I can´t imagine that Seagal will be in "Expendables 3" because according to Sly Stallone´s Twitter account MMA World Champion Ronda Roussey(best female fighter) will be in "Expendables 3". We all know that Ronda Roussey hates Steven Seagal because Seagal insulted her mentor Gene LeBell.
Ronda Roussey said if she meets Seagal he will be choke out for a second time from her.
You can watch her interview on YouTube.
Sly dosn't focus on stuff like that. Ronda Roussey knows that she shouldn't behave like that on the set, and she would get a terrible reputation if she did stuff like that on an movie set. At the same time there are people there to take care of those sort of things when they are filming, so if Seagal is in nothing will happen between the two.
Lets just wait and see if Seagal is in when the casting is announced in August.
Are we absolutely sure she is not a man? I really don't care to see her in the Expendables 3. She's abnoxious & cocky. Everyone seems to down play Seagal's Aikido. He should just setup a fight with one of these "talkers" and put them in their place.
If hope that Seagal will not cancel EX3 because of this stupid unknown Ronda Rousey!
Maybe Seagal and Rousey will both have little roles, so probably they don’t see each other on set.
Do you think sending a tweet to Sly and Seagal, mentioning that a lot of fans really hope to see Seagal in the movie would help? Or contacting Keoni Waxman?
3 More Weeks...
As for the cast, the mystery persists or almost. Although there is no solid confirmation of Gibson, Li & Seagal, EX3 will still line up one of the most impressive casts of action figures that will include Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Willis, Lundgren, Chan, Snipes & Statham. Fans should rest assured that this chapter will deliver the right dose of action from their favorite stars of the past and present.
So relax and be patient...
Are you guys really angry at Ronda Rousey for calling Steven out like this?
In all honesty, Steven is the one who is always badmouthing everyone, after Above The Law came out he was putting down Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris, and had to apologize after 12 of Chuck's friends and martial arts legends challenged him to fight them, and he apologized for his words after that.
Remember his recent interview on The Voice vs. Steven Seagal? Who DIDN'T he badmouth in that interview?
Ronda Rousey standing up for his mentor and teacher like this is nothing compared to what Steven has said over the years.