Got my copy of Pistol Whipped from Amazon. I set aside some time to watch it in the quiet, so no one would bother me...and guess what? I hated it!!!
What went wrong with this film for me?
The horrible camera work, zipping around all over the place.
The lame shoot out at the end.
The constant use of body doubles for him walking around.
The was awful.
The fact that his girlfriend and ex-wife were young enough to be his daughters.
The scenes of him walking around, scoping out his targets, only to have him shoot them in a location they've never been to??? Which makes the recon work pointless and a waste of time.
The ending where his double gets more assignments from Drea.
Th fact the great Lance Henriksen gets bugger-all to do.
The fact EVERYONE out acted our beloved hero.
Plus the plot holes:
Matt's Priest is killed. Matt turns up to the church, which is surrounded by police tape and cops, and he barely breaks stride to get in there. Wouldn't he of rushed in to see what's happened, fearing the worst???
No one ID's Seagal as the shooter behind the hits, even though they take place in public.
Plus the opening credits. They look like someone's kid did them on their PC.
Sorry to say this, but this film blew.
They'd have been better off concentrating on building a better story than trying to have flashy camera work to hide the film's shortcomings. What happened to the day when film makers just SHOT the film, not OVERSHOT it?????