I got something you guys dont...


Hey, Rodrigo, what accent you talkin' about??!! :p I just recently found he was from Lansing after I joined this web site, where I have discovered lots of facts I didn't know (thanks to a fantastic job by Craig - is that correct?). I didn't know Magic Johnson was from Lansing, though. Another day, another fact learned. Btw - I'm not from the Lansing area.

Hey, Amos - did you catch the "btw"? :cool:


I Belong To Steven
How is it that Ebay already has Out For A Kill dvds available for shipping as early Aug 14th?
Can these be authentic? I thought the release date was the 18th or 19th...
Even the video stores don't get them in advance do they?
Oh well what do I know, all I know is I have gotta see it...:D