Just a Question For Thought

I Write What I Believe and live it to the best of my ability. IF others say what I write is beautiful, HOW Can it Be Beautiful IF I Do Not Live & Practice what I believe, to the best of my ability? That does not mean I will not have moments of when I am worn out, becasue everyone can get worn down haveing to deal with so much, and needs a moment to reflet, meditate, pray & recover...If we do this, it makes us even stronger. So in essence, if we have moments where we need to be refreshed & renewed and strengthened with our "Second Wind", Does that mean we have stop believing or living what we believe, just because we have moments where we are worn down and need renewal - enlightenment -strength? No. It just means we are in the process of growing and becoming stronger; And that what we believe becomes reinforced - made stronger - fostering our stability that will enable us to overcome whatever trials & hardships come our way. So my question again, for thought: How Can what I write be Beautiful, IF I Do Not Live & Practice what I believe, to the best of my ability?

Love Your Sister, Eagle/Stacey


One should not be so punishing on oneself.
This life's destination is not perfection,
It is the journey that counts.
having guidelines in one's life keeps you returning to them, like the prodigal son.
We are only human and it is the human condition to fall from grace, recover and go on, start again, dust yourself off, and begin again.
'It's the progress that counts not the pefection as a target from day to day.
am I doing my best?
if so, that is what matters.Love and Peace!
Hi Halkush! Meaning Of What I wrote

I just meant that if I write something others say is beautiful, to encourage others from lessons I have learned, how can it be beautiful if I don't practice what I believe & have learned to the best of my ability. For example: If some one is mean or ugly to me, I try to be peaceful as much as possible. I try to find solutions to problems in a loving peaceful way, as much as humanly possible, trying not to provoke more hurt or problems. I am also saying, that I am not perfect but do my very best to actually live what I do believe, the best I can. I hope that clarifys what I meant, by thought of the day. Because of my learning challenges, I often have problems communicating effectively and/or accurately, what I am trying to say.

I do understand what you are saying and thank you for being so kind. You are so right, none of us are perfect and will make mistakes; LORD knows I have made plenty of them....How do you think I can write SO Much about lessons learned from experiences? LOL! I hope this clarifys what I meant.

Love Your Sister, Eagle/Stacey


What you write is beautiful Countryeagle,
the fact that you aren't perfect? well none of us are but we still do have talents which we can pass onto others and make them feel good, kindness,love,charity, hope, and that's what your writings convey, good? of course, you don't need to attain Nirvanahood to convey such wonderful messages in yur writings.
Love and Peace.


Hi Country Eagle

One of your many gifts is the beauty of what you write, and we are all lucky that you choose to share it with us.
One thing that Halkush often says, and that is part of the Buddhist philosophy, is to "live in the moment".
For example, as mothers, you and I and many others on this site know how important it is to cherish each moment. What you write, you write "in the moment". The fact that neither you, nor I, nor even The Fabulous Seagal, are perfect outside of that moment doesn't take anything away from the beauty of what you created in that moment.

Hi Tigerfeet!

Hi Michelle! Thank you! How wise and kind you are. You have great communication skills, that are very clear, to the point and so easy to understand. I am certainly greatful for that; but I must say I feel like I am the one so blessed by all of you. Each of you are helping me to grow and learn and are inspiring me to write a little more effectively. This really is so Awesome being a part of this Family! Many of you are so creative and I pray each of you have a chance to expand the reaching effects of your gifts, to help even more people than it reaches here.

One more thing. You are so Right about me writing "In The Moment". I like to write down what inspires me during meditation & prayer time, or when I experience something that teaches me, or when I see something on the news concerning an issue I am passionate about....We have Never met, Yet you know and understand me all too well....That show keen observation skills, like that of an Eagle or Hawk....Able to Look past the surface.....so to speak...and notice every little detail. That Also shows how sincere and caring one is....doing ones best to see the whole picture and Not just a small portion of that picture, so to speak....

Love Always Your Sister,


c/o naughty corner
'In the moment' is a good concept. Concentrate on what is now and not following the minds wandering on what might be but accepting what is.

Lots of caring and inspiring people. I am glad I am a member of this site, I think it helps us all. :)


I dont think theres any "shoulds" about it. If someone wants to have sex then theres nothing wrong with that regardless of how old they are. I know it can make some people feel a bit queasy at the thought of older people endulging in those activities but I say good for them xx