Question for all and anyone...


Avid Fan
Has anyone on this site ever met Steven Seagal? I'm pretty new and im sure you guys have probably asked this or talked about it before. If you did I missed out.


Staff member
I am sorry but NEVER !!!
Hi DoHuhJooSay,
Welcome to the Steven Seagal Unofficial Site

in oneness


Staff member
There was a new member recently who told us he'd had the pleasure of being thrown half way across the room by Steven Seagal, and Amos' cousin had her picture taken with him!

And welcome to the board!


Lucky Member
I wish all the ladies here could have a chance of meeting him, especially some of them (should I name ?? hum.. guess not..)
If it's true that he will go to Istanbul, I bet Suzi will think of some way to meet him, no doubt about that !!!


New Member
DoHuhJooSay said:
Has anyone on this site ever met Steven Seagal? I'm pretty new and im sure you guys have probably asked this or talked about it before. If you did I missed out.

Yes I have attended several of Seagal's Dharma/Aikido seminars. If this posts I will explain further. I just spent 15 minutes replying and when I clicked the submit I received an error message telling me I wasn't logged on.


New Member
DoHuhJooSay said:
Has anyone on this site ever met Steven Seagal? I'm pretty new and im sure you guys have probably asked this or talked about it before. If you did I missed out.

During the seminars I have attended I have found Seagal to be a gentleman, very personable, and loved talking to children. As participates we were encouraged to sit close to him so he wouldn't have to talk loud.

He welcomed questions from participates, took time to answer all questions and never became short, or condescending, even when several people began to irritate him.

At one seminar he was very sick with a cold but came and gave 300% each day. It quickly becomes apparent that he is quite knowledgeable in Aikido, Dharma, and meditation. When asked, Seagal did the three man randori and he was the only person left standing. I was impressed!

Regardless of what anyone says about Seagal's weight, his age, his acting ability, whatever, after attending his seminars I left motivated to study harder in martial arts, to read and learn more, and had a better understanding and need to be more compassionate towards all human beings.

One thing is apparent from being at Seagal's seminars - he is a teacher and I learned, enjoyed, and left motivated to improve myself after attending. If Seagal ever has any other seminars I strongly recommend anyone attending regardless of your martial arts background. And there were people from all walks of life at these seminars, young, old, martial artist, people who only wanted to learn Dharma, it did not matter. All were welcomed.

Hope this gives you a little insight into Seagal.


I Belong To Steven
Oh Shotolady, I remember you from the official site, it's good to see you here...
You are sooooo lucky!
I have had the feeling that Sensei is such a wonderful man, and I want so very much to meet him, and experience his knowledge, as I know it must be vast...
To hear him give a Dharma talk, that would be a truly mystical experience, and to see him in action doing the aikido, wow!
I sometimes think he is not taken so seriously, and this disturbs me very much...
He seems deeply spiritual, and very serious in matters that are significant to his life, I admire him a great deal, and I know he must be a wonderful teacher...
He seems humble (yes TD I said humble) and this is apparent from what you said, the fact that he prefers not to raise his voice, I mean...
I know that he is likely a peace loving man, for anger is not the way of a martial artist, nor a Buddhist...
No doubts he has a temper, and is intimidating while tossing people about though...:D I find him quite exciting, however...
If ever I do have the chance to attend a seminar I definately will, if I know that he will be there...
It would be a dream come true for me to meet this inspiring man, he is truly amazing, and I think his aikido skill in unmatched...
Dear Sensei, I adore you sooooo much, if you are reading this I want to tell you that you are soooo special to me!
You are truly amazing, and handsome, and wonderful and I love you very much!


New Member
Seagal's attitudes

Shotolady said:
During the seminars I have attended I have found Seagal to be a gentleman, very personable, and loved talking to children. As participates we were encouraged to sit close to him so he wouldn't have to talk loud.

He welcomed questions from participates, took time to answer all questions and never became short, or condescending, even when several people began to irritate him.

At one seminar he was very sick with a cold but came and gave 300% each day. It quickly becomes apparent that he is quite knowledgeable in Aikido, Dharma, and meditation. When asked, Seagal did the three man randori and he was the only person left standing. I was impressed!

Regardless of what anyone says about Seagal's weight, his age, his acting ability, whatever, after attending his seminars I left motivated to study harder in martial arts, to read and learn more, and had a better understanding and need to be more compassionate towards all human beings.

One thing is apparent from being at Seagal's seminars - he is a teacher and I learned, enjoyed, and left motivated to improve myself after attending. If Seagal ever has any other seminars I strongly recommend anyone attending

regardless of your martial arts background. And there were people from all walks of life at these seminars, young, old, martial artist, people who only wanted to learn Dharma, it did not matter. All were welcomed.

Hope this gives you a little insight into Seagal.

The few people I knoe who have met him and my gut feelings are that you are closer to the truth than most. How would one get a schedule of such seminars, should one be fortunate enough to be near the area one was offered?


Staff member
Thank you very much for you explanations Shotolady !! I believe he is very lovely man. I want to meet him. But I know it is impossible.
BTW Welcome to the Steven Seagal Unofficial Board. I am very glad too see you again.

in oneness


come get some
Yes, thanks for the great message Shotolady.

It's so nice to hear something GOOD said about Sensei for a change, instead of this constant stream of negative BS (that sadly, I've gotten used to)

I know this is what he's really like because I know that martial arts masters at that level just do no go around acting like jerks. It just doesn't happen.

Would love to hear any more encounters similar to Shotolady's... :)


I Belong To Steven
I just want an encounter...
I really, really do...;)
I think he is the most wondeful man in the world...
I am sick of all the derogatory crap out there too,
I pretty much just ignore it all...
He gets very little respect, but deserves so much...
I would give him anything and everything I could...:)


Active Member
Hallarian said:
The few people I know who have met him and my gut feelings are that you are closer to the truth than most......

Yeah..I've never met him or even attended one of the seminars.....but the few people I know that did echo Shotolady's words exactly.


I Belong To Steven
Disciple said:
I didn't mean THAT kind of encounter, Lotussan!

Honestly, you have a one track mind. :D

Well, Disciple...
In all honesty I was just kidding around a bit, because you see, he means
so much more to me than just a mere physical attraction, I want to make
that very clear...
I take intimacy sooooo very, very, seriously...
I genuinely respect Steven, and I adore him so much...
And honestly, I am very shy when it comes to these types of things...
I guess he just brings out my each and every emotion, passion VERY included!
So, yes maybe a encounter of that kind is definately on my mind, but what's in my heart for him runs far deeper than that...
It's really kind of overwhelming, and very hard for me to describe, so perhaps I tend to express it in this flirtatious way a bit too often...
I hope if he reads it, he doesn't get a bad impression of me or anything! :)


Smile dammit!
Lacota from the old site met him a few times and also said he was kind and patient, not the ogre portrayed in the media.


I Belong To Steven
I think he has quite a sense of humor, which might sometimes get misconstrued, and of course then there is the sometimes very brutal on screen image, and his sheer size *oh, baby! ;) * which obviously are both quite intimidating...
Oh, and the menacing looks that he sometimes gives that scare the pants off you, like right after the car jump scene in Exit Wounds Oh, my! :eek:
I don't think martial arts breed ogres, not if you are a serious student and in it for the spiritual aspects...
Remember the black and white photo that has Steven in the Namaste pose?
It is one of my favorite photos of all...
Because it has a significance...
Remember what he says...
'The secret of aikido is the way I stand before you...'
This image and this phrase always sticks in my mind...
It tells one that aikido is an art of peace and honor...
Also remember what Mason says in Hard to kill...
What is the exact quote again? :eek:
He says something that I can't recall exactly, one about wanting to be great...
About hurting people being easy, healing people is being harder...
I guess I'll have to go watch it to see what he actually says, what a hardship, poor suffering little me, eh? ;) :D ;)