Seagal goofs in films.


New Member
Sorry to keep the movie mistakes thing going, I love The Master's films as much as the next person as I'm sure the regulars on here know but here's a few more that I recently spotted:

THE FOREIGNER - there aren't too many in this one I've seen but in the scene where Seagal first assaults the Van Aiken residence, he shoots two guys first. The third guy runs at him and as he shoots him you can see some kind of cable attached to the guys leg to make him fall.

OUT FOR JUSTICE - similarly in some versions but not others of this you can see a cable attached to Bobby's leg when he falls as William Forsythe shoots him.

OUT FOR JUSTICE - watch the climatic fight closely - in the brief shot where Seagal breaks Forsythe's wrist look in the background - the body that is in other shots slumped against the fridge totally disappears.

HARD TO KILL - I'm sure this one has probably been mentioned before but when The Master and Le Brock flee in the jeep from the house, in one shot the license plate switches sides on the front of the vehicle.

OUT FOR JUSTICE - look in the scene where Seagal first visits Forsythe's parents in their home - in one shot you can see a couple of stars on the ground where the actors are supposed to stand: the father at the left of the screen even looks down at the ground to see when he hits his mark. Similar markings can also be seen much later on on the floor of the pool hall when the gangsters threaten Forsythe's brother.

MARKED FOR DEATH - not sure if this one has been mentioned before but watch The Master's jacket magically change from black to Tiger-stripe during his scene in the hospital after his niece is shot.

Naturally all of the above just adds to the charm of The Master's films which are surely among the finest action films of all time as we know only too well!


I Belong To Steven
Ah Yes, Seagal San is the Master...Thanks, Steve...
It's always so exciting to recall those movie scenes...


Staff member
That's what they pay the continuity person for - or do they have continuity people any more on films?


Heck Amos you bet me to the punch again..Buggar but its true though what were they thinking..They more then likely think that us fans wouldnt notice WRONG.How would you think Steven would feel if they had cut corners and not cleaned up after themselves.. I have seen not only Stevens movies but one movie that i saw a long,long time ago "BEN-HUR" since when in the Roman days did they were "WATCHES"
Bloody silly huh?..Heather..