls?

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
Jules;175888 said:
What is sad? What God has to say in the bible? If you have a problem with it then that is between you and God, the Creator of heaven and earth. Not much anyone can say beyond that.

I was looking through the posts. I did some searching. I don't see anywhere on whether animals do or do not have a soul.

I was reading in the book of Genesis in the beginning of the bible. It starts talking about the six days God took to make heaven, earth, and every living thing on earth; including man. I found these verses that DO answer some of the comments given:

Genesis 1:26: "Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." (NKJ version)

Then in Matthew in the bible Jesus says about worrying:
Matthew 6:25 & 26: "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink: nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? ( V 26) "Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more value than they?"

Not my words, but the words of God of the bible. With much love and respect.


"Go and preach the gospel to every living creature", a commandment from Jesus Christ
is located in The Book of Mormon


Potters Clay
Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
(some translations of the bible say creature and others say, "to everyone.")

Act 16:10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.

I have no idea what the Mormons have in their book. I found where the quote was in the bible.


Active Member
I would like to ask a question of those of you who believe people have souls. Do you believe that all people have souls? Is it possible for someone to be without a soul?


Potters Clay
In the bible verses I posted, I didn't see in any of them that God gave some people souls and not others. I do not believe people can be without a soul. God gave us one for a reason. God knows best.

Question: Why would you think some people would have a soul and not others? Some people in the world act like they have no soul...or a conscious. Trials in life can harden hearts, I think. I think we should learn from our experiences in life. Sometimes bad things happen. I believe we should somehow make good out of the bad things in life.

With love and respect,


Active Member

Jules thank you for responding. I got the idea that some people may not have souls from Genesis 2:7 where it states "And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." To me that sounds like he gave that man life. It doesn't seem indicative of handing out souls to everyone from time to come. If there are more references to indicate that is what was meant by that one action I would surely look into them.

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
GlimmerMan;175924 said:
I have a question. Does it matter?

I believe my pussy cat has definitely got soul. When I put some James Brown on the stereo, she rocks to the rhythm baby!

Don - I got your back buddy!

Thanks GBaby
Yu iz alright in my book GMan


One of these days i will learn how to post an pic of Xena here she is soooooooo purr-fect...she has got the blues today mopping around it must be because her cat friend from next door is in an cattery as the owners have gone on holidays ...i believe there is an animal heaven so yes i beleive animals have souls..


New Member
There are no words to really describe the illusion of
life on earth, but I have tried to use the modern
useage of words to the best of my abilities.

The below articles come close to what I believe in,
for example the first article titled Reiki mentions:-

'If the vibration of the infinite field is lowered in
places then the energy will become denser, as it is
lowered further and further eventually it will be of a
vibration just outside of our normal perception, lower
the energy yet further and we can perceive it. It is
this field of perception that we have labelled as

I have intensively read on the above subject some time
ago now, but in simple terms the lower the vibrations
the more solid things on earth appear to be, and the
higher those vibrations the more ghost-like and/or
invisible things appear to the naked eye on earth.

'So our once solid object is on closer examination is
in fact mainly space and energy. So each and every
object we perceive from a tree, a car, a person, as
star is in fact a spinning nexus of energy, an energy
pattern if you will. The nature of the object and how
we perceive it is I think based on its vibration, the
more complex the object the more complex the range of
vibrations which make up the object.'

Regarding the above spinning nexus of energy, this
also leads directly onto the subject of the chakra and
the aura, where again I have also included some
articles below on both of those said subjects.

I believe in a supreme spiritual consciousness, (which
christians refer to as their God), and where this supreme
spiritual consciousness is a total mass of vibrational

Minute balls of this same spiritual vibrational energy
are released from time to time, and those minute balls
of spiritual vibrational energy are what many term as
chi energy, and/or living life force,(which the
christians refer to as their soul).

This life force enters the nucleus of a life form that
is about to be born either here on the earth realm,
and/or on other realms.

Many things on earth have a life force such as:-
Human beings;
Dry land wild animal life including flies and insects
Domestic pets - dogs and cats etc.
Sea life - dolphins, whales, sharks, and fish etc.;
Vegetation such as trees, shrubs and plants etc.

All of the above develop and grow to their full size,
and then later on they age, die and cease to exist,
but it is only the outer physical form that ceasts to
exist, whereas the life force in all of them still
exists and lives on.... A life force that can either
be reborn again on this earth realm, and or another
realm, and may even return to is original source,
which is the above supreme spiritual consciousness.

This supreme spiritual consciousness is the extremely
subtle form of pure spiritual wisdom, whereas any
balls of life force that are released from that
supreme spiritual consciousness are still pure until
they enter that temporary vessel for a short while,
say for example the human being. This is why many
people believe that we are not human beings leading a
spiritual life, but spiritual beings leading a human life.
Therefore, there are many human beings in turn whom
think that their human bodies are real and that everything
else on earth is real, as they have often lost touch with
their inner spiritual being, where in turn they are often said
by others to be both lost and in a state of gross consciousness.



Part I

As a scientist, all be it an open minded scientist,
and Reiki Master I have naturally tended to combine
both my scientific and mystical training in
understanding how Reiki and life works for me, in
order to develop a world view which I am comfortable

This has manifested for me as a vibrational energetic
model of life, and as with all energetic processes is
likely to evolve and change.

I offer this to anyone who reads it as A truth not THE
truth. Each individuals viewpoint will be different,
but equally valid. If we all had the same view what a
narrow and boring place we would live in.

Feel free to draw from this brief work what you wish,
what resonates with you and your truth, and enjoy.


Reiki is a Japanese term which translates as universal
life force energy. This system we know as Reiki has
evolved from the teachings of one Dr Usui, who
developed a system for accessing this universal life
force energy for a purpose of self discovery, self
development and healing.

This leads us to an interesting point, what exactly is
universal life force energy? From the mystics
viewpoint this is energy from source, Great spirit,
the universal overmind, the energy of love, God,
indeed whatever term or label you are happy with as
the supreme consciousness or highest energy in the

Over the past decade or so scientists working in the
fields of subatomic physics, cosmologists and the like
have been investigating the depths of the universe and
the inner nature of the atom to try and gain a working
model, a mathematical model to explain what we
experience as life. Many of these theories and models
are falling in line with many of the mystical
teachings on the nature of existence.

Before we continue into how I feel Reiki works I would
like to look a little at the nature of existence as I
understand it.

The Illusion of life.

Many eastern mystics have stated for centuries that
the world in which we exist is purely an illusion.
Rubbish says the western technologically advanced
materialist. Look at my new car, my house, feel it its
solid, its real I can touch it therefore it is real.

I can see it therefore it is real! Let us take each of
these proof of reality in turn, firstly I can touch it
its solid!

Lets take a closer look at this solid object, from a
scientific viewpoint. The car is made up of metals,
plastics, rubber, and other materials. Let us take for
example the metal of the wheel which can be an alloy
of several metals. If we take a look at an individual
metallic element and indeed at a single atom of that
material science tell us it comprises a number of
electrons spinning around a nucleus. In between the
nucleus and the electrons is empty space. If we look
at the nucleus this comprises many sub atomic
particles between which is yet more empty space. So
the solid object is at least 90 % space. So for
starters the objects we assume is solid is basically
empty space. More to the point our physical bodies
also comprise of compounds, which are made of
elements, which are atoms full of …empty space. Indeed
the particles which comprise matter are not solid
blobs of stuff but are in fact energy.

So our once solid object is on closer examination is
in fact mainly space and energy. So each and every
object we perceive from a tree, a car, a person, as
star is in fact a spinning nexus of energy, an energy
pattern if you will. The nature of the object and how
we perceive it is I think based on its vibration, the
more complex the object the more complex the range of
vibrations which make up the object.

Taking the second materialistic proof it is not an
illusion because I saw it with my own eyes. This lead
to another interesting point, what is sight? One
viewpoint is that light or other electromagnetic
emissions from the object are picked up by receptors
in the eye, which converts the emissions into
electrical signals that are in turn interpreted by the
brain. We then identify the object by pattern
recognition taught to us by our experiences in life. A
child when first born receives these signals and forms
a pattern, which is then labelled by parents and
others around them. This pattern is a tree, this
pattern of energy is a face, a person, your mother,
your father etc. So we build up a mental map of the
energy patterns and it is this that we 'see' every

But do we see the same thing? Take a simple colour say
yellow this has a set frequency and we recognise it as
a yellow thing. But is the yellow I see the same as
you see. We may both recognise an object as say the
materialist's car but is the image in my mental map
the same as yours.

So could we know how another lifeform 'sees' the
colour yellow? To do this one would have to overlay
your consciousness over another and look through their
eyes. But then it would simply be your consciousness
using another set of receptors to perceive yellow and
it would still be your perception. So what if we blend
our consciousness with another in order to see what
they see? Then it would be a blend of you and the
others consciousness not either or so you would see an
average yellow. So even something a simple as the
colour yellow is just a label for a pattern or a
vibration that we all agree is yellow.

The car is not an object but a complex pattern of
energy we both agree is a car based on what we have
been told as we grew up. In fact recent studies into
our senses and brains have proposed that much of what
we see might not actually even be there. We tend to
have an overlay of familiar surrounding such as our
houses locked in our heads. Our eyes do a quick sweep
to see if anything has changed an re-map the image but
don't take in every detail, so rather than perceiving
everything in a familiar room our brain does a quick
check to see if the pattern has changed if not it
reverts to the established mental map rather than
going to the effort of constantly constructing a new

So in conclusion what we see, touch and hear are
simply interpretations of various vibrations of energy
made by us. So from that view point life is an

Where does all the energy come from?

So taking the viewpoint above, all of life is
comprised of energy. Its form and its properties are a
function of frequency. These frequencies of energy
combine to form patterns of energy, which we in turn
interact with and perceive as objects and lifeforms.

All that is, is comprised of the same energy. The
energy which forms me also forms the desk at which I
sit. So where is this huge pool of energy which forms
creation. Did all this energy arrive at one point then
explode out to form the universe? Has it always been
there static unchanging?

More to the point what about the vacuum, what about
the space between the electrons. If we can accept that
this vacuum is not just empty space but is In fact an
energy field, indeed an energy field of infinite
potential it may go some way into offering an
alternative viewpoint to creation, and one which works
for me.

This vacuum in which we exist, is the same vacuum that
exists between the atoms of our bodies, in fact it is
the underlying substrate of all creation. As an energy
field this energy connects everything in the universe
with everything else, a huge sea of energy in which we
exist and from which is formed everything we

Even given our 3d perception of vibration, the lower
the vibrational rate the denser an object appears.
Take a material we perceive as 'solid' material, it is
dense and has a low slow vibrational nature, if we add
energy in the form of heat it melts, it becomes less
dense, if we add yet more energy the vibrations
increase and we get a plasma or gaseous form, add more
and more energy and it vaporises. In fact if you keep
adding energy it disappears or achieves a vibration
outside that of our normal perception. Just because we
can't perceive it does not mean that it no longer

So by altering the vibrational state of a material its
physical properties as we perceive them are changed.

If the vibration of the infinite field is lowered in
places then the energy will become denser, as it is
lowered further and further eventually it will be of a
vibration just outside of our normal perception, lower
the energy yet further and we can perceive it. It is
this field of perception that we have labelled as

So we now have an energy field which we can experience
which has formed or condensed from the void or the
vacuum or the universal life force.

So all creation is condensed from this vast pool of
energy. Each aspect of creation condenses out
according to a pattern or a blueprint which dictates
the frequency of the energy.

It has been postulated that God, the Supreme Being, is
in fact all that is. God is in everything and
everything is in God. If we can allow ourselves that
the vast vacuum from which we are all condensed is not
only infinite in energy, but is also conscious is that
not a description of God.

Part II

So the previous chapter has offered a source for the
energy which makes up all that we experience in life.
What dictates its form? What causes the energy to
condense into the patterns we see, into the events we

Quite simply it's us! Our thoughts give the vacuum
form, we call into existence that which our
consciousness wishes to experience for our evolution.

The world in which we now find ourselves is a product
of our collective thoughts, and our immediate
environment is a product of our individual thoughts.

Puts another spin on maintaining a positive mental
attitude does it not.


The paragraphs above goes some way into offering a
viewpoint on where we and all of creation comes from.
All that we perceive is condensed from the energy of
the void and all of life is energy.

This does not take into account quite a large a
mysterious aspect of us all and that is consciousness.
I view consciousness as that aspect of us, which is
within each of us, which experiences life through our
senses. Our inner selves, the divine spark within, our
soul if you wish.

At this point it should be pointed out that all of
life is conscious, all part of the same energy field,
part of the whole. Just because the crystal or the
animal does not exhibit a human consciousness does not
mean that it does not have a consciousness.

Consciousness is the key to experience. The more
evolved or the wider our conciseness is, the more
aspects of life we can experience. Most of our
experience depends on the frequencies which we can
see, smell, feel etc. Or we can use instruments and
equipment to broaden the frequencies we can experience
i.e. infrared cameras etc.

In addition we can experience the more mystical
aspects of the process of life by widening our
consciousness by a variety of methods. Altered states
of consciousness can be achieved by many methods
including meditation, attunment, sound, movement, even
chemicals such as hallucinogenic compounds.

As we evolve and our consciousness expands we are
capable of experiencing much more than the relatively
narrow spectrum of normal human experience. All of
these energies are available to us but until our
consciousness expands we are simply unaware of them.

By expansion of consciousness and thereby an expansion
of the frequencies we consciously work with a number
of abilities become available to the individual. This
includes the ability to consciously channel energy to
other energy patterns (lifeforms), to intuitively know
or read the thought energies of another as in

This so called extrasensory perceptions and paranormal
abilities are inherently available to all humanity
once a certain level of consciousness has been
achieved. A few individuals are born with a suitably
high vibration such that they can access these
abilities from birth.

The vibrational nature of man

The human body is a mass of vibrations in a pattern
which we know as our body. The densest aspects, the
lowest vibrational energies condense out from the
universal pool as the physical form.

Within that same pattern are other bodies or energies
outside of the visible spectrum. As we mentioned
everything is energy so our thoughts are also energy,
as in fact are all our mental processes these energies
taken collectively form the mental body.

Below our mental processes in vibrational terms are
our emotions, these are often very tangible we feel
hurt if someone attacks us verbally, or we feel great
if someone directs love towards us. All of these
emotions hang around us as our emotional bodies.

The mental, emotional and physical bodies are well
recognised and are mentioned in many texts. Above
these bodies are higher and higher vibrational bodies
or energy fields or increasingly fine vibrations,
these are sometimes described as etheric, or soul
bodies and in the middle of this complex and beautiful
pattern of energy is our condensed physical form.

The general worldview is of a physical body, and
somewhere in that body is located the mind, and the
soul normally deep within us. Where as the vibrational
model of life above shows that the body is in fact the
dense core of an expansive energy field. So rather
than the soul existing deep within the physical body ,
it is in fact the physical body which is deep within
the energetic field which is soul.

The Vibrational nature of disease.

As we are aware the physical body is basically energy
and so each of our organs are in fact energy patterns
we associate or identify for example as a kidney.

A healthy kidney has a vibration and each vibration
will be subtly different from another's. If the
vibration of the kidney drops, the amount and quality
of the energy manifesting as that organ drops and we
experience disease.

As long as whatever process caused the drop in energy
is removed then the energy level will slowly build up
by drawing on the universal pool to bring the energy
vibration back into balance with the blueprint. This
is a natural process and we are all self-generating by
drawing on this pool.

The healing process is, as I understand it energetic.
Modern medicines remove the symptoms, and allow you to
regenerate without the pain. A paracetemol does not
cure a headache it blocks pain receptors so you don't
feel ill but it is your bodies' ability to self heal
which removes the cause of the headaches.

Alternative therapies work by flowing energy into the
system to accelerate the healing process. Both systems
have their place they achieve the same outcome using
different methods.

Another difference is that most drugs are complex
molecules with a range of vibrations not all of which
are useful or even desirable as part of the healing
process which can result in side effects. Pure energy
healing tend not to have side effects as they are more
in tune with the natural regenerative processes.

For a disease to manifest in the physical body there
is a vibrational drop, as our physical bodies are just
the densest component of our energy field condensed
from the universal life-force field, then there must
have been a drop in vibration in one of the higher
energy fields i.e. the mental or emotional. Most if
not all disease has it's root in the mental or
emotional field.

Again modern medicines work on the physical body and
if the root cause is not addressed then the symptoms
can re-manifest. Modern medicine has observed that a
patient who wants to get well and is active in their
treatment heal much faster and more completely.

Part III
How Reiki Healing Works.

The previous musings have hopefully shown us a subtly
different worldview from the conditioned viewpoint fed
to us during schooling.

It shows us that each and every person, and object
which makes up our world is condensed from a universal
pool of energy which surrounds, permeates, and
connects everything. It has shown that we are all part
of one great whole, and has invited you to accept that
the energy field is conscious.

It has shown us that our senses are limited and much
of what many consider to be reality is limited by
these sensory perceptions. We are condensed from an
infinite energy pool with infinite vibrational
possibilities and yet the only thing which exists for
us is those few things that can be seen, heard,
touched or smelt. By limiting our reality to these
sensory perceptions we are missing out on so much of
what truly is available to us.

But what has all this to do with Reiki? In the opening
paragraphs I mentioned the translation of Reiki is
universal life-force energy. It is one method, one of
many by which additional energy maybe drawn from the
universal pool or the vacuum in order to heal, and
raise consciousness, and evolve.

A Reiki practitioner by process of attunment, which I
will mention later, has the vibration of his or her
energy pattern raised. This is a permanent process
which opens new energetic pathways in our energy
pattern (body) or enhances existing energy pathways,
which allows energy from the universal pool to flow to

Energy always flows from high potential (fine
vibrations) to low potential (coarse vibrations) in
order to achieve a stable and balanced system. Put a
hot cup of tea in a cold room and the radiant energy
we label as heat will flow into the room until the tea
is the same temperature as the room. Nature will
always try to achieve a state of balance or

So by increasing his or her vibration the Reiki healer
forms a localised high energy point (in comparison to
our normal range of perception) in the universal
field, the energy will then flow to lower vibrational
areas i.e. the patient in order to establish balance
and equilibrium.

The healer in effect acts as a conduit or a step down
transformer which condences the infinitely high energy
of the universal energy pool into energy of a high yet
usable frequency.

This high frequency energy then flows to the lower
energy of the diseased organ etc, and raises the
energy of organ as it reduces itself until it is

Our higher vibrational aspects hold a blueprint of our
energy pattern or body in perfect health and the Reiki
energy will re-establish that pattern of balance. This
is another ongoing process, we are continually
replacing all building blocks of the body our cells
according to this template. Our cells are energetic
patterns condensed from the universal life-force field
so if more energy is made available by healers then
this process will be accelerated.

Reiki Attunments.

During the attunment process the Reiki master will
confer the gift of Reiki on the recipient.

This process can be achieved by any individual over
years of study and meditation to raise the
consciousness of the individual such that these
energies can be accessed.

During the attunment the Reiki master will use sacred
symbols and techniques to raise the vibration and the
consciousness of the individual such that they can now
access a wider spectrum of existence, a wider spectrum
of the universal energy.

This process opens pathways in the energetic pattern
we associate with our bodies and allow increased
amounts of energy to flow, which may be used for
healing or self-development. This process is permanent
and once these pathways are open they will remain

This process is by no means a shortcut, just because
the door has been open does not necessarily follow
that the initiate will use the abilities conferred.
Reiki is like everything in life, the more it is used
the stronger and more powerful it becomes.

Distant Healing and Transcending Time

Once attuned to second degree Reiki the ability to
'send' or direct Reiki energy through space and time
is conferred. This ability is not confined to Reiki
and there have been many instances of positive healing
occurring over distance by positive intent or prayer.

As we have discussed in the previous sections of this
work, everything is energy. So our thoughts are things
therefore our thoughts are energetic patterns. One way
of visualising our thought forms or our intentions are
as ripples in the vacuum or universal energy field. As
we think about something these thoughts radiate out
from us through the vacuum and impact both on our
environment and on the lifeforms we direct it at. Our
thoughts are vibrations, energy patterns and loving
healing thoughts have a finer vibration than negative
thought forms. Once these thoughts, these sponsoring
thoughts arrive at the intended place they will start
to manifest.

So consider well what you think about others. Our
thoughts have as much of an effect as our deeds.

Have you ever felt that a loved one was trying to get
in touch, or started thinking about a person only for
the phone to ring. Been thinking of a friend and then
they ring or turn up? These are just a few examples of
us picking up on the energy of thoughts.

It is in this manner that healing energy, or loving
thoughts may be sent through the vacuum.

Let us take an example of vibrations transmitted
through a medium with which we are all familiar
..sound! Audible sound has a vibration and travels
through the air to our ears where it is converted to
electrical signals interpreted by our brain and
experienced by our consciousness or soul. Each sound
has certain vibrational characteristics and depending
on magnitude its size it will travel a certain

Thought forms (which is in essence what distant
healing is - a healing thought) are of a higher
vibration as so travel further but rather than through
the medium we describe as air they travel through the
matrix of energy of the universal life-force field.

A second degree Reiki practitioner will use symbols to
boost or reinforce the positive healing thought form,
and in addition the second degree attunment will of
raised the consciousness of the individual so they can
access these trancentional energies and concepts.

Now we reach the difficult one time! So much of our
modern lives revolve around linear time, a thing which
quite simply does not exist in the absolute way we
imagine it does.

Time is a concept invented by physicists in order to
divide their experience into increasingly small units!

Take for instance an hour. It is a unit of experience
that we have all agreed lasts for a duration we label
60 minutes. Time is not a regular quantifiable unit
because it is a measure of experience. An hour in the
company of a loved one passes much quicker for us than
an hour in a lecture or a meeting! Einsteinian physics
states quite clearly that time is relative to the

The pulse and movement of experience is cyclic in
nature, day night, the changing of the seasons in
never ending cycles this is the true nature of the
thing we label time, over this pattern modern humans
have put a linear scale we measure in the passage of
days, months years and hours.

As I understand it time is a measure of our movement
through the universal energy field.

The ability to send healing through time is easy
because the scale we use does not exist, its just
something we all agree on, and therefore assume it is

Past present and future simply don't exist, there is
only now. What we label the past is our memory of
experiences that we have had. The future a projection
of what we intend to experience.

© Robert Kennedy, 2000

Chakra (pronunciation (help·info)) is a Sanskrit term
(refer etymology section) meaning wheel. There is a
vast literature on chakra models, philosophy and lore
that underpin many philosophical systems and spiritual
energetic practices, religious observance and personal
discipline. Chakras function and relate within the
systemic suite of the human bodymind. The
philosophical theories and models of chakras as
systemic vortices of energy were identified through
the existential [1] mystical practice of yoga in
Ancient India where they were first codified.

In metaphysics, Aura refers to the energy field
emanating from the surface of a person or object. This
emanation is visualized as an outline of cascading
color and may be held to represent soul vibrations,
chakric emergence, or a reflection of surrounding
energy fields.

Auras may be viewed by the naked eye, though some
psychics, like Edgar Cayce, believe this ability
weakens with age. Focused training may improve one's
ability to see auras. Layers of aura are separate and
distinct yet connected to all the remaining layers. In
the books of Carlos Castaneda auras are referred to as
luminous cocoons.

Modern New Age metaphysics identify the aura as
electromagnetic fields. The existence of
electromagnetic fields around every object in the
known world is a scientifically proven fact. What is
debatable is whether or not humans can see these
electromagnetic fields as colors with the naked eye.
This claim is considered paranormal because devices
that sense electromagnetic fields at magnitudes many
times smaller than that which allegedly exists in
auras have recorded nothing.

However, these energy fields are sometimes claimed to
be documented by a rare form of photography called
Kirlian photography.

These claims are vigorously denied by debunkers about
paranormal activity. The magician James Randi, for
example, has for many years (as of 2004) offered one
million US dollars to any person capable of repeatedly
detecting auras, no one has yet succeeded, (though at
least one has tried and failed).

The test would involve the aura reader standing on one
side of a room with an opaque partition separating
them from a number of slots which may contain either
actual people or mannequins. All that would have to be
done is that the aura reader would have to
consistently be able to tell which were real people
and which were not.

In truth this energy field not only goes around you,
but moves within your body as well. It is not just the
outside of your body that is made of electromagnetic
energies, every part of your and everything your
experience in third dimension.

Auras vibrate to different color, sound and light
frequencies. The color spectrum varies with one's
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states.

In parapsychology, spirituality and New Age belief, an
aura is a subtle field of luminous multicolored
radiation surrounding a person or object as a cocoon
or halo.[1] An aura may be held to represent or be
composed of soul vibrations or chakras, and may
reflect the moods or thoughts of the person it
surrounds according to its "parapsychological
guidelines" that try to explain the nature of their


Potters Clay
Dear Rainbow,

Let me see if I get this right. What you believe in is basically the New Age/world view? In this belief isn't it where you believe you "become" gods and discard the
God of the bible, creator of heaven and earth?

Correct me if I interpreted it wrong. Just curious.

Thank you for your point of view.
With love and respect,

PS: For me, I prefer to embrace Jesus Christ, Creator of heaven and earth. The God of the bible.


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Active Member
just some info

I am curious now because there is very little information on the origins of the word soul.

soul, the vital, immaterial, life principle, generally conceived as existing within humans and sometimes within all living things, inanimate objects, and the universe as a whole. Religion and philosophy have long been concerned with the nature of the soul in their attempts to understand existence and the meaning of life.
Differing Views of the Soul

In more primitive religions (forms of animism and spiritism), the soul is often conceived as controlling both motor and mental processes; death, the cessation of these processes, is thus viewed as caused by the departure of the soul. Pantheism denies the individuation of human souls, and materialism declares the soul nonexistent. One of the widespread concepts in religion is that of immortality immortality, attribute of deathlessness ascribed to the soul in many religions and philosophies. Forthright belief in immortality of the body is rare.
..... Click the link for more information. , which almost always postulates the existence of a soul that lives apart from the body after death.
In early Hebrew thought, soul connoted the life principle, but in later times the concept of a soul independent of the body arose. The soul of the righteous was seen as achieving immortality, rejoining the resurrected body at the end of days. Similarly, in Islam, a person's soul is, according to the Qur'an, the original spirit that God breathed into Adam. Its seat is the heart and it is endowed with two basic impulses—good and evil. After death the souls of the pious stay near Allah and will be reunited with their risen bodies on the Day of Judgment.
In Eastern religions, which do not stress individual salvation, the emphasis is placed on transcendent principles embodied in a multiplicity of gods (see world soul world soul, Lat. anima mundi, in philosophy, term denoting a universal spirit or soul that functions as an organizing principle.
..... Click the link for more information. ). The Hindu and Buddhist doctrines of reincarnation do not posit the existence of an individual soul, but rather stress the closeness of the human person, in successive transformations, to an overriding principle of virtue, piety, and peace.
No distinction between the rational soul (i.e., the soul of a person in scholastic Christianity) and others is made in many systems; such a distinction is quite impossible in most forms of reincarnation reincarnation
..... Click the link for more information. and of transmigration of souls transmigration of souls or metempsychosis
Click the link for more information. . The soul of humanity when such is conceived as existing is called the world soul, or anima mundi. For many Western philosophers the term soul is synonymous with mind (e.g., René Descartes). Others, although asserting its undefinability, have seen it as a useful element in a system of ethics (e.g., Immanuel Kant). This undefinability has led yet others to reject the idea of a soul and to postulate ethical systems based upon a different conception of human nature (e.g., William James).
The Soul in Christianity

In Christianity the soul is all important. However, because the Bible does not give a formal definition of the concept, Christian interpretations vary greatly. Under the influence of the Neoplatonists, the soul often came to be set over against the body in a dualistic concept that posited a God-given soul distinct from an inferior, earth-bound body. Scholasticism (specifically that of St. Thomas Aquinas) studied the soul in great elaboration, and the scholastic definition of the soul as "substantial form of the body" obviates many philosophical difficulties. The nature of humanity is involved in the whole consideration of the soul; hence the term "rational soul" for the distinctive soul of humans. The soul of beasts is called the "animal soul" and that of plants the "vegetative soul." The scholastics considered the rational soul alone as immortal and capable of union with God.
The origin of the soul has been a controversial question in Christian history. Two points of view may be distinguished: creationism, which posits that God creates each individual soul in a special act of creation (at the time of conception according to some or that of birth according to others), and traducianism, which suggests that the parents in begetting the child beget the soul too. The creationist principle has been generally held sway in Christianity.


Active Member
Very nice explanation of how energy works. I personally lean more toward a belief in energy as an ongoing force for us and with us.

There are no words to really describe the illusion of
life on earth, but I have tried to use the modern
useage of words to the best of my abilities.

The below articles come close to what I believe in,
for example the first article titled Reiki mentions:-

'If the vibration of the infinite field is lowered in
places then the energy will become denser, as it is
lowered further and further eventually it will be of a
vibration just outside of our normal perception, lower
the energy yet further and we can perceive it. It is
this field of perception that we have labelled as

I have intensively read on the above subject some time
ago now, but in simple terms the lower the vibrations
the more solid things on earth appear to be, and the
higher those vibrations the more ghost-like and/or
invisible things appear to the naked eye on earth.

'So our once solid object is on closer examination is
in fact mainly space and energy. So each and every
object we perceive from a tree, a car, a person, as
star is in fact a spinning nexus of energy, an energy
pattern if you will. The nature of the object and how
we perceive it is I think based on its vibration, the
more complex the object the more complex the range of
vibrations which make up the object.'

Regarding the above spinning nexus of energy, this
also leads directly onto the subject of the chakra and
the aura, where again I have also included some
articles below on both of those said subjects.

I believe in a supreme spiritual consciousness, (which
christians refer to as their God), and where this supreme
spiritual consciousness is a total mass of vibrational

Minute balls of this same spiritual vibrational energy
are released from time to time, and those minute balls
of spiritual vibrational energy are what many term as
chi energy, and/or living life force,(which the
christians refer to as their soul).

This life force enters the nucleus of a life form that
is about to be born either here on the earth realm,
and/or on other realms.

Many things on earth have a life force such as:-
Human beings;
Dry land wild animal life including flies and insects
Domestic pets - dogs and cats etc.
Sea life - dolphins, whales, sharks, and fish etc.;
Vegetation such as trees, shrubs and plants etc.

All of the above develop and grow to their full size,
and then later on they age, die and cease to exist,
but it is only the outer physical form that ceasts to
exist, whereas the life force in all of them still
exists and lives on.... A life force that can either
be reborn again on this earth realm, and or another
realm, and may even return to is original source,
which is the above supreme spiritual consciousness.

This supreme spiritual consciousness is the extremely
subtle form of pure spiritual wisdom, whereas any
balls of life force that are released from that
supreme spiritual consciousness are still pure until
they enter that temporary vessel for a short while,
say for example the human being. This is why many
people believe that we are not human beings leading a
spiritual life, but spiritual beings leading a human life.
Therefore, there are many human beings in turn whom
think that their human bodies are real and that everything
else on earth is real, as they have often lost touch with
their inner spiritual being, where in turn they are often said
by others to be both lost and in a state of gross consciousness.



Part I

As a scientist, all be it an open minded scientist,
and Reiki Master I have naturally tended to combine
both my scientific and mystical training in
understanding how Reiki and life works for me, in
order to develop a world view which I am comfortable

This has manifested for me as a vibrational energetic
model of life, and as with all energetic processes is
likely to evolve and change.

I offer this to anyone who reads it as A truth not THE
truth. Each individuals viewpoint will be different,
but equally valid. If we all had the same view what a
narrow and boring place we would live in.

Feel free to draw from this brief work what you wish,
what resonates with you and your truth, and enjoy.


Reiki is a Japanese term which translates as universal
life force energy. This system we know as Reiki has
evolved from the teachings of one Dr Usui, who
developed a system for accessing this universal life
force energy for a purpose of self discovery, self
development and healing.

This leads us to an interesting point, what exactly is
universal life force energy? From the mystics
viewpoint this is energy from source, Great spirit,
the universal overmind, the energy of love, God,
indeed whatever term or label you are happy with as
the supreme consciousness or highest energy in the

Over the past decade or so scientists working in the
fields of subatomic physics, cosmologists and the like
have been investigating the depths of the universe and
the inner nature of the atom to try and gain a working
model, a mathematical model to explain what we
experience as life. Many of these theories and models
are falling in line with many of the mystical
teachings on the nature of existence.

Before we continue into how I feel Reiki works I would
like to look a little at the nature of existence as I
understand it.

The Illusion of life.

Many eastern mystics have stated for centuries that
the world in which we exist is purely an illusion.
Rubbish says the western technologically advanced
materialist. Look at my new car, my house, feel it its
solid, its real I can touch it therefore it is real.

I can see it therefore it is real! Let us take each of
these proof of reality in turn, firstly I can touch it
its solid!

Lets take a closer look at this solid object, from a
scientific viewpoint. The car is made up of metals,
plastics, rubber, and other materials. Let us take for
example the metal of the wheel which can be an alloy
of several metals. If we take a look at an individual
metallic element and indeed at a single atom of that
material science tell us it comprises a number of
electrons spinning around a nucleus. In between the
nucleus and the electrons is empty space. If we look
at the nucleus this comprises many sub atomic
particles between which is yet more empty space. So
the solid object is at least 90 % space. So for
starters the objects we assume is solid is basically
empty space. More to the point our physical bodies
also comprise of compounds, which are made of
elements, which are atoms full of …empty space. Indeed
the particles which comprise matter are not solid
blobs of stuff but are in fact energy.

So our once solid object is on closer examination is
in fact mainly space and energy. So each and every
object we perceive from a tree, a car, a person, as
star is in fact a spinning nexus of energy, an energy
pattern if you will. The nature of the object and how
we perceive it is I think based on its vibration, the
more complex the object the more complex the range of
vibrations which make up the object.

Taking the second materialistic proof it is not an
illusion because I saw it with my own eyes. This lead
to another interesting point, what is sight? One
viewpoint is that light or other electromagnetic
emissions from the object are picked up by receptors
in the eye, which converts the emissions into
electrical signals that are in turn interpreted by the
brain. We then identify the object by pattern
recognition taught to us by our experiences in life. A
child when first born receives these signals and forms
a pattern, which is then labelled by parents and
others around them. This pattern is a tree, this
pattern of energy is a face, a person, your mother,
your father etc. So we build up a mental map of the
energy patterns and it is this that we 'see' every

But do we see the same thing? Take a simple colour say
yellow this has a set frequency and we recognise it as
a yellow thing. But is the yellow I see the same as
you see. We may both recognise an object as say the
materialist's car but is the image in my mental map
the same as yours.

So could we know how another lifeform 'sees' the
colour yellow? To do this one would have to overlay
your consciousness over another and look through their
eyes. But then it would simply be your consciousness
using another set of receptors to perceive yellow and
it would still be your perception. So what if we blend
our consciousness with another in order to see what
they see? Then it would be a blend of you and the
others consciousness not either or so you would see an
average yellow. So even something a simple as the
colour yellow is just a label for a pattern or a
vibration that we all agree is yellow.

The car is not an object but a complex pattern of
energy we both agree is a car based on what we have
been told as we grew up. In fact recent studies into
our senses and brains have proposed that much of what
we see might not actually even be there. We tend to
have an overlay of familiar surrounding such as our
houses locked in our heads. Our eyes do a quick sweep
to see if anything has changed an re-map the image but
don't take in every detail, so rather than perceiving
everything in a familiar room our brain does a quick
check to see if the pattern has changed if not it
reverts to the established mental map rather than
going to the effort of constantly constructing a new

So in conclusion what we see, touch and hear are
simply interpretations of various vibrations of energy
made by us. So from that view point life is an

Where does all the energy come from?

So taking the viewpoint above, all of life is
comprised of energy. Its form and its properties are a
function of frequency. These frequencies of energy
combine to form patterns of energy, which we in turn
interact with and perceive as objects and lifeforms.

All that is, is comprised of the same energy. The
energy which forms me also forms the desk at which I
sit. So where is this huge pool of energy which forms
creation. Did all this energy arrive at one point then
explode out to form the universe? Has it always been
there static unchanging?

More to the point what about the vacuum, what about
the space between the electrons. If we can accept that
this vacuum is not just empty space but is In fact an
energy field, indeed an energy field of infinite
potential it may go some way into offering an
alternative viewpoint to creation, and one which works
for me.

This vacuum in which we exist, is the same vacuum that
exists between the atoms of our bodies, in fact it is
the underlying substrate of all creation. As an energy
field this energy connects everything in the universe
with everything else, a huge sea of energy in which we
exist and from which is formed everything we

Even given our 3d perception of vibration, the lower
the vibrational rate the denser an object appears.
Take a material we perceive as 'solid' material, it is
dense and has a low slow vibrational nature, if we add
energy in the form of heat it melts, it becomes less
dense, if we add yet more energy the vibrations
increase and we get a plasma or gaseous form, add more
and more energy and it vaporises. In fact if you keep
adding energy it disappears or achieves a vibration
outside that of our normal perception. Just because we
can't perceive it does not mean that it no longer

So by altering the vibrational state of a material its
physical properties as we perceive them are changed.

If the vibration of the infinite field is lowered in
places then the energy will become denser, as it is
lowered further and further eventually it will be of a
vibration just outside of our normal perception, lower
the energy yet further and we can perceive it. It is
this field of perception that we have labelled as

So we now have an energy field which we can experience
which has formed or condensed from the void or the
vacuum or the universal life force.

So all creation is condensed from this vast pool of
energy. Each aspect of creation condenses out
according to a pattern or a blueprint which dictates
the frequency of the energy.

It has been postulated that God, the Supreme Being, is
in fact all that is. God is in everything and
everything is in God. If we can allow ourselves that
the vast vacuum from which we are all condensed is not
only infinite in energy, but is also conscious is that
not a description of God.

Part II

So the previous chapter has offered a source for the
energy which makes up all that we experience in life.
What dictates its form? What causes the energy to
condense into the patterns we see, into the events we

Quite simply it's us! Our thoughts give the vacuum
form, we call into existence that which our
consciousness wishes to experience for our evolution.

The world in which we now find ourselves is a product
of our collective thoughts, and our immediate
environment is a product of our individual thoughts.

Puts another spin on maintaining a positive mental
attitude does it not.


The paragraphs above goes some way into offering a
viewpoint on where we and all of creation comes from.
All that we perceive is condensed from the energy of
the void and all of life is energy.

This does not take into account quite a large a
mysterious aspect of us all and that is consciousness.
I view consciousness as that aspect of us, which is
within each of us, which experiences life through our
senses. Our inner selves, the divine spark within, our
soul if you wish.

At this point it should be pointed out that all of
life is conscious, all part of the same energy field,
part of the whole. Just because the crystal or the
animal does not exhibit a human consciousness does not
mean that it does not have a consciousness.

Consciousness is the key to experience. The more
evolved or the wider our conciseness is, the more
aspects of life we can experience. Most of our
experience depends on the frequencies which we can
see, smell, feel etc. Or we can use instruments and
equipment to broaden the frequencies we can experience
i.e. infrared cameras etc.

In addition we can experience the more mystical
aspects of the process of life by widening our
consciousness by a variety of methods. Altered states
of consciousness can be achieved by many methods
including meditation, attunment, sound, movement, even
chemicals such as hallucinogenic compounds.

As we evolve and our consciousness expands we are
capable of experiencing much more than the relatively
narrow spectrum of normal human experience. All of
these energies are available to us but until our
consciousness expands we are simply unaware of them.

By expansion of consciousness and thereby an expansion
of the frequencies we consciously work with a number
of abilities become available to the individual. This
includes the ability to consciously channel energy to
other energy patterns (lifeforms), to intuitively know
or read the thought energies of another as in

This so called extrasensory perceptions and paranormal
abilities are inherently available to all humanity
once a certain level of consciousness has been
achieved. A few individuals are born with a suitably
high vibration such that they can access these
abilities from birth.

The vibrational nature of man

The human body is a mass of vibrations in a pattern
which we know as our body. The densest aspects, the
lowest vibrational energies condense out from the
universal pool as the physical form.

Within that same pattern are other bodies or energies
outside of the visible spectrum. As we mentioned
everything is energy so our thoughts are also energy,
as in fact are all our mental processes these energies
taken collectively form the mental body.

Below our mental processes in vibrational terms are
our emotions, these are often very tangible we feel
hurt if someone attacks us verbally, or we feel great
if someone directs love towards us. All of these
emotions hang around us as our emotional bodies.

The mental, emotional and physical bodies are well
recognised and are mentioned in many texts. Above
these bodies are higher and higher vibrational bodies
or energy fields or increasingly fine vibrations,
these are sometimes described as etheric, or soul
bodies and in the middle of this complex and beautiful
pattern of energy is our condensed physical form.

The general worldview is of a physical body, and
somewhere in that body is located the mind, and the
soul normally deep within us. Where as the vibrational
model of life above shows that the body is in fact the
dense core of an expansive energy field. So rather
than the soul existing deep within the physical body ,
it is in fact the physical body which is deep within
the energetic field which is soul.

The Vibrational nature of disease.

As we are aware the physical body is basically energy
and so each of our organs are in fact energy patterns
we associate or identify for example as a kidney.

A healthy kidney has a vibration and each vibration
will be subtly different from another's. If the
vibration of the kidney drops, the amount and quality
of the energy manifesting as that organ drops and we
experience disease.

As long as whatever process caused the drop in energy
is removed then the energy level will slowly build up
by drawing on the universal pool to bring the energy
vibration back into balance with the blueprint. This
is a natural process and we are all self-generating by
drawing on this pool.

The healing process is, as I understand it energetic.
Modern medicines remove the symptoms, and allow you to
regenerate without the pain. A paracetemol does not
cure a headache it blocks pain receptors so you don't
feel ill but it is your bodies' ability to self heal
which removes the cause of the headaches.

Alternative therapies work by flowing energy into the
system to accelerate the healing process. Both systems
have their place they achieve the same outcome using
different methods.

Another difference is that most drugs are complex
molecules with a range of vibrations not all of which
are useful or even desirable as part of the healing
process which can result in side effects. Pure energy
healing tend not to have side effects as they are more
in tune with the natural regenerative processes.

For a disease to manifest in the physical body there
is a vibrational drop, as our physical bodies are just
the densest component of our energy field condensed
from the universal life-force field, then there must
have been a drop in vibration in one of the higher
energy fields i.e. the mental or emotional. Most if
not all disease has it's root in the mental or
emotional field.

Again modern medicines work on the physical body and
if the root cause is not addressed then the symptoms
can re-manifest. Modern medicine has observed that a
patient who wants to get well and is active in their
treatment heal much faster and more completely.

Part III
How Reiki Healing Works.

The previous musings have hopefully shown us a subtly
different worldview from the conditioned viewpoint fed
to us during schooling.

It shows us that each and every person, and object
which makes up our world is condensed from a universal
pool of energy which surrounds, permeates, and
connects everything. It has shown that we are all part
of one great whole, and has invited you to accept that
the energy field is conscious.

It has shown us that our senses are limited and much
of what many consider to be reality is limited by
these sensory perceptions. We are condensed from an
infinite energy pool with infinite vibrational
possibilities and yet the only thing which exists for
us is those few things that can be seen, heard,
touched or smelt. By limiting our reality to these
sensory perceptions we are missing out on so much of
what truly is available to us.

But what has all this to do with Reiki? In the opening
paragraphs I mentioned the translation of Reiki is
universal life-force energy. It is one method, one of
many by which additional energy maybe drawn from the
universal pool or the vacuum in order to heal, and
raise consciousness, and evolve.

A Reiki practitioner by process of attunment, which I
will mention later, has the vibration of his or her
energy pattern raised. This is a permanent process
which opens new energetic pathways in our energy
pattern (body) or enhances existing energy pathways,
which allows energy from the universal pool to flow to

Energy always flows from high potential (fine
vibrations) to low potential (coarse vibrations) in
order to achieve a stable and balanced system. Put a
hot cup of tea in a cold room and the radiant energy
we label as heat will flow into the room until the tea
is the same temperature as the room. Nature will
always try to achieve a state of balance or

So by increasing his or her vibration the Reiki healer
forms a localised high energy point (in comparison to
our normal range of perception) in the universal
field, the energy will then flow to lower vibrational
areas i.e. the patient in order to establish balance
and equilibrium.

The healer in effect acts as a conduit or a step down
transformer which condences the infinitely high energy
of the universal energy pool into energy of a high yet
usable frequency.

This high frequency energy then flows to the lower
energy of the diseased organ etc, and raises the
energy of organ as it reduces itself until it is

Our higher vibrational aspects hold a blueprint of our
energy pattern or body in perfect health and the Reiki
energy will re-establish that pattern of balance. This
is another ongoing process, we are continually
replacing all building blocks of the body our cells
according to this template. Our cells are energetic
patterns condensed from the universal life-force field
so if more energy is made available by healers then
this process will be accelerated.

Reiki Attunments.

During the attunment process the Reiki master will
confer the gift of Reiki on the recipient.

This process can be achieved by any individual over
years of study and meditation to raise the
consciousness of the individual such that these
energies can be accessed.

During the attunment the Reiki master will use sacred
symbols and techniques to raise the vibration and the
consciousness of the individual such that they can now
access a wider spectrum of existence, a wider spectrum
of the universal energy.

This process opens pathways in the energetic pattern
we associate with our bodies and allow increased
amounts of energy to flow, which may be used for
healing or self-development. This process is permanent
and once these pathways are open they will remain

This process is by no means a shortcut, just because
the door has been open does not necessarily follow
that the initiate will use the abilities conferred.
Reiki is like everything in life, the more it is used
the stronger and more powerful it becomes.

Distant Healing and Transcending Time

Once attuned to second degree Reiki the ability to
'send' or direct Reiki energy through space and time
is conferred. This ability is not confined to Reiki
and there have been many instances of positive healing
occurring over distance by positive intent or prayer.

As we have discussed in the previous sections of this
work, everything is energy. So our thoughts are things
therefore our thoughts are energetic patterns. One way
of visualising our thought forms or our intentions are
as ripples in the vacuum or universal energy field. As
we think about something these thoughts radiate out
from us through the vacuum and impact both on our
environment and on the lifeforms we direct it at. Our
thoughts are vibrations, energy patterns and loving
healing thoughts have a finer vibration than negative
thought forms. Once these thoughts, these sponsoring
thoughts arrive at the intended place they will start
to manifest.

So consider well what you think about others. Our
thoughts have as much of an effect as our deeds.

Have you ever felt that a loved one was trying to get
in touch, or started thinking about a person only for
the phone to ring. Been thinking of a friend and then
they ring or turn up? These are just a few examples of
us picking up on the energy of thoughts.

It is in this manner that healing energy, or loving
thoughts may be sent through the vacuum.

Let us take an example of vibrations transmitted
through a medium with which we are all familiar
..sound! Audible sound has a vibration and travels
through the air to our ears where it is converted to
electrical signals interpreted by our brain and
experienced by our consciousness or soul. Each sound
has certain vibrational characteristics and depending
on magnitude its size it will travel a certain

Thought forms (which is in essence what distant
healing is - a healing thought) are of a higher
vibration as so travel further but rather than through
the medium we describe as air they travel through the
matrix of energy of the universal life-force field.

A second degree Reiki practitioner will use symbols to
boost or reinforce the positive healing thought form,
and in addition the second degree attunment will of
raised the consciousness of the individual so they can
access these trancentional energies and concepts.

Now we reach the difficult one time! So much of our
modern lives revolve around linear time, a thing which
quite simply does not exist in the absolute way we
imagine it does.

Time is a concept invented by physicists in order to
divide their experience into increasingly small units!

Take for instance an hour. It is a unit of experience
that we have all agreed lasts for a duration we label
60 minutes. Time is not a regular quantifiable unit
because it is a measure of experience. An hour in the
company of a loved one passes much quicker for us than
an hour in a lecture or a meeting! Einsteinian physics
states quite clearly that time is relative to the

The pulse and movement of experience is cyclic in
nature, day night, the changing of the seasons in
never ending cycles this is the true nature of the
thing we label time, over this pattern modern humans
have put a linear scale we measure in the passage of
days, months years and hours.

As I understand it time is a measure of our movement
through the universal energy field.

The ability to send healing through time is easy
because the scale we use does not exist, its just
something we all agree on, and therefore assume it is

Past present and future simply don't exist, there is
only now. What we label the past is our memory of
experiences that we have had. The future a projection
of what we intend to experience.

© Robert Kennedy, 2000

Chakra (pronunciation (help·info)) is a Sanskrit term
(refer etymology section) meaning wheel. There is a
vast literature on chakra models, philosophy and lore
that underpin many philosophical systems and spiritual
energetic practices, religious observance and personal
discipline. Chakras function and relate within the
systemic suite of the human bodymind. The
philosophical theories and models of chakras as
systemic vortices of energy were identified through
the existential [1] mystical practice of yoga in
Ancient India where they were first codified.

In metaphysics, Aura refers to the energy field
emanating from the surface of a person or object. This
emanation is visualized as an outline of cascading
color and may be held to represent soul vibrations,
chakric emergence, or a reflection of surrounding
energy fields.

Auras may be viewed by the naked eye, though some
psychics, like Edgar Cayce, believe this ability
weakens with age. Focused training may improve one's
ability to see auras. Layers of aura are separate and
distinct yet connected to all the remaining layers. In
the books of Carlos Castaneda auras are referred to as
luminous cocoons.

Modern New Age metaphysics identify the aura as
electromagnetic fields. The existence of
electromagnetic fields around every object in the
known world is a scientifically proven fact. What is
debatable is whether or not humans can see these
electromagnetic fields as colors with the naked eye.
This claim is considered paranormal because devices
that sense electromagnetic fields at magnitudes many
times smaller than that which allegedly exists in
auras have recorded nothing.

However, these energy fields are sometimes claimed to
be documented by a rare form of photography called
Kirlian photography.

These claims are vigorously denied by debunkers about
paranormal activity. The magician James Randi, for
example, has for many years (as of 2004) offered one
million US dollars to any person capable of repeatedly
detecting auras, no one has yet succeeded, (though at
least one has tried and failed).

The test would involve the aura reader standing on one
side of a room with an opaque partition separating
them from a number of slots which may contain either
actual people or mannequins. All that would have to be
done is that the aura reader would have to
consistently be able to tell which were real people
and which were not.

In truth this energy field not only goes around you,
but moves within your body as well. It is not just the
outside of your body that is made of electromagnetic
energies, every part of your and everything your
experience in third dimension.

Auras vibrate to different color, sound and light
frequencies. The color spectrum varies with one's
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states.

In parapsychology, spirituality and New Age belief, an
aura is a subtle field of luminous multicolored
radiation surrounding a person or object as a cocoon
or halo.[1] An aura may be held to represent or be
composed of soul vibrations or chakras, and may
reflect the moods or thoughts of the person it
surrounds according to its "parapsychological
guidelines" that try to explain the nature of their


New Member
Hi Jules,

My spiritual beliefs are very difficult to describe in words because I have to write in terms of metaphysics, but having said that it should also be noted that my spiritual beliefs are not based on metaphysics, so in that sense metaphysics only helps to describe my own spiritual beliefs.

Let us think in metaphorical terms for a moment. Therefore, try to imagine before you a large crystal prism which has a very bright light shining directly above it, and also directly shining through it. A large crystal prism which in turn is transmitting and redistributing that very bright light shining through it into a multitude of different coloured rays, where that above very bright light represents the real spiritual truth and where each one of those different coloured rays represents a different religion, and/or different spiritual belief.

Therefore, I believe that we all see that same real spiritual truth in many different ways, where we each choose which way we feel most comfortable with during the course of our life here on earth, so in that sense no one genuine religion, and/or no one genuine spiritual belief is wrong, they are all correct and/or true to their religious and/or spiritual word.

I am not really totally familiar with this New Age/world view which you have mentioned, but from some of the bits I have read concerning this particular belief it would appear to be in many ways very similar to old traditional beliefs that have been simply re-approached from a different perspective, and/or re-interpreted by different new angles/ways. I suppose it is a bit like comparing christians with re-born again christians. Therefore, some people do not fully like the old ways, so they try to modernize them and turn them into what they now call a new view/way and/or re-born belief, or whatever. I believe there is nothing wrong in doing this providing those people are doing this for genuine reasons as opposed to self materialistic gain etc.

No, I do not believe that genuine people who think in the same way as me truly believe that we are going to eventually be a god. Although, I do believe there are some people who actually do misinterpret some kinds of spiritual beliefs, where in turn they actually do believe they are either a living god now, and/or believe that they are eventually going to become a god, either in this life, and/or the next. For example there are people who believe that this life on earth is an illusion, where again there are a notable number of those same people who again misinterpret that belief of life on earth being an illusion as a reason to have more than one sexual partner. They are not real, an illusion, their sexual partner is not real, another illusion, so, therefore, does it matter how many sexual partners they have if they are all not real, and/or are all illusions etc. Therefore, those same notable people are misinterpreting that said word of illusion as a reason to live a hedonistic lifestyle, being devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification here on earth.

Therefore, I have full respect for any genuine religion and/or any genuine spiritual belief, and as such I would not discard the God of the bible. For example I raised both of my sons to be Roman Catholics out of respect for both of my parents and other relatives who are all devout Roman Catholics despite the fact that I no longer practiced that particular religion myself, so both of my sons were baptized, received first holy communion and were confirmed. They also continued to practice the Roman Catholic faith until they were in their mid teen years, which would not have been the case if it had not been for my encouragement, they had also both attended Catholic schools throughout all of their school years, so in that respect I do not feel that anyone should try to inflict their religious and/or spiritual beliefs onto anyone else.

Warm wishes



Phewwww now that was an read Rainbowcolours and interesting girl..long time no see here how are you?..and thoses boys of know there never too old to put over your knee you know..just wish Steven would put me over his knee when iam an bad girl which is hardly ever..


New Member
Hi Orangatuang,

I'm fine thank you. Life’s been a bit hectic of late, so swings and roundabouts, one minute nothing happening and the next minute everything happening all at once, and all hell breaks loose.

Seeing the funny side of that knee balancing trick - I think I would do myself a physical injury if I tried to put either of my adult boys over my knee, apart from anything else I think they would be taking me on a surprise journey afterwards to the nearest ‘fruit and nut’ farm, whose staff wear white overcoats..

On the other hand Steven’s knees will be far more broader and stronger, so there’s every chance for you yet girl!

Hope things are going well for you too…

Warm wishes



New Member
On this same subject of religion, out of curiosity, I tried to find the very first religion, and came across these religions:-

The Sumerians

It was around 4000 BCE that a people called Sumerians moved into Mesopotamia, perhaps from around the Caspian Sea . By 3800 BCE the Sumerians had supplanted the Ubaidians and Semites in southern Mesopotamia. They built better canals for irrigating crops and for transporting crops by boat to village centers. They improved their roads, over which their donkeys trod, some of their donkeys pulling wheeled carts. And the Sumerians grew in number, the increase in population the key element in creating what we call civilization - a word derived from an ancient word for city.
The Sumerians saw another dispute between the minor gods Emesh (summer) and his brother Enten (winter). Each of these brothers had specific duties in creation - like Cain the farmer and Able the herdsmen. The god Enlil put Emesh in charge of producing trees, building houses, temples, cities and other tasks. Enlil put Enten in charge of causing ewes to give birth to lambs, goats to give birth to kids, birds to build nests, fish to lay their eggs and trees to bear fruit. And the brothers quarreled violently as Emesh challenged Enten's claim to be the farmer god.

A dispute existed also between the god Enki and a mother goddess, Ninhursag - perhaps originally the earth goddess Ki. Ninhursag made eight plants sprout in a divine garden, plants created from three generations of goddesses fathered by Enki. These goddesses were described as having been born "without pain or travail." Then trouble came as Enki ate the plants that Ninhursag had grown. Ninhursag responded with rage. She pronounced a curse of death on Enki, and Enki's health began to fail. Eight parts of Enki's body - one for each of the eight plants that he ate - became diseased, one of which was his rib. The goddess Ninhursag then disappeared so as not let sympathy for Enki change her mind about her sentence of death upon him. But she finally relented and returned to heal Enki. She created eight healing deities - eight more goddesses - one for each of Enki's ailing body parts. And the goddess who healed Enki's rib was Nin-ti, a name that in Sumerian meant "lady of the rib," which describes a character who was to appear in a different role in Hebrew writings centuries later, a character to be called Eve.
The story of the Garden of Eden may be a metaphor for early civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia.

"Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed world-religions, and it has probably had more influence on mankind, directly and indirectly, than any other single faith." Mary Boyce.

Zoroastrianism is a small religion with about 140,000 members. Yet its importance to humanity is much greater than its current numbers might suggest, because:
Their theology has had a great impact on Judaism, Christianity and other later religions, in the beliefs surrounding God and Satan, the soul, heaven and hell, savior, resurrection, final judgment, etc.
It is one of the oldest religions still in existence,
It may have been the first monotheistic religion.
Hinduism - 4000 to 2500 BCE
Judaism - 2000 BCE
Zoroastrianism -1000 BCE
Buddhism - 560 to 490 BCE
Shinto - 500+ BCE
Confucianism - 500 BCE
Jainism - 420 BCE
Taoism - 440 CE
Christianity - 30+ CE
Islam - 622 CE
Sikhism - 1500 CE
Bahá'í - 1863 CE


Steve's Destiny
Hi RainbowColours,

Thanks for posting these along with the links. It will help some people understand where their beliefs really come from. It is all interrelated.
As they say nothing's new (and may I add unique) under the sun. Many religions today have borrow ideas, and in some cases beliefs from previous ones. It's ironic that those same people would call these ancient religions that they have borrowed from "pagan".

I also find interesting that you brought up Zoroastrianism. I find (and this is my personal opinion) that this is where the desert religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) got their core beliefs from. Also all the things that enlasves their Inferiority Complex (only god is perfect or I'm only human), Guilty trip (I'm a sinner or the original sin idea), Dualism (good vs. bad), and Helplessness (need for a savior) that keeps humanity trapped in it's own fear.

I hope that your very elightening posts will help some people open their eyes, and be the perfect human(s) we were all meant to be.


On this same subject of religion, out of curiosity, I tried to find the very first religion, and came across these religions:-

The Sumerians

It was around 4000 BCE that a people called Sumerians moved into Mesopotamia, perhaps from around the Caspian Sea . By 3800 BCE the Sumerians had supplanted the Ubaidians and Semites in southern Mesopotamia. They built better canals for irrigating crops and for transporting crops by boat to village centers. They improved their roads, over which their donkeys trod, some of their donkeys pulling wheeled carts. And the Sumerians grew in number, the increase in population the key element in creating what we call civilization - a word derived from an ancient word for city.
The Sumerians saw another dispute between the minor gods Emesh (summer) and his brother Enten (winter). Each of these brothers had specific duties in creation - like Cain the farmer and Able the herdsmen. The god Enlil put Emesh in charge of producing trees, building houses, temples, cities and other tasks. Enlil put Enten in charge of causing ewes to give birth to lambs, goats to give birth to kids, birds to build nests, fish to lay their eggs and trees to bear fruit. And the brothers quarreled violently as Emesh challenged Enten's claim to be the farmer god.

A dispute existed also between the god Enki and a mother goddess, Ninhursag - perhaps originally the earth goddess Ki. Ninhursag made eight plants sprout in a divine garden, plants created from three generations of goddesses fathered by Enki. These goddesses were described as having been born "without pain or travail." Then trouble came as Enki ate the plants that Ninhursag had grown. Ninhursag responded with rage. She pronounced a curse of death on Enki, and Enki's health began to fail. Eight parts of Enki's body - one for each of the eight plants that he ate - became diseased, one of which was his rib. The goddess Ninhursag then disappeared so as not let sympathy for Enki change her mind about her sentence of death upon him. But she finally relented and returned to heal Enki. She created eight healing deities - eight more goddesses - one for each of Enki's ailing body parts. And the goddess who healed Enki's rib was Nin-ti, a name that in Sumerian meant "lady of the rib," which describes a character who was to appear in a different role in Hebrew writings centuries later, a character to be called Eve.


"Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed world-religions, and it has probably had more influence on mankind, directly and indirectly, than any other single faith." Mary Boyce.

Zoroastrianism is a small religion with about 140,000 members. Yet its importance to humanity is much greater than its current numbers might suggest, because:
Their theology has had a great impact on Judaism, Christianity and other later religions, in the beliefs surrounding God and Satan, the soul, heaven and hell, savior, resurrection, final judgment, etc.
It is one of the oldest religions still in existence,
It may have been the first monotheistic religion.