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  • Thank you, I did have very nice time. Everyone was so nice and it was really an honor and a blessing to meet our Brother Steven & ............in person. He is really a very gifted musician, with deep soul! Wish you could have been there.

    Love Your Sister, Eagle/Stacey
    Eh i can;t see our conversations on your page?...anyway glad you are feeling better after your cold. My life is good at the moment, dating a new man! xx
    Hi, The lavendar on the pink is hard to read for these old eyes. Mind you I did think of setting mine black on black but that's just because I have an evil streak. :D
    who really knows babygirl?.. just because he is with all these woman all the time doesnt mean squat.. still OUR man girl no matter what just remember that..
    If I can guess at the question you are going to post check out this thread firsthttp://www.steven-seagal.net/forum/showthread.php?t=9674&highlight=arissa

    You can also search to see if someone has already asked the same question. If you want to start a thread go to FORUM, go to the correct section whether it is off topic or whatever, then there is a button somewhere near the bottom I think which says Start New Thread. I think that's the process, it's a while since I started one but if there's any problems just let me know.
    At the top right there is LINKS from that list I think it is unofficial sites and the second page, there are lots of sites and I haven't had time to read many of them but you might find good information on them. This is the link to the bio page http://stevenseagalism.tripod.com/id32.html I sent it to you in PM the other day, did it come through to you alright?
    That's only an unsubstantiated rumour. I think it had something to do with him having a baby with the nanny for their children (Arissa). :p Not sure of the timeline but if you looked on Suziwongs bio page for Steven and compare dates of divorces and children born you can draw your own conclusions.
    Hi BG,

    A few members here are working on a His Ways Production. The question out there is what would happen in a love part of the movie with a headstrong love interest? How would the meeting take place and how would they go around the World to SHowcase His Ways. You have expressed a womans point of view I like for Him. You could post in the His Ways Thread in the General area or Off Topic area of if you are shy. Post a PM to Tigerfeet.

    Thank you for your consideration
    The Gent
    Hi BG,

    Those are great pictures of Him. THat really makes me feel that I'm there. It reminded me of when I was on vacation in HI a few years ago. He looks real happy. THis made me happy. Thanks for making my day!

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