Hell i really stuffed my face too.worked threw my whole shift with a popped dome.Hope you had sweet dreams and enjoy your boxing day.ORANGATUANG said:My day turned out pretty good i went and helped out at the nursing home and was asked to stay and have lunch with them which i did..didnt want to dissapoint them just as well i did have xmas lunch there because when i got home i found an message on messagebank that banquet had been cancelled due to an death in this persons family....soooooooo just as well i took up that offer at the nursing home huh?...iam sooooo full man i shall have to undo my skirt...Phewww thats better...no my day was good..iam sooooo buggared though but it was worth it..dont worry bb life does suck now and then but then there is tommorrow...iam amazed Lotussan isnt in here yet?.. wishing steven an merry xmas come on girl where are you?.......
Jace said:Hell i really stuffed my face too.worked threw my whole shift with a popped dome.Hope you had sweet dreams and enjoy your boxing day.
Need excitement???? When you can't have the real thing.....there is always his movies.ORANGATUANG said:What is an popped dome Jace?...no sweet dreams last night maybe tonight if iam good its up to him..and boxing day boy its sooooooo boring got up and got everything done i had to and by 11am this morning all done..this day is draggingggggggg i need some excitement......
I have no doubt Heather!!ORANGATUANG said:Yeah ....but if your dreams were like mine girl you wouldnt even have to watch his movies because you would be in them..