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  • Hi My Sister! I LOVE Your Pictures! I am keeping Jack in my prayers! I pray he gets well soon!!! I hope you & Jack had a blessed holiday with all your family and frineds! Happy New Year! Keep up the great work with all the wildlife conservation efforts! I Love what yall do!

    Love Always Your Sister And Friend,
    Hi Inzi! I'm sorry, I didn't realize you posted a message to me, when sending one to Jack. That is interesting! We both have a lot in common. I Love music, too and write poems/songs/etc.... but lost my professional sounding voice due to so many allergies, asthema and broncitus Growing up.... Although I still Love to sing...but mostly in Sign Language with my hands. I can certainly sound like a lot of wild animals and sometimes get them to come to me or come close to me...Cool that you do the same. I love your page!

    Love Always Your Sister,
    Hi inzi ,this your day today and i whis you very musch
    more years by and good luck and a happy wonderful day.
    i gives you three kisses from me my friend.
    And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you.
    Hi Inzi, thanks for the friends request and welcome to the site. I love your page and I feel right at home here.
    Have fun!
    Hi Inzi,

    Thanks for the friends request. I'll be happy too. And "Welcome" to this forum. I hope you will visit often.

    My friends call me "Ann".

    Take care!!:)
    Hi and hello Inzi.
    Iam Lutje from antwerp belguim and you are very welcom here,this site is avery perfeckt site .
    The Steven Seagal ore very lovely and nice here.
    And Inzi i want to be your friend and plead enjoy and fun here ,this is a wonderfull site and you gone makes very much friends here.
    Take Care.
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