Prayer Request

Hi Sue!

(Hi Michelle/Tiger-at bottom)Hi Sue! Please tell me more about that. Where do you get "sprouting seeds"? I have been wanting to plant another garden this summer and this may just be exactly what I need to grow... Those are all some of the veggies we eat... We certainly have enough land to grow a garden, the biggest problem is watching out for cotton mouths that come from the creek out back(got bit by one two weeks ago but it didn't make me sick; barlely bit me even though it left it's fang marks in my feet-we also have ground rattlers that bit me twice when I was pregnant with my last two children but it didn't seem to make me sick either except for the high blood pressure it temp. provoked; I just don't want to chance my babies getting bitten by those poisionus snakes though, because they may not be so immune to them, as I seem to be...); and finding the time and energy to keep the garden weeded, is also a minor problem.... especially with my son & I having to get lots of test/doctors visits, etc...Gardening is very time comsuming... That just may do us some good though, to start a garden but we have to avoid the direct sun light...I miss my gardening, A LOT!!!... I haven't had a garden in 2 or 3 years. Thanks for the advice and please tell me more.... Hi Michell! I know that when I used to be in Tiakwando at age 17, it was very helpful! Since I am unable to go to classes at this time, do you know if any martial arts studio's have video tape classes of simple routine exercises, for those who have health problems & are unable to attend classes at a dojo? I know that would help my son and me tremendously, for us to do our exercises and become at one with nature/strengthen our chi-life force from within..., to improve our quality of life and health... If you know of any Martial Arts Studios in South Louisiana, associated with Mr. Steven Seagal, please let me know. I am sure a Sinsae would know how to best design a program to meet our specific needs.... Nice hearing from both of you, Sue & Michell. I pray you find a path today, that leads to joy, peace & fulfillment of your prupose in life.... Love Your Sister, Eagle/Stacey


Videos and sprouts

Sprouts: Sue, can you confirm this??
I think you can just buy some from most any grocery store in the produce aisle. You can then transplant then in to a larger container and put them on your windowsill, so you can garden indoors... and they should keep sprouting even when you cut them back. That's what I've done in the past anyway.
You can also grow indoors the healing herbs you mentioned in an earlier post. That way you know where they came from, and what went into them.
A big garden sounds like it might be a bit much for you right now.

As for videos, I only know of yoga videos. But you might be able to find some videos of karate katas, for which you would not need a partner. Wado-Ryu or any of the other Ryu tradition karate styles would be a good place to start.

I am not sure if Steven Seagal has made any instructional videos. But you could maybe check out the merchandise section on his official web site. I am sure any videos by him would at least be inspirational!

Good luck!

Love and blessings


ps in case you were wondering Tigerfeet comes from the lyrics of a 70s rock song. It does not refer to my actual feet in any way! But I do have a tattoo of a tiger on my shoulder. She is a friendly tiger, my guardian. :)

Wow! That is interesting to know, but I can't figure out which song you are refering to. I Love that song, "Eye of the Tiger", but I know your are not referring to that one; although, it is the one I think of everytime I see your screen name-[ironically all the more so, due to your medical battles of wonderfully helping keep you daughter alive]!!! You turly are a champion fighter for your daughter, as I try to be for my precious children! I meant to tell you that last week but I got distracted and forgot... People like me, with ADHD and slight Autism/High Functioning, do that often you know! LOL!!! Funny but true. All the more reason "Eye of the Tiger" is one of my old favorit songs. I have 3 other songs that are my most favorit, these days, that are Jewish CHRISTian(3) & CHRISTIAN(1).
Concerning the videos on Mr. Seagals web site store, I will check it out. Thank you for the advice on that. Good one! You too, Sue! Thanks for the advice! Love Your Sister, Eagle/Stacey


c/o naughty corner

The sort of sprouting I was thinking of only needs a jam jar, you can get special containers and automatic electric sprouters but they are unnecessary. I buy dried pulses or seeds from a health food shop or grocery store, just the sort you'd use for any other cooking. Say I'm doing mung beans, I'd soak them overnight in water. Next morning drain and rinse, this is easier to do if you have a piece of muslin over the top of the jar. Rinse twice a day and they sprouts appear in a few days. It's a case of experimenting where to keep the jar, best somewhere warm, it can be in a dark cupboard or out on a window sill depending on what you are sprouting. They are ready in about a week and they you can rinse them and keep them in a container in the refridgerator. I'll see if I can find out any more details for you.

Also the gardening indoors as Michelle talks about is good. I've grown herbs this way and also carrots - eat them when they are tiny baby vegetables and they are so tasty. It sounds too scary to garden in your garden with the snakes around. I think you've been very lucky not getting sick when you've been bitten before.

Take care.


Dear CountryEagle,
so heartrending to hear about your son's and your affliction. Never fear, God is always near.
sometimes it helps me so much if i write a letter to God, first praising Him , Loving Him, worshipping Him, then asking for a request, and putting it into a God bottle or some kind of Holy box where you keep your requests. dont' look at it again to check if your request is granted or not, live in the faith that you took the anxious request out of yourself and handed it over to God to look after.

I was told by my spiritual Teacher a long time ago, you wouldn't take back a broken toy from the toy fixer before it was fixed, so therein lies the spiritual message, hand it over to God and leave it to Him to fix, you can't, He can, let Him.

Meanwhile you are doing everything humanly possible to take responsibility and find out as much as you canabout the affliction and make steps to do what you can for your your son, giving him the right foods as well as taking hgim to second and third opinions to doctors , alternative ones too, and loving him. He is under God's and your protection and care.

Remember to look after yourself too, try to get some rest, keep doing what you are doing, getting lots of positive responses from your friends as well as keeping up your spirituality. Reaching out to others like you have done and revealing the truth about yurself and your son is the right thing to do, No man is an island unto themself.

i love you and your family. will pray for you and yours.


c/o naughty corner
You have written some very interesting and wise things in that post Halkush.
HI Halkush!

I actually do basically some of the exact same things you have mentioned. We think a lot a like!!! I actually like to find ADONAI's promises in the BIBLE, appropriate for the situation being faced and claiming that promise as a child of ADONAI ELOHEM GOD. When I trust the LORD, then everthing gets taken care of, as it should be.... Sometimes there are things I really don't understad, but I still have Faith & Trust in HIM, Knowing somehow it will all work out for the best! The devil may attack us but we are the ones who serve a MIGHTY GOD who will help us to overcome ALL adversity & challenges within our lives as promised in Isaiah 40: 28 - 31 & in Romans 8: 24 - 31!!!! Thank you for the prayers and your words of encouraging wisdom. Love Your Sister, Eagle/Stacey