Free! Free at last!

Baseball Lady

New Member

I'm proud of you girl!! I know how hard it is to say no to volunteering to help. People act like you put a knife in their back. I guess this means you have more time to write, watch Steven, run D.O.L.L :D, watch Steven, relax, watch Steven (you get the idea!!)

BB Lady :yin:


Staff member
You bet! And what's even better, I'm getting my bonus today from the election work, so that means instead of watching my Steven movies on my tiny little iMac, I can now watch them on my tv on account of I'm getting my dvd player today. Whee!


Staff member
Well, the dvd player is at home, now, though I had to put on my credit card (the cheque is delayed at the issuing end, it better come soon, or I'm in big trouble).

I bought a Panasonic, five-disc dvd/cd player, a pair of subwoofer speakers and assorted necessary hookup gadgets because my tv is too old to handle more than one output device. It's about mid-range price-wise, but it was, I believe, top-of-the-line. My VCR is also a Panasonic, and I'm quite happy with the quality of it (although the remote died young, and I had to get a generic), so I was in favour of sticking with the Panasonic line of products.

Next on the wish-list: one of those giant, flat panel TVs. Oh, yeah, baby.

-TD, lusting after more techno-toys


Staff member
More 'interesting' things from the 'hood: I found out today that we've had two cars stolen out of our parking lot in the last 4 weeks, and one car damaged (window broken). All were Chrysler Neons. I guess there's a demand for Neons somewhere....

While I was downtown today, I went to one of the co-ops on whose waiting list I am, and asked where I was on the waiting list, and if they were only going to offer me a bachelor, or would I also be offered a one-bedroom if one came up. The person who could answer the question wasn't there (just my luck) but she should be calling me tomorrow, so at least by the end of tomorrow I'll know (or have some idea of) how much longer I'll have to hang around here.

-TD, itching for a change in scene
I think it might be the air in Toronto, disrupting the minds of youth that Squirll cages on wheels are cool.
lol. Here's hopin' you get a posh pad Td!


I Belong To Steven
I so need a DVD player...BTW, can someone tell me how can I play DVD's on my computer?
I bought Exit Wounds and the Patriot, and will probably switch all of mine to DVD before we move...
Be careful with the techno toys in your neighborhood TD, the bad element might come through the window to get them!
Do you have a deadbolt? Or maybe 5 or 6 of em? I hope so...
Dead bodies across the street doesn't sound like fun...


Staff member
Nothing is ever simple, is it... (rhetorical question).

I'm usually pretty good at figuring out wiring but this DVD player has got me stumped. The problem, I think, is the TV. It's one or two years older than what a DVD player needs, so I have to get a "modulator" (no, not the Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator) to emulate the connectors the TV should have. Then, it seems, I have to connect the TV, DVD and VCR to a switch, which means that even if I wanted to copy an unprotected DVD onto a tape, I couldn't because the switch only allows me to run one output device at a time.

I've been busily making a wiring diagram, and as far as I can tell, I'm short at least two of the three pronged red, white and yellow connecting wires, and one, possibly two, co-axial cables as well.

I'm beginning to think I need a degree in electrical engineering.


-TD, entangled in wires


Staff member
Lotussan said:
I so need a DVD player...BTW, can someone tell me how can I play DVD's on my computer?
I bought Exit Wounds and the Patriot, and will probably switch all of mine to DVD before we move...
Be careful with the techno toys in your neighborhood TD, the bad element might come through the window to get them!
Do you have a deadbolt? Or maybe 5 or 6 of em? I hope so...
Dead bodies across the street doesn't sound like fun...

No worries about bad guys coming through the window - I'm on the third floor, and the only way they could get in is to rappel in from the roof, and the only way to get on the roof is a) a really long ladder, or b) to go through the padlocked accessway.

Of course, I do worry whenever I'm gone for more than a day, because anything is possible. I once attended a fundraiser where I had to take home the receipts until the bank opened on Monday. For two days I had $40,000 of cash and credit card receipts stashed (I won't say where) and did I freak, or what?

The recent break-in we had was into a unit on the second floor, which is easily accomplished if one lad stands on another lad's shoulders, or, as it was in this case, standing on the bicycles in the bicycle rack just under one of the bedroom windows. Cops felt it was a targeted break-in - they think the burglars knew the lad who lived there. The ground floor apartments are dead easy to break into, it's a wonder no one has yet.

Oh, and I don't know if this was reported outside of our local news area: not far from where I live is where they found the dismembered bits of a little five year old girl who had been murdered by her father and stepmother. They never did find all of her - just the torso and a couple of limbs.

This is a nice neighbourhood, isn't it?

-TD, thinking nowhere is really safe anymore


I Belong To Steven
Omg those sick freaks...They murder their own flesh and blood, and then they cut her up? That poor innocent baby...What kind of sickos are allowed to be parents these days? My skin is crawling thinking about what goes on in this world, it's all too scary, let me tell you...


Staff member
Thanks, Storm (speaking of which, there is a little thunderstorm happening even as I write this).

Right at the moment, the parents of a couple of teenage girls are "out" and the teenage girls are taking advantage of that. It is 1:20 a.m. and if the traffic in and out of the apartment doesn't diminish in the next 10 minutes, there will be action taken.

-TD, getting cranky because it's past her bedtime (and yes, I'm up reviewing the message board because sleep has been murdered for me)


Staff member
Well, I did it - those kids came back - again! - and I'd finally had enough. I opened my door - perhaps not the smartest thing to do, but I was fed up - and addressed a half dozen of the skankiest looking mongrels I've ever had the misfortune to see.

"Get out," I said and gave them my very best imitation of a badass Steven Seagal stare.

It worked.

It worked?

It worked!

They tried giving me lip, to which I replied, "You think I'm kidding?" then reiterated that they should get their bony asses out of there, or else. A little thing like me, giving them an "or else"?


They left.

Later, I went downstairs and discovered they'd found something with which to prop open the door, hence why they were getting free access to the building. I gathered from the fact that the lasses next door were not answering the insistent knocking that they didn't, in fact, want these skanky dudes to join them; so I suppose I did them a favour (which I really didn't want to do).

I will, however, be dropping a word into their parents' shell-like next time I see them.

-TD, snitch and bitch extraordinaire

Note to self: find some kind of work that will make me enough money so that I can live in a building with proper security. I've had enough of this ****e.


Smile dammit!
The parents may be worse! I admire your courage but they could have turned on you so be careful.


Staff member
Yes, I thought of that, too late, of course. My problem is that I'm utterly without fear in all the wrong situations. I faced down a mugger once, and another time, a drug-addled shoplifter. And a long line of pissed off bully boys who were under the mistaken impression that I, being female, should obey them because they were male.

-TD, who takes no prisoners


Staff member

That would be too funny. I'm five foot nothing in my sock feet, and with my hair in a ponytail (ahem) I look about as dangerous as a bunny rabbit.

Which inoccuous appearance fools 'em every time - they don't know who they're messin' with!

-TD, Bunny Rabbit of Doom, packing an Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator

Baseball Lady

New Member
Amos Stevens said:
TD-who takes no prisoners! hee hee

Now we know who can be Seagals partner in his next movie!


I don't think it would work -- Steven wouldn't like TD getting all the good fight scenes :D :D

BB Lady


Staff member

I can see him sulking in his trailer, and the director coaxing him to come out, leaving a trail of President's Choice Decadent Chocolate Chip Cookies back to the set.

-TD, feeling pretty silly this evening

Baseball Lady

New Member
But TD, you know people have to watch out for the gals of D.O.L. They are more dangerous than most and have some other good bribery tools (although chocolate is a good one) in their arsenal. :cool: Who knows, you might be having fun in the trailer with the star and might not want to come out :eek: :eek:

BB Lady :D :D