Do You Believe In Life After Death?


KimonoSoul said:
Not to get all new age hippie weirdo on all of you.....
Death, I believe, is a transition into another plane of existence, another consciousness. Not necessarily higher or better, just different. The soul, I believe, is what keeps the body going. The body is temporary. Take good care of it, and it will serve you indefinitely. But, like everything else material, it will fail, and fall apart. The soul, I know, goes on, for it is beyond the grasp of bodily death. The soul just leaves to go onto the next level. Some souls choose to stay earthbound, because of human attachment to things, people, places, whatever, and they don't reach the other side right away.

OK...I'm going to stop now! I could go on and on about this subject! I don't follow a guru or anything like that. It's just what I believe.

Originally posted by Purplelotus1
Kimono soul I have a similar belief that our "souls" are energy and when our body dies our energy is released. Now where the belief goes from their is a little more detailed and good for another day. Peace.

I think I believe on the same lines as you both! Let's hope it is true!!! :)
I want to come back as a female martial artist who can take on Steven!


I must admit that I have never given life after death much thought, I just try to do the best I can in the life that I`m living. I do believe that what you put out will come back to you. That`s why I choose good over evil!

"You`re a dead man, Hatch, ya hear me? I`m a made f*?kin' man!"
"God made men."

"Do not look upon this world with fear and loathing. Bravely face whatever the Gods offer." -O`sensei M.Ueshiba.


Lollipop said:
I think I believe on the same lines as you both! Let's hope it is true!!! :)
I want to come back as a female martial artist who can take on Steven!

I too believe that and also contact between spirits and humans - has happened to me along with many other happenings. Being a down to earth person I'm not subject to wild imagination or just "hearing things" LOL!!!


I might not be an church going person but that doesnt mean i dont believe..I beleive in probally sounds weird but iam sure it happens to animals too because one day i called my cat Xena , Cassie which was my dog and she pricked her ears up and came to me..this some thing that should be embrassed not scared of....


Well-Known Member
Littledragon said:
Do You Believe In Life After Death?

Eventually I have many doubts about it.It´s contradictory, I believe in God and that He can help us, but I´m not sure that after death we will go to a Heaven or something like that.

However, I believe more in hell.I don´t know why, but I feel that this life is more near than pain than happiness, then,if there´s life after death, that life will be hell, aor another state of mind/soul/body worse than this life.

Maybe what I mean it´s that we must enjoy as more as possible this life, our human life, although we are egoistic, because we life only once, nobody can inssurance the post-mortem state of life and the old age is very close of us, the life pass too fast.

I can´t say anymore or give light to the blinds.Love everyone