Thank You


Potters Clay
I think i would crap my pants if he wrote in. Well, maybe I would just need another dose of ticker meds.


Yuck!!! to much information..and what the hell are "ticker meds"...If he wrote in i think i would screammmmmmmmmm.If my hubby isnt deaf now well he would be then...Heather.


I Belong To Steven
Gotta be clever, and gotta be quick...
You never know when someone could
be pulling your leg...
Me, now personally I'm very serious about Steven...


Lotussan said:
Gotta be clever, and gotta be quick...
You never know when someone could
be pulling your leg...
Me, now personally I'm very serious about Steven...

And who isn't,Lotus?:D


Some time back then there was a site Mav's Tribute To Steven Seagal which claimed it was personally approved and authorised by the man himself...It was long before his official site appeared.I don't know how true it was but if we could have something like that here or something better than that,that he would come here at least once a year and let us know that he does give a damn about us ...But,alas,sweet dreams,sweet dreams...Somehow I don't believe this.If I happen to run into him suddenly while running down the street I'd give him in a butt for sure,no go for the getaway :D


And one more thing...Now I don't think running his official site again would be rational.Craig has done so much to us,much more than anyone else could have and I'm not gonna leave this place even if they put a gun to my head.:gun:

Mama San

I hate to burst anyones bubble but "it ain't gonna happen"!
He apparently thought precious little of us when we were
all over on the old site, unless of course you were into Aikido!
Otherwise the rest of us were just "window dressing".
As for coming here? I doubt it! Too many of us have far
too many questions that he may not want to answer.
#1 question: Why did he abandon us when the old site went
down? Why were we continually lied to, that the site would
soon be back up and running, when they no intention of
opening up the site again.
Craig has created a wonderful site for us. He did in a matter of weeks
what "they" could not do in 2 years! I'd say that there were some
rather stupid people over there.
If he wants to come here, I sure that he would be treated with the
upmost respect, the administrators and moderators would see to that,
but he must also remember that he hurt quite a few people when he
abandoned us.
I love him but that doesn't mean that I think he was right!
God bless,
Mama san


Potters Clay
Sounds like a lot of people have written off Mr. Seagal as a loser when it came to his old site. No one really knows what happened. Unless you have heard the truth from him yourself, I think you are being harsh with him. I have to admit I do get discouraged when he doesn't respond to fan letters; and closes down his fan site. If anyone really wants to know what ticker meds are it is the medication I take to regulate my heart rate so I don't feel like I am having a heart attack all day, every day. I am not a drug addict or anything. I get a bit discouraged at this site when fans say they are a huge fan in one sentence then slam him in the next. How loyal are we? Really!?


Staff member
The only time he ever responded on his old site was one question about Aikido. (I saw the response through a link on Turboman's site, but since the official site is now completely off the 'net, that response has disappeared.)

I don't think you'll find a bigger pair of fans than Mama san and suziwong. And they were on the official site, and they did know what was happening there. It's why they as administrators are so vigilant about keeping things from going south the way it did there.

You can love someone and still not be happy with some of the things he does. It doesn't mean somebody's "love" is more valid than another's if one is 100% praise all the time and another's expresses an opinion that doesn't fall into that category.

The fact is, Steven did treat his fans very shabbily. Whether it was simply a lack of interest on his part or the part of the site administrators doesn't really matter. It was the fans who lost out in the end. And its the fans who keep him "in business". Acknowledging us - in all of our various guises, whether we are the unqualified adoring or those of us who love and yet dare to offer critiques towards improvement - would be a wonderfully gracious thing to do. But we aren't holding our collective breaths about that happening.

That's the reality we are dealing with; it's not a slam.


Potters Clay
I understand. I am just a sesitive person and I don't like seeing people getting disced on what seems to be here say.
Remember people.. there is a big difference between fans.... and .... those people that would be quite willing to lick the guys sweaty crack....

some of you people border on psychotic........ grow up!!


Potters Clay
Your sick. All I was saying is that people were calling themselves fans then turning on the actor like a pack of wolves; and now on each other? I never said he was perfect. We all are not perfect. We all make mistakes. I am starting to feel like I am back in high school again. Well isn't that a real treat.


I would watch your mouth if i was you Sasha, and practice what you preach...You are lucky you have caught me on a good day because if i was having a bad one i would say something i shouldnt..But hey iam a grown up-are you?.......


Remarks like that are totally un-called for eh Lotussan?...If this person had a shred of
denency in its head before opening up its mouth it would be a miracle..If he was here at this moment i think Steven would put a stop to this persons mouth...


Remarks like that are totally un-called for eh Lotussan?...If this person had a shred of
denency in its head before opening up its mouth it would be a miracle..If he was here at this moment i think Steven would put a stop to this persons mouth...Iam outta here before i really let loose.Heather...


People oh people,time to wake up.
No one was slamming Seagal here,these are just simple facts.Whoever they were those admins on the official sites it was up to the man himself to set control over the job they were doing and it was obvious that it wasn't happening.Why?Some of you would try to find an excuse but I see no excuse.He launched that site and then we talked them into opening a forum for us but the rest was happening by itself and no one even cared about it...No news provided,no updates,nothing.And as the matter of fact,in the end this was totally shut down.If pointing out this facts is called slamming him then I'm out of speech.Because it was rather him who turned his back on us,not us,coz we kept buying his movies no matter what.And I'd be happy to find a conceivable excuse to this but Í just find it hard to do.And please don't tell me after all that folks who say this are pretend-to-be-fans.Because I haven't turned my back on him.And I won't ever do that.It's just I don't have much faith in that he'll drop by here to say hi to his fans.Maybe I'm wrong,maybe there's a better excuse for him but first I'd like to ask him personally about it.No speculation,we just tread on eggs,do we?

Mama San

Your choice of "words" leave much to be desired!!
I would suggest that you curb those "phrases"
before you end up either being "edited" or worse....
"post deleted."
Thank you,
Mama san