Free! Free at last!


Staff member
That's a good point... :D :D

-TD, acquiring in her middle age the magnificent bosom inherited from the female relations of both sides of her family


Staff member
Amos Stevens said:
hhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa! TD! Think you been watching Marvin the Martian too much!hee hee

Hey! Marvin's the Man, man!

"Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"

"You've made me very angry. Very angry indeed."

"Oh, dear. Now I'm going to have to make more Martians."


They've been running classic Bugs Bunny cartoons on Teletoon this past week, and they had a bunch of Marvin the Martian eppies on.

I do a quite passable imitation of Marvin the Martian, even if I do say so myself! <grin>

-TD, popular culture junkie and proud of it!

Amos Stevens

New Member
Ahhh..a martian fan after my own heart! wasn't it nice for Mars to be so close to the Earth as of late-making it a good target for the Marvin the Martians!