Karmatic rule


I Belong To Steven
SAS Guardian Angel said:
Lotussan youre sweet be careful though there was a report on one of those investigative shows about bad people making serious money at those roadsides and here in my state IND you have to have a permit to do that like a cause or donation set up church or organization. one lady here stood outside by the road I need an organ transplant three days later arrested 800$ in cash and coke in her hotel room she went different towns with that poloy it worked and notice how when the weather picks up these starving people disappear I did..maybe theyre at the park.

But still SAS GA, I sit here and think well, what if they really did need it,
and I turned them away? It's a delimma for me, but since I am doing it to benefit another being, it's not doing any harm, that is if I have the spare cash...
I dunno...I do hear about such things though...
It's gotten so bad now, that people you hire to do work for you are stealing the account numbers off of your checks and things...
So everyone, be careful who you give a check to for payment...


come get some
I can understand why people might think that someone has "done something to deserve it" in a past life. It's like a coping mechanism, something that helps us make sense of what we're seeing. But it doesn't mean it's true. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I have my doubts.

And I'm sorry for what you have to go through in your job. I know I'm not that strong that I could deal with that. I honestly couldn't take it. I get upset if I see innocents being hurt on the news. It's a really harsh world sometimes. All we can do is try to make it a better place I guess.

Although at this point in life I don't know what I believe spiritually, I'm fairly sure there's someone up there. And maybe all those kids that you see suffering day in day out eventually get to be with their Creator. And all the pain they and their love ones will have experienced in this world will be nothing, forgotten. That's what I hope. We'll all find out one day.


I Belong To Steven
Disciple you are so sweet...:) It's tough to see those kids suffering, the poor babies, so innocent...
I have to pat Serena on the back for what she does...You have to be a pretty tough cookie...
I wish I was more like that, but I am with you, it just really hurts to see it...
However, I do believe in re-incarnation...


Disciple said:
Although at this point in life I don't know what I believe spiritually, I'm fairly sure there's someone up there. And maybe all those kids that you see suffering day in day out eventually get to be with their Creator. And all the pain they and their love ones will have experienced in this world will be nothing, forgotten. That's what I hope. We'll all find out one day.

Very well said, Disciple. I'm at the same point in my life, but I do believe in God and this is exactly what I believe about the children. It's what makes it bearable, lets you go on and help the next one without giving up.


Thanks Disciple..I agree when our number come up its no use saying to god ohh no iam not ready..Tuff ..If he wants you to go home(heaven) you are going..I believe in our maker and he does make miracles happen but i found out tonight that a freind of my family has got cancer and its cut to my heart..Where he has got it there is no cure and he has said he doesnt want to be cut open.So thats it i guess he has asked god to come get him..The doctor says he has 2 months if he is lucky.So at the moment iam drowning my sorrows.Thanks for your post, and i to beleive in re-incarnation.Heather.


I Belong To Steven
Oh, Heather I am so sorry to hear that...But at least you will be there for your friend...That is such a helpful thing at a time like that...That they know you love them...You are so sweet and loving, your friend is very lucky to have you...

Amos Stevens

New Member
You're welcome...just found that article & lazy me used cut/paste to move it here for ya.

Serena-CONGRATS on moving the thread & not misplacing it :p

Heather,I am sorry to hear about your friends health.


I Belong To Steven
Heather, I wish your friend to get better, I am so so sorry...
You are such a sweetie, girl, I know you'll be there for him/her...
I'm sure it means a lot to them....:)


Active Member
Voet Guess what ? You get to come back and do it again except from a different veiw point. (and maybe some better material) LOL


New Member
Alright, for those of you out there who don't speak insomniac, I was referring to the saying "my karma ran over your dogma" that often appears on T-shirts. And by T-shirt I mean the clothy thing that many people wear to cover their torsos. But not the ones with the long clingy bits that go over the arms, the other ones with the shorter bits that only cover the bicep-tricep- deltoid region of the arm.


I Belong To Steven
Thanks voetball, for clarifing that for me...You are incredibly interesting...I guess I am an insomniac at the moment too, but I like it here...As always, gotta honor the big man...:)


New Member
Lotussan said:
Thanks voetball, for clarifing that for me...You are incredibly interesting...I guess I am an insomniac at the moment too, but I like it here...As always, gotta honor the big man...:)

And I have not yet begun to post! Uh, heil Seagal? (I'm attempting to stay on topic here). What the hell is the topic? Oh yeah, Karma. Right. Oh, F*** it. Heil Seagal!


Staff member
voetballcanine said:
And I have not yet begun to post! Uh, heil Seagal? (I'm attempting to stay on topic here). What the hell is the topic? Oh yeah, Karma. Right. Oh, F*** it. Heil Seagal!

what is this ????????????????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I Belong To Steven
It is disrespecting our Sensei,
MODS where are you now????
You can edit and delete me, but not this???
Unbelieveable, huh suzi???
Love to you, my sweet friend...:)


Lotussan said:
It is disrespecting our Sensei,
MODS where are you now????
You can edit and delete me, but not this???
Unbelieveable, huh suzi???
Love to you, my sweet friend...:)

Lotus, my friend, let me point out a few things to you.

First: Suzi, as you can see, saw the post you are referring to, as she responded directly to it. She is an administrator. I am a moderator. If she, as an administrator, did not find this worth deleting, who am I to supercede, or second guess her judgment?

Second: Didn't you just indicate to him that you found him "incredibly interesting"? I find him rather "interesting" myself. :D

Third: I really don't see what is disrespectful about "heil Seagal", in all honesty. It is, technically, a respectful salute, although I'm not entirely certain how he meant it.

I hope this explains my position, Lotus. Of course, other administrators or moderators are free to exercise their own judgment.


I Belong To Steven
ok, Serena, but I think the only reason suzi didn't delete or edit it was because she probably didn't understand what it meant...
Or maybe she did, and just made the comment to sort of ask what the whole point of it was...
Yes, VBC is an interesting one, alright...
I believe he meant what he said as an insult to the doting female crowd, I guess he's just sick of our undying and unwavering support of Steven...
I didn't mean for you to second guess or supercede suzi, my friend, not at all...
I feel that as a whole, you're all doing a great job...:)