Very negative review on "Out of Reach" You must read it

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I Belong To Steven
Res Dog, we appreciate that you put it here, it wasn't your fault the guy who wrote it insulted us...


Running low on fuel ... u getting emotional there? ... I don't insult.

"If thats not an attack, I dont know what is. I do know what I am talking about, that movie is terrible. If it went to theatres, it wouldnt even made back half it's budget. He did bounce back, what was that movie with Seagal that went number one? Oh yea, exit wounds. Was exit wounds before or after this crap? After. I call that bouncing back"

The Patriot was intended for DTV ... NOT Exit Wounds (especially with Joel Silver backing it). And what was after Exit Wounds? ... you call that a bounce back ... it's bouncing back and forth is what it's called. What, you'd rather see The Foreigner in theatres ... or Belly of the Beast?

Reservoir Dog

Questioning my intelligence and my opinion isn't an insult, nor is it friendly conversation. Just went back and read all my posts, nowhere did I see an out right attack of Vern (the reviewer), but just my opinion on the style and format that was used, as well as the use of "humour". For the last time, I like Vern's reviews.... but not his Seagal reviews. Maybe im just too thin skinned when it comes to Seagal, but man. It's but enough his movies have gotten to this point of quality, let alone publicising the fact the guy isn't in a good stage right now. How is Seagal supposed to make a comeback to decent films, which I know everyone would like to see (Belly of the beast was good, bad I dont think it was good as any of his movies that went to theatres, except for "Half Past Dead"). His stunt doubles are working over time, and I am really concerned about his physical state. The last thing he needs is poor reviews on his direct to video films before "Into the Sun" even comes out.


New Member

yudansha said:
I guess if you find this movie ‘laughable,’ you’ll be well prepared for his comedy.

Oh LOL … but the funniest thing of this thread is this last page (5th at the moment) where you all, all of a sudden turned your heads, faced the other way, and turned the other cheek to Vern “the buddy”. … what a group :D … welcome Vern. Enjoy! … and be ready for more surprises from this bunch. It took me longer to read and write for this one thread than it usually takes me to go over the whole forum … so please have some respect.

This is the most popular thread I’ve seen so far, and by far … so many responses in less than a day … stirred up a lot of action … and now it’s finally ‘settled.’

Hey Yu, take a Xanax.....:D kat


New Member
Out of Reach

Well to be honest everyone I'm going to wait until I see the movie before I even say anything about the film, it's hard to say anything for sure when we don't yet have a single frame of it to go on. I'm sure with an Oriental director at the helm it can't be all that bad in terms of action, though even Tsui Hark (as Vern mentioned) made the truly horrific Knock Off with Van Damme. The latter had the occasional spark of decent action but as an overall film it really wasn't too good, his previous Van Damme escapade Double Team was far better but likewise suffered from some bad special effects.

On the subject of a lack of car chases and CGI, I'd have to say no car chases is a bit of a minus, an action film can always benefit from one I'd say especially if done right. I've never been a fan of CGI though and usually prefer films to not have any, CGI almost always attracts attention to itself and looks hokey. Give me real-size, non-computerised effects any day.

Since Vern asked about the dubbing, it's been pretty regular of late. Though it doesn't really detract from my enjoyment of Steven's films, he has been dubbed by someone else in The Foreigner, Out For a Kill and Belly of the Beast. I always thought the final line he speaks in The Patriot ("What have we got here?" as he pets the pony) sounded like a different guy too.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Out of Reach and hopefully it will be a lot better than the review in question has made it sound. Poor quality screeners or pirate copies will always make a film look a good deal less impressive than it actually is. And as was mentioned if the film wasn't even complete at this stage then I'm sure the crew will have dusted off any imperfections prior to the final cut.

Even if it isn't as up to scratch as Belly of the Beast I'll still enjoy it for being a Seagal film, and with Into the Sun having a multi-million budget and a theatrical release, there will still be lots for us to look forward to afterwards!


So. Vern. What are your thoughts on "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"? ;) :D

We haven't scared you off yet, have we? :D


Reservoir Dog said:
It's a shame my 300th post had to be used for those attempts to defend myself from ridiculous insults and accusations . This is the last time i post anything like this review here again. I knew it would come back to haunt me.

Sorry you feel that way Reservoir Dog, but I do hope you will indeed keep posting everything and anything you find regarding Steven. As I said in the beginning of this thread, I believe everything we come across, postive or negative, should be posted. We are all quite capable of forming our own opinions.

Besides, the joint ain't been jumping like this in a while, eh? :D

Reservoir Dog

Serena said:
Besides, the joint ain't been jumping like this in a while, eh? :D
That's certainly true. In terms of the question about dubbing, its because Steven isn't around for last minute editing. He is so busy with his schedule. Vern can probably give you more details on the filmmaking process, but that's the best reason i can figure.



It's just plain and simple ... it is CHEAPER to hire a voice over actor than to ask a big shot star like Steven Seagal to appear on the set for more editing. Money is always the issue. And in business it's always about money.


Potters Clay
I think it is obvious the guy doesn't like the actor. The remarks make it blatently obvious and biased. That is like telling a politician to say something positive about the other political party. I will judge the movie for myself. I do not need some hot airbag deciding for me. Since the guy likes to pick on someones looks, I wouldn't mind seeing if the wind bag is a lard ball besides a bad judge of movies.

Reservoir Dog

Be careful what you say Julie, he is registered on the board. He's made it clear he is a seagal fan, but says this movie is just flat out bad.


New Member
yudansha said:
So, although that the choreography might seem unimpressive doesn’t mean that it is.

Okay, in that case the choreography was VERY impressive, in the sense that it was NOT impressive. I think.

The thing about it I don’t get is that most of this so called ‘review’ was a description of the plot with a very brief mention of what could have been improved. The guy probably likes story telling, but he ain’t a very good critic.

Well I'm gonna explain it to you then bud. In the case of this picture, the plot is hilarious enough that it must be explained in order for the review to be worthwhile. I have some deeper analysis of the picture but I'm saving that for my book on the films of Steven Seagal.

“On the positive side, they don't have any car chases or CGI effects”

I rather enjoy these … it adds to the movie experience as that’s what movies are about. It’s fiction … otherwise it’d be a documentary.

Well as I said in the review I think these are cheats that Seagal has been using lately instead of doing his own action. Instead of breaking a guy's arm he has some stuntman flip a car or some computer animators make a bullet fly. Sure, I liked in Belly of the Beast when he cut the arrow in half, that was cool. But I'd rather see him actually fighting than doing alot of that stuff.

Another example of laziness is in Half Past Dead when there is a big fight in the prison and Steven and Ja Rule hide in a helicopter for the whole scene. This guy used to be an action star! It's just sad, like Jackie Chan doing a bunch of computer effects instead of fighting. It's not what martial arts movie stars were meant to do, in my opinion.

The thing that these ‘reviewers’ seem to forget is that it’s a straight to video film and was intended to be one when it was filmed … so what’s the point comparing it to Steven Seagal’s original classics that amazed the world?

Actually, 'I' didn't forget that. But I liked Seagal's early low budget movies the best anyway. I think it would be possible for him to do a low down gritty movie like Out For Justice on a budget like that. The budget is not the problem.

Thanks for the comments though bud.



I Belong To Steven
LOL, Julie...Hot airbag, too funny...More like a wet blanket, what a loser with too much nothing to do, not like he's got a busy life or anything like our dear Steven, eh?


New Member
Reservoir Dog said:
I don't consider myself a hypocrite, although some might. I still don't like your review on this film. I think you have written some good ones, funny ones, abotu Seagal films. I never personally insulted you, I just didn't think your review was one of your better ones.

Im not criticising you, your writing style, or your attacks on Seagal (if you call them attacks, you are simply pointing out what we all know. Seagal needs to lose weight). If that makes me a hypocrite fine, but i havent changed my position on anything.

I don't think I called you a hypocrite bud. I don't think you need to like my review either. And I appreciate you being nice to me in your posts. "It's all good" as the young kids say. thanks for the comments.



New Member
steve said:
I'm sure with an Oriental director at the helm it can't be all that bad in terms of action

Well, this guy is of Asian descent but he doesn't come from Hong Kong action movies or martial arts or anything. He is the guy who did Cabin By the Lake, a horrible made for cable movie where Judd Nelson is a screenwriter who kills people as research for his screenplay.

So it's not a surprise that there's not much imagination or energy in the action. It is not like Out For a Kill or Belly of the Beast where everybody ELSE is doing crazy martial arts and he just punches them when they get near him. It is much more subdued.

Thanks for the response about the dubbing, I will look for that next time I watch them.
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