Yakuza confusing

Well done to Justice for finding out all of the new info on Yakuza but this is all very confusing. Hannibal Pictures insist their Yakuza is different to Seagal's but there are some very alarming coincidences.

The script Seagal commissioned in 2001, which obviously isn't being used by him, was about John Markham, same last name as the hero of Hannibal's project, a man raised in Japan and schooled in the ways of the samurai who has a falling out with his adoptive Japenese brother over a girl, like Hannibal's project again.

Cut to Amercia years later. Markham's a fed who is almost fatally wounded in an abortion clinic siege, similar to Hannibal again. A while after that he is called by a fellow agent who tells him his daughter has been kidnapped by the Yakuza and that he wants Markham to help him since he's familiar with Japan and the ways of the Yakuza.

Once back in Japan Markham is reunited with his bitter adopted brother, the girl who split them up and his old sensei who brings him back to his former self. There was this whole weird sequence where Markham is apparently killed and resurrected three days later (like Jesus) and comes back as his bad old ass kicking self.

As you can see there are many similarities between the Hannibal project and the Seagal commissioned script.

If anyone wants to check out the details they can go to IGN Film Force, highlight The Stax Report and go to the month of August 2001 for Stax's review.

I also have an email address for someone at Franchise. It's pretty old so I'm not too sure if it'll work but here it is:


Maybe Franchise can clear up the confusion.

Hope this helps.
The Stax Report's premise is not the one that will be used by Seagal in "Into the Sun"..
I think its just pathetic that Seagal cannot have his own official to put out information on his upcoming projects with official plots and info so we would'nt have to be guessing..At this point who knows what "Into the Sun" is gonna be about..


Smile dammit!
Let's be honest. His feedback to his fans is terrible. We all know how often he went to the old place...
If someone can find the Franchise e-mail addy,I will get on the case & drop them a mail.I don't know about anyone else but I just hate guessing games when it comes to films:ironchief


Leon - Are you referring to the one Gunslinger had in the first post of this thread, or did you mean a different one?


justice808 said:
If someone can find the Franchise e-mail addy,I will get on the case & drop them a mail.I don't know about anyone else but I just hate guessing games when it comes to films:ironchief

But Leon, if it were not for the guessing games, we probably wouldn't have half the threads there are now! :D
Serena-oh yeah!I see it now!Don't know why I didn't see it the first time.Doh.I will e-mail them sometime tomorrow.




Staff member
I found this e-mail off the Rotterdam Film Festival site, but I think it's from 2000, so it may be no good.


I can't get anything off the Toronto Film Festival site until the 26th of August. That's when they'll put their search engine on-line.

-TD, always trying to be helpful


Staff member
justice808 said:
Hi TDWoj,many thanks for your efforts :)


Always happy to help out any time and any where. It is strange that Franchise Pictures don't have a website, though.


I Belong To Steven
Is 'Luminocity' Steven Seagal's new production company?
Anyone know?
I thought I heard that someplace...
And all this time I thought it was spelled 'Luminosity'


I don't know what the latest goss is, but Ray Sefo is home at present and just said on live T.V that Yakuza was due to start filmimg in September. Unfortunately Steven is filming in Poland at present and they are 5 weeks behind schedule there. He didn't say if he was going to appear in Yakuza or not, but his agents are still working on things for that movie and other projects. He didn't say much more, although he looked like he knew alot more.