what is this ???


Staff member
Dominic Salerno
Jun. 13, 2003 12:00 AM

Losers of the Week

File this under Let Me Stand Next To Your Fire Down Below. The marshmallow martial arts actor raised some eyebrows when he announced this spring that he would play Genghis Khan in an upcoming movie, a role that's been mercifully left alone since The Conqueror, where John Wayne donned a Fu Manchu mustache and drawled, "You're beautiful in your wrath," to Susan Hayward. This week Seagal informed Star Magazine he's also trying to raise funds for a Jimi Hendrix biopic. That in itself is bad enough - the last time Seagal brought Hendrix music to the big screen it was in Under Siege, where Tommy Lee Jones was a crazy old hippie who air guitars Jimi's "Star Spangled Banner" as he sends a nuclear missile to Hawaii. But Seagal wants to play the Voodoo Chile himself? Who would even pick up the lunch check for that brain wave?

Last time we looked, Seagal was a hulky (you can call him fat) 50-year-old Caucasian with greased-back hair, hardly a match for a sleek soul brother. So what are Seagal's qualifications for purple hazing? According to Seagal, he's "a great guitar player and a passable singer," and he owns one of Hendrix's Marshall amps and most of Hendrix's music on CD. And Danny DeVito wanted too much money.

What is this ?? is this new or not !!:confused:
in oneness


Staff member
Half truths, misrepresentations - mostly garbage, I'd say. Pay it no mind. The Ghenghis thing might be mostly true, but who knows, until we hear it from Steven himself?

I could see him wanting to produce a biopic of Jimi Hendrix, if he's keen. But playing him? I doubt it.


New Member
I am soooo tired of people bad mouthing our hero
he is a very talented musician with the capbabilities of a Hendrix bio which I would love to see
Furthermore he's a great actor I just think people misunderstand his calm collected manner as "wooden acting"

Our hero is ever so great


I Belong To Steven
Ah just more miserable sensationalism, ugh...I sit here and have to laugh when they call him a loser, I bet they wouldn't object to taking his place out in the limelight...I don't know about the Hendrix thing, but I guess with the right makeup and clothes, you never know....I really can't picture him as Hendrix in my mind, all I know is Steven is real cool looking sporting a guitar, and I am sure he plays better than those reporters with the big mouths ever could...He plays from his soul, you can see it in his eyes when you see a photo of him with the guitar...And he's got those lovely long and agile fingers...It's good to see that you all are supporting him, I think he really deserves our praise...:)


I Belong To Steven
That's ok, he can retire, and run away with me, then we can write poetry, sing songs, and meditate together...:D