I live by my word:Here you go girls this is were iam going to put mt heart felt thoughts and if anybody dont like it there can go and jump:So here goes bring it on.Steven "I L.O.V.E. YOU"..Heather.
suziwong said:Thanks Heather you found the solution !!!
in onenensss
Suzi that picture is awesome. I really love it.
littledragon869 said:I find it very annoying, we are not deaf you know.
I LOVE STEVEN SEAGAL. Ok! Point heard, what more needs to be said?!
ORANGATUANG said:Hey Steven darling iam feeling blue>>>>>All i need is you>>>Ohhh now iam a poet and didnt know it.>>>>I forget it nobody listens to me anyway..Heather..
KATHYPURDOM said:Heather we listen to you.
Do you know what I do when I am feeling blue? I listen to 2 of Steven's songs. Girl it's Alright and Rebel in Me while I look at his pictures on my pc. I carry that cd around with me anywhere I go. Just to hear his voice seems to make the blues go away.