Glimmer Man, Where Are You?, I Miss You!


Huge Member

Guys - I chanced upon this thread while browsing the site for the first time in months and I'd like to thank you all for your concern. I really really appreciate your friendship and thoughts - it means a lot to me. I'd like to let you know that I am absolutely fine - I am fit, healthy and happy and am starting the new year with a fresh outlook and renewed vim and vigour for life! More about that later!

I had a few personal problems a few months back - basically I split up with my long-term girlfriend and moved back into my parents house with my tail between my legs, haha! It was something of a shock as I had lived with her (my ex) for two years, but for probably the last six months or longer I had not been in love with her and we had just been going through the motions.

Trouble was, neither of us said anything about it until it was a problem that was pretty much beyond repair. I got in from work one night, we had a chat and decided it was for the best that I move out. I spent that night in the car parked up in a motorway service station... I know it sounds dramatic, but I couldn't think of what else to do and I needed to think...

The next day I went to my mum and dad's and asked if it was OK if I moved back in. Of course - they were over the moon and cleared the spare room straight away. I spent that whole day making ten trips to my ex's house, gradually removing all traces of my existence. I had a day off luckily and she was in work, so it made the whole process easier. I even deleted all my files and pictures from the computer... before realising I had a problem. My ex had paid for the computer itself, but I had paid for the monitor, printer, speakers, keyboard and mouse! Deciding I would be a bit of a **** if I took all that stuff and just left the actual PC I cut my losses and left it all.

Then I realised that I had paid for half of the Sony TV. ****! And I couldn't remember who had bought the stereo. Also - I owned 216 DVD's but I didn't actually own a DVD Player. Damn! I had definitely bought the kettle, but my mum and dad already had one... however, it was so cool (it is called a Breville Lightning and it turns from mirror finish stainless steel to translucent and glows blue when you switch it on!) that I thought "**** it - you're coming with me!" So my mum and dad got a new kettle as my moving in present. It was a bit of a wrench moving out as I had completely transformed the house from a total ****hole when I moved in to something approaching a really cool pad. However, I was more upset about leaving the house which I had put so much work into than actually leaving my girlfriend!

So - I'm back in my parents now and my old room has been taken by my brother. My parents had thoughtfully painted the walls in my new room a fetching shade of lemon... which I quickly changed to an even more fetching shade of white. A new TV, stereo and DVD player later along with (for some reason) a few large framed photographs of the New York skyline and a big hill in San Francisco and I feel like a new man.

Here is where some of you who are of a less Swedish frame of mind (TD, for example) may wish to look away. It wasn't long before I was being a very, very naughty boy with a 19 (oh yes!) year old girl called Nicola who I met in work. We had been texting each other every now and again for a couple of months, but after I split up with the ex, our texts gradually became more and more flirtatious... until one day I was feeling too damn horny and... well, let's just say that things went rather spiffingly, I can tell you! Oh yes! I was back on form! A week later I spent the night with her at a rather swanky hotel... I'm such a bad boy. The next morning as I paid the bill, the receptionist asked me if I'd slept well, to which I replied: "I was a little restless, but got off eventually!". I felt like James Bond! Hahahaha!

However, when we kissed each other goodbye in the hotel carpark and went our seperate ways, I felt a strange twang of emptiness. I enjoyed her company so much - could it be that I was missing her?! I wanted to be Bond and not care, but real life isn't like that. Not for me anyway. I got home and was miserable for ages... I was falling for her and was unsure whether she felt the same. It was time for action. We arranged to go out on a date! Hahaha! Some people sleep together on the first date... I had performed the implausible feat of sleeping with someone before the first date. How cool is that?! That was six weeks ago and I'm happy to tell you guys that we are together properly now and very happy... in fact - I've never been happier. The one thing that worries me is the slight age gap - she is 19 and I am 26, but it's not like I'm over the hill, as Mason Storm once said.

So - once again guys - can I thank you for your concern. I am absolutely fine and feel refreshed and ready to re-ignite some of the G-Man madness of old! I have been hitting the gym and am down from 100kg to 95kg... somehow I managed to lose 5kg over Christmas and I feel and look great! I've started kickboxing again and am using sea-salt based exfoliating products every other day. When I left this place I was pretty sure I would never return - I mean - let's face it - the films of Seagal these days are complete cack, and it would take a miracle to drag his career out of the unfortunate quagmire it is currently stuck in... but we still have memories and memories are what keeps love alive.

I will be posting back on here as of today, and you can thank or curse the starter of this thread (I think it was Latinojazz?) for that. Latinojazz - you rock! I won't be here as frequently as I used to be, as I simply don't have the time these days, what with work and a horny new girlfriend to satisfy every night... but I'll be around looking out for you all. I hope you enjoyed my little update on what's been happening in my life.

Your friend always,

Glimmer Man

(Co-edited by Serena and another Admin. Sorry, G-Man, but, PER CRAIG, this is still a PG-13 site. :D
Thanks. :) )

Re-edited by GlimmerMan as the previous editing left out a rather good joke and it didn't flow as well. I copy every post I make on here to a word document now as I know they won't be left as they are. Nice to see things are still the same here. :D


Huge Member
Oh - by the way - does anyone remember RoboBrain? That was me! Hahahaha! He'll be around again very soon also.

Rob O'Brain

Hahaha! You humans never fail to make my CPU sense what you commonly know as AMUSEMENT! Why would you miss Glimmer Man! His attempts at humour and one-liners come straight from the films of the great Austrian Oak Arnold Schwarzenegger. You should try to be more of a machine, like me. Machines have no feelings. I could never miss anyone. That sex for 8 hours thing - that was actually me disguised as Glimmer Man so his new girlfriend would not tell the difference. No human could have sex for 8 hours, not even Glimmer Man. You think you rule us? We rule you! Glimmer Man's anecdote of the cool kettle that changes colour is a prime example of this! I will be in touch!

Goodbye humans!



New Member
Welcome back G-Man, that's great to read from you. I thought we would never have news from you again. and now you're back.
I'm sure everybody missed your jokes ;)
Well, it seems that you' ve been trough hard time. Sometimes life requests that we take some distance to take a final decision to a situation.
Obviously it's what you did. I feel relieved to know that it wasn't something too bad, i mean like a real bad sickness. You just needed time to take decisions, reconstruct yourself and your life and to find your marks. I've got the feeling that you did it well. And you seems to be a generous guy. Some ass*** would have taken everything in the house just like a revenge when there's no one to blame. Soemtimes, people change and feelings change....just like you said: it's life!

Oh by the way, don't worry for the age of your gilfriend....women are always more mature than men. So, there's no problem when the girl is much younger :D just kidding :D
Welcome back pal! ;)


Don't worry about age difference Glimmerman, my hubby is 8 years older than me in years, but much younger than me in maturity LOLOLOL!!!!!!
Great to see you back in fighting form once again young man, the world is your oyster!!!


Happy go Lucky
Welcome back Glimmerman:D:D. Great to hear you are doing alright:D
Just don't wear yourself out:D you hear? :D:D


Glad to see things are looking up for you once again, G-Man, and happy to see you're doing well. Good luck with this young lady of yours. ;) She sounds special. Just save enough energy for posting. :D
Welcome back. :) ~~ S


Huge Member
Craig - thanks for your kind invitation to view the board rules. I found them most stimulating. Time for a shower.
