seagal students


Staff member
Hi Don, i'll move this to the martial arts forum.

I think Sean Connery only trained with him while making 'Never Say Never Again'.


And if iam not wrong Steven caused some bodily harm on Sean but Sean is an big boy he can take it......broke his wrist wasnt it ?..


Staff member
And if iam not wrong Steven caused some bodily harm on Sean but Sean is an big boy he can take it......broke his wrist wasnt it ?..
Yes i believe that's correct.

He said in an interview that during the filming of NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN, he was taking martial arts lessons and in the process angered the instructor who in turn broke his wrist. Connery stayed with the wrist broken for a number of years thinking it was only a minor pain... the instructor was Steven Seagal.


New Member
i know steven seagal trains actors in training for an action movie, for example steven seagal trained dmx and ja rule for the movies he was in with them


Above The Law
Himalayasplaya said:
i know steven seagal trains actors in training for an action movie, for example steven seagal trained dmx and ja rule for the movies he was in with them

Ye you are right, I also think Ja Rule could take 50 in a fight, because he boxes and also trained with Seagal.


Old member aikidoka
He did the choreography of "The Challenge" starring Toshiro Mifune (Seven Samurai, Sanjuro, Yojimbo, etc). There are some great fight sceens in The Challenge.
I think it is interesting to know that when the producer of the challenge asked a well known kenjutsu sensei if he could do the choreography of the movie, he said no but that he could recomend Steven Seagal. When the producer asked why he didn't recomend a better native japanese kenjutsuka the sensei simply said
- He is the best I know.


Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
Craig Robertson said:
Yes i believe that's correct.
i must say sean connery has guts to take lessons in aikido. i don't see any other actor on this planet with the intelligence to train in aikido, especially steven seagal's dojos


Old member aikidoka
Ehh, I would say alot of actors have, perhaps not so many in hollywood, but since you mentioned the whole planet...
Toshiro Mifune (Very well known,e.g. in Oscar winning movie "Seven Samurai") got some instructions by Seagal as I said before.

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
Aikilove said:
Ehh, I would say alot of actors have, perhaps not so many in hollywood, but since you mentioned the whole planet...
Toshiro Mifune (Very well known,e.g. in Oscar winning movie "Seven Samurai") got some instructions by Seagal as I said before.
yeah, but clint eastwood nor arnold schwarzenegger have taken aikido lessons, EHH???