Foreigner and Belly of the Beast up for Best Direct to Video Movie

Hey Disciple, if any of us ever want cumback, we'd scrape it off the top of your Mouth.
You want to get school yard, I can get school yard on your B**ch @$$
no, I think plenty of effort goes into these responses, "lady" (for want of a better word)...
The only effort you know is how to be a class A prick and try to sound pompus and pretentious to everyone else except for those who happen to share you limited view of things.
You know, ladies aren't supposed to talk like that. But then again, I'm guessing that ain't no lady, heh...

And "sexually repressed"? Like I said elsewhere, the low blows/baiting doesn't work on me I'm afraid. A for effort, though.
and the tired old "jealousy" card gets played.

wonder how that jealousy angle works exactly, being as I'm such a fan and all. No, if anyone around here is jealous, it's the "ladies" who direct endless cattiness towards the girl he's with. This gives me an idea for a new thread...
You know it sounds like you're speaking from your own experience....Freud Would have fun with you.
You sound as petty and pathetic as a politician, if you don't know what the hell you're talking about you just try and confuse the point.
You, and people like you are what is wrong with the world today.
Pi$$y little Pi$$ ant.


The Writer
Well things took a turn for the worse

I would like to clarify a misunderstanding. I guess maybe some members accused me of not being a true fan, but on the contrary I am indeed a fan. I am not a fanatic of his like possibly some members on this MB(I am not talking about anyone in particular, but there is always at least one fanatic on each MB except some hide it very well from the unsuspecting eye), but I have been a fan for over 8 years now and will continue to be one.

P.S Some of the members should try to come down, and reply with some dignity. At least speak out with intelligence rather that using such simple street words or phrases as (F that or B this). More and more nowadays I find myself arguing with people who have a short temper and quickly loose their cool. This is just a topic, and all of us are entitled to an opinion. I still stand by my comment, and a forum strictly targeting this issue would be of great benefit to all of us.


come get some
On the contrary, Nick. You are one of the few TRUE fans, that is, someone who is prepared to hold a civilized, serious minded discussion about things, instead of the usual nonsense that we see all the time.

Keep on keeping on, brother.
Disciple said:
now THAT is a good effort! :D
Effort my ass, that is something an intelligent 5 year old could type up to make you look like the nitwit you are.
That is your intellect level innit?
The thing about me and other people, I've been around people on message boards for quite awhile, learned many things.
I've learned to detach myself from emotion. Makes for better discussion instead of acting on passion instead of logic, what may look to you like I'm having an anurism, is nothing but pushing keys to me.
Now I know you may not have the best reading comprehension skills but too bad, I'm not dumbing it down for you.


The Writer
"On the contrary, Nick. You are one of the few TRUE fans, that is, someone who is prepared to hold a civilized, serious minded discussion about things, instead of the usual nonsense that we see all the time"

Well I thank you once again for the praise. And it is in fact unfortunate that nowadays people want to resolve to nonsense, and try to make everyone see his or her side of things while ignoring the other. Have you ever met people like that? Stubborn people who just won’t rest until everyone aggress with them. But in a society like this, you will always have a disagreement because of the free speech cloth. When someone gets angry over such an irrelevant and simple issue, I just try to ignore them because they don’t want to see the solution and instead move the argument forward. People like that amuse me, and always will, simply because of their ignorance and short temper. The solution is at your fingertips, since majority of the members want to discuss such topic further I think the web master should consider a separate page just to address this topic.


Well-Known Member
my vote is

1.belly of the beast hell

in hell is a decent movie but not in the same league as belly of beast which is seagals best film since glimmer man


Smile dammit!
Nick said:

I personally hope In Hell wins, but that’s only because its both great as a movie and an action film. But certainly Steven Seagal has a better chance because two of his films are present on that list.
Good link Nick. BOTB is 2nd on the vote after Kill Bill at present.Good review of The Foreigner too.I think that film gets unjustified criticism. It's just a bit different,with it's European location shooting.


Smile dammit!
steve said:
I have to say I love Exit Wounds, Half Past Dead, The Foreigner, Belly of the Beast and In Hell. They're all great films in their own way. I don't think there was anything wrong with Ja Rule in Half Past Dead, his character and personality interacted very well with Sasha's and he fit well into the role. For some reason some people just can't stand seeing rap stars having a stab at the movies. I reall loved Belly of the Beast I can't get over how great those fight scenes were, I especially love the one in the fruit market, especially the part where he repeated slaps one guy in the head over and over and it goes really well with the music! You'll know the part I mean when you see the scene.
Ja Rule isn't Laurence Olivier but he did well in the part. He's a rapper,but that doesn't come in to it. I thought he did well in the part. The verbal sparring with Nia Peebles was good too. I'm still waiting for that UK release *drat*.


I Belong To Steven
They're (foreigner, and hpd) all good movies, and BOTB is the best!
Van Damme is no comparision to Seagal...
Because Steven's fighting is just too skilled, too natural, too awesome...
He's complex and dangerous, and totally thrilling!
I absolutely love the scene in BOTB at the outdoor market...
He is tooooooo AWESOME! What a man, truly unbelievable! And oooooooh, soooo incredibly gorgeous too, mmmmmmm! He just gets better and better, he's got it all!