
Blue Violet

New Member
I have been reading a bit about various religions. Last night I was reading a book on Tibetan Buddism. I was wondering some things as I read....the person that Steven Seagal believesthat he is a reincarnation of ......was he Buddist? (I say believes because I have other theories that would explain why some people would believe in reincarnation but personally I think that there are other phenomena that explain these experiences)

Also, for others who are practicing.....are modern practitioners of Buddism able to do things like remote viewing, out of body experiences etc.....


Hi Blue Violet
I am far from being an expert on Buddhism - like you I just read and wonder...
But, I seem to remember reading something somewhere on this site that one of Seagal's former teachers said the reincarnation thing, not Steven himself, although I beleive that he has since agreed with that theory.
Maybe others can help us out here??

Remote viewing is not a practice specific to Buddhism, nor are out of body experiences. I think these have more to do with an awareness of the universe and your own powers to access it. I have a friend who can do remote viewing, but he is not a Buddhist, just a spiritual being. So, presumably some modern Buddhist practitioners would have this ability, and others would not. It would depend on many other factors.


c/o naughty corner
This is from the IMDB bio of Steven

in 1997 Seagal publicly announced that one of his Buddhist teachers, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, had accorded Seagal as a tulku, the reincarnation of a Buddhist Lama. This initial announcement was met with some disbelief until Penor Rinpoche himself gave a confirmation statement on Seagal's new title.

If you Google 'Seagal reincarnation' there seems to be a lot but the second on the list (at the moment) seems to give a good explanation from the sangyetashiling website.
Remote Viewing is the ability to gain information about things, places or events, in an unnatural unhuman way. It is the same in Spirit Filled CHRISTian Churches with the gift of Knowledge & Understand, through the HOLY SPIRIT Of ADOINI - YAHWEH ELOHEM & YESHUA-CHRIST JESUS. If you understand the CHRISTian Bible in regards to being Spirit Filled, it is alot like having that kind of supernatural gift. When you open yourself up to a spirit, that spirit gives you knowledge & wisdom about a person, place or event for a specific useful or helpful purpose for the God/GOD you serve.

Mystery Mom

Queen of the Mist
There is...

nothing unnatural or unhuman in allowing your spirit to step free from your physical body and 'view' the world around you.

The ancients were doing long before our feeble modern age. Much has been lost over time, yet some cultures have managed to keep the old ways and pass the lessons forward.

It does not require mind altering drugs or other 'tools' to achieve that state of mind. Granted some find the burning of incense or the old natural grasses to help them achieve that level of release. But, it can be reached by simple relaxation and/or meditation techniques. This is available to all peoples and it is NOT unnatural or unhuman.

You must be careful of what you 'see' and think wisely and deeply on how you interpret those events/visions or whatever you choose to call them.

Sometimes, what is there is deep within your own soul.

Unnatural defined

When I use the word unnatural, I mean the same as supernatural, from the spirit we open ourself up to, for that gift of knowledge & wisdom. I'm sorry, I use words poorly sometimes. I really am learning challenged, but the LORD has helped me overcome a lot. Thank you for your understanding.
Love Always,