Above The Law
I just saw it, It is SPECTACULAR!!
yes.lee nicholson said:(by the way, am i the only one to hate PULP FICTION?)
lee nicholson said:BELLY OF THE BEAST is marketed as a martial arts movie
KILL BILL is marketed as a martial-arts movie
Do you see what I am geting at?
steve said:Aside from its exploting of people's money by being split into two parts, the fights look stupid. Uma fights with a pan in a 'comic' scene, come on it's just crap. If you want to see a fight with a pan give me Seagal beating the crap out of William Forsythe at the end of Out For Justice any day.
littledragon869 said:Personally I pay to watch Seagal do his own fight scenes not some Seagal look a like from behind doing a jump spinning hook kick with computer animation. Kill Bill is by far more superior over BOTB, as much as I love Seagal, he is going with the trend. He set a new standard back in the late 80's for martial art action films and now he is just being a follower. Kill Bill's fight scenes are extraordinary especially with Gordon Liu and the cinematography is spectacular. I am hoping for a Seagal comeback so I can prove myself wrong.
Zagon said:i understand this is a seagal forum, but c'mon people, grow up just a little. Everything he touches does not turn to gold, and there are plenty of others out there doing their own thing that rock just as hard, if not harder....