Joe the Plumber Poses With Steven Seagal


Picture of the Day: Joe the Plumber Poses With Steven Seagal

By Chris Good
Aug 8 2011, 5:52 PM ET

If you ever need to fix a pipe, kick someone in the face, and raise money for the Republican Party all at once, call these guys.
Martial-arts action star Steven Seagal and non-martial-arts plumbing/politics star Joe Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber, attended an Arizona GOP fundraiser last month. Wurzelbacher posted the above photo to his Facebook page a few days after. Tickets to the event were $25, but the highest tier of donors was asked to give $10,000.
We'll be closely monitoring the wires for a Steven Seagal endorsement in 2012. If he and Chuck Norris unite behind a GOP candidate, he/she could storm the primaries with a whirlwind of face-kicks.


Well-Known Member
So thats one of the things he is spending his time with instead of keeping us updated. Aha!