

yudansha said:
"Sorry! The administrator has specified that you can only do one search every 60 seconds."

Hey you, admin, let's see some specifications on Charlize here:

(best way to search for stuff like this, is go to the profile of the thread creator and click on "Find all threads started by...")
Duh, no kidding! :D I just didn't want to take the time! LOL Since it was yours, I figured you'd know right where it was. :D Thanks! It was just a little article with some pics I found on Ashley about a week ago and didn't know if you had seen it. Told you they weren't sexy pics! :D But I think she's adorable in any pic. ;)




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“Even gods love jokes.” – Plato.

To help untangle the fishing gear, a man asked his wife and her sister to walk the fishing line across the front yard and hold it taut while it was reeled back in. A man strolling by saw the two good-looking women and did a double take. “I don’t know what you’re using for bait,” he said, “but I’ll take a dozen.”

A family man had been rebuilding the deck all summer, and spoke often of how fit he was feeling. One afternoon he called everyone over, adjusted his tool belt, jumped up and down, the cried, “Look! No jiggle!” His daughter looked at his waistline and offered a hesitant, “Well…” “Oh,” he said in disgust. “I meant the deck!”

At one small hospital, maternity patients have to travel 80km to another hospital to deliver. They often check in to verify that they are in labour before making the trip. Early one morning a woman walked in and it was confirmed that labour had begun. The nurse in charge called the husband. “Your wife is in labour,” she said. “You’ll have to leave for hospital as soon as possible.” “Okay,” he replied groggily. “I’d better wake her up and tell her.”

After hiring a new farmhand, he was told that straight furrows were important and was left alone. “Just pick a faraway object and drive towards it. Once you’ve made one straight row, it’s easy to do the others.” Upon returning, it was discovered that furrows took a sharp turn near the end. Looking at the sheepish farmhand, the explanation was heard: “I guess I shouldn’t have picked a truck going down the highway.”

At the grocery store a boy was being shown by his mother on how to shop. “Can I pick the apples?” he said in the fruit aisle. “Go ahead,” his mother said. At the deli counter, she told him to ask for two inches of liverwurst. Proudly, he walked up and asked loudly, “May I please have two inches of your worst liver?”

“Mommy, Mommy, I know what the rooster does!”
“You do?”
“Oh, yes. He doesn’t lay eggs, does he?”
“Well, no, he doesn’t.”
“That’s right. He calls when they’re ready.”

While looking for cool camping accessories, waterproof/windproof matches were spotted and an enthusiastic voice of a child was heard: “Wow, I wonder how you put them out.”

At a hospital, a father was reassuring his son who injured himself. “The nurse will take a picture of your bones to see if any are broken.” Appearing more and more anxious, the boy replied worriedly, “Dad, how’s the nurse gonna get my skin off to see my bones?”

A teenager and his father were battling again, over the state of his room.
“Clean it up!” was the father’s order.
“I’m going to move out as soon as I can,” the teenager groused.
“That’s fine,” the father retorted. “The only thing I ask is that after you’re married and have children, I get to see them once in a while.”
“No problem, Dad,” he countered. “Just come downstairs and knock.”


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Star Wars humor?

“We use 10% of our brains. Imagine how much we could accomplish if we used the other 60%.” – Ellen Degeneres

Recipients of the 2004 Ig Nobel Prize:

- Jillian Clarke, for investigating the scientific validity of the five-second rule (which is about whether it’s safe to eat food that’s been dropped on the floor)

- Donald J. Smith and his father, the late Frank J. Smith, for patenting the infamous hairstyle known as the comb-over

- Ramesh Balasubramaniam and Michael Turvey for exploring and explaining the dynamics of Hula-Hooping

- Ben Wilson, Lawrence Dill, Robert Batty, Magnus Whalberg, and Hakan Westerberg for showing that herrings apparently communicate by passing wind.

Campus Comedy:

While attending a university, a female student needed to hang a mirror, so she went to the hardware store to buy tools and to ask about the best way to hang it. The salesperson told her she would need a stud finder. To which, she answered, “It’s ok, for this job I don’t need a man.”

While preparing a list of items that she needed for her first year away at university, it was noticed that a TV wasn’t on the list.
“Is one of your roommates supplying a TV?” her mom asked.
“There’s a couch,” she replied, giving her mom a questioning expression. “Why would there be a couch if there was no TV?”

A roommate was found sprawled on the couch, eating ice cream with a fork.
“What’s with the fork?” his colleague asked.
“It’s all that was left in the cutlery drawer,” he answered.
“But everything in the dishwasher’s clean.”
“Yeah, and I don’t like eating with stuff straight from the dishwasher.” … “It’s not civilized.”

At the end of the school year a girl and her three male Jewish friends decided to move out of their residence and move into an apartment.
“But there’s one condition,” one of them – their spokesman – warned the girl. “If one of my grandparents phones and you answer, say you’re Jewish.”
“Fine,” she agreed … “And if one of my grandparents phones and one of you answeres, say you’re a girl.”

During the first day of sociology class, the professor issued his guidelines for writing papers. Among them was a warning that plagiarism would not be tolerated. Just as a student finished writing that down, a guy next to her said, “Could you move your hand? I didn’t catch the last part.”

Twenty minutes after the history professor had collected term papers, a student burst in and dropped a paper on his desk with a flourish. The professor eyed the student, picked up the assignment and growled:
“I’d hate to think you’re late because you left your essay until the last minute.”
“What would make you think that?” the student asked.
“The pages are still warm from the printer,” professor replied.

Towards the end of a biology class, it was mentioned that cholesterol is essential to the formation of human sex hormones. Almost immediately, one woman gathered up her books and hurried towards the door.
“What’s the rush?” the professor called out.
“I have to get home” … “I need to fry my husband’s dinner.”

A man knocks on the door of an undergraduate’s room at the university he once attended. Before the student can even get to the door, the visitor asks, “May I come in? This is the room I had when I was a student here.” After being invited inside, he looks around the room. “Yes,” he says musingly, “this is definitely the same old room. Same old furniture, too,” he says, looking over the battered desk and chair. “Same old view from the window. Same old closet.” He wanders over and opens the closet door. There stands a girl, looking scared. “That’s my sister,” says the occupant of the room. “And,” replies the visitor, “same old story.”


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Above The Law
Some Jokes!

Eye Exam

A guy goes to his eye doctor for an examination. They start talking as the doctor is examing his eyes. In the middle of their conversation, the doctor casually says, "You need to stop masturbating."
The guy replies, "Why Doc? Am I going blind?"

The doctor says, "No, but you're upsetting the other patients in the waiting room."
Michael Jackson's shnoz

How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?
Out of a catalog.

Just browsing

A blind man and his seeing eye dog walked into a store. When he gets in, he starts swinging his dog around. Upset by this, the manager of the store demanded to know what he was doing. The blind man calmly replied, "I'm just lookin' around."

Your Butt Is So Big

Your butt is so big, you have more crack than a drug dealer.

Disco's Dead

How did disco die?
In the disco inferno.


What a funny world. The universal funny bone:

- India
One woman to another at a dinner party:
“Where’s that beautiful girl who was serving drink?”
“What do you want? The girl or a drink?”
“Neither. I’m searching for my husband.”

- Poland
The count’s footman enters the solon and says:
“Count, sir, a beggar has come who says he’s your close relative and can prove it.”
“It must be some idiot.”
“I thought so, too. But that’s not enough to prove kinship.”

- Great Britain:
David Beckham walks into a library and says:
“A cheeseburger and fries, please.”
The librarian looks puzzled and replies,
“You do realize you’re in a library?”
“Sorry,” whispers Beckham. “A cheeseburger and fries, please.”

- Hungary
A globetrotter arrives at customs with a parrot. The customs officer goes through the regulations out loud:
“Live parrot, two thousand forints; stuffed parrot, duty-free.”
At which the parrot exclaims, “Hey, people, don’t do anything crazy!”

- Germany
Two politicians are standing in front of a store window. The first one says, “The people are always complaining about how expensive everything is. But they’re wrong. Just look at these prices – 15 euros for a suit, ten for a pair of pants, five for a shirt, eight for a dress.” The other one hisses: “Take a closer look. This is a dry cleaner’s.”

- Australia
“What happened with that girl I introduced you to at the dance?” Bert asks his friend George.
“Nothing,” George replies sadly. “I asked her four times if I could see her home, and she said that if I was that keen, she’d fax me a photo of her house.”

- Sweden
The boss is disappointed with his new secretary because she ignores the ringing phone most of the time. “You have to answer the phone,” he tells her.
“But what’s the point?” she replies. “Nine times out of ten, the calls are for you.”

- Czech Republic
A repairman comes to the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, looks at the patients hoked to various life-support machines and says, “Now, everybody, inhale deeply. I’m going to change the fuse.”

- France
In a large department store, a man is wandering around like a lost puppy, threading back and forth between the departments. He’s so preoccupied that he bumps into another man, who seems to be equally lost.
“Excuse me, sir, I must have been distracted. I’m looking for my wife.”
“No kidding? Me, too. I seem to have lost mine here somewhere! What does your wife look like?”
“She’s a beautiful, blue-eyed blonde, about five foot eight, with a very charming smile, and she’s wearing a miniskirt and low-cut blouse. And what about your wife?”
“Forget my wife, let’s look for yours!”

- Brazil
A guy’s driving his motorbike at 120km/h along an empty road when he suddenly hits a bird. Looking n his mirror, he sees the poor bird rolling around on the ground. Feeling full of remorse, he stops his bike and goes back to help the bird, who’s unconscious and almost dead. Upset, he picks the little creature up, buys a cage and brings it home, making sure to put a little bit of bread and water in the cage for the bird. The next day the bird recovers consciousness. Looking around at the bars of the cage, the piece of bread and the pot of water, he exclaims, “Oh, my God! I killed the poor biker!”

- Hong Kong
Father: “Remember this, my child. Success depends on honesty and wisdom.”
Child: “But what is honesty?”
Father: “Honesty is keeping your promises.”
Child: “What is wisdom, then?”
Father: “Making no promises at all.”

- Mexico:
On a crowded bus a drunkard asks,
“Who lost a wad of 100-peso bills with a rubber band around it?”
“I did!” says a man immediately.
“Well,” replies the drunkard, “I found the rubber band.”

- Russia
Two women meet over a cup of coffee. One says,
“We’ve been married for almost two years now and haven’t quarreled once. Even if we disagree about something and I’m right, my husband always agrees with me.”
“And when he’s right and you’re wrong?”
“That hasn’t happened so far.”


Human Resources Lingo:

- “Competitive salary” – We remain competitive by paying less than our competitors.

- “Join our fast-paced company” – We have no time to train you.

- “Must be deadline-oriented” – You’ll be six months behind schedule on your first day.

- “Some overtime required” – Some time each night and some time each weekend.

- “Duties will vary” – Anyone in the office can boss you around.

Reminds you of a certain special place, doesn’t this? “Must have an eye for detail” – We have no quality control.

- “Career-minded” – Female applicants must be childless (and remain that way).

- “Seeking candidates with wide variety of experience” – You’ll need it to replace the three people who just left.

So many reminders! “Problem-solving skills a must” – You’re walking into a company in perpetual chaos.

Application for a job in administration: “Requires team-leadership skills” – You’ll have the responsibility of a manager, without the pay or respect.

- “Good communication skills” – Management communicates, you listen, figure out what they want and do it!


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on the topic of survival in the city...

Here's something to help you understand theft prevention:

Question: Who are you?
Answer: A thief.
Question: Why are you so small?
Answer: I’m a pocket thief!

Two pocket thieves meet. One has a whole stack of brand new fashion magazines.
His friend asks him in surprise, “Borrya, what’s with all these magazines? Planning to change your image?”
Borris answers in an instructive tone, “I couldn’t care less about fashion, but I must know where the pockets will be sewn in the upcoming season!”

A Camp Story from Konstantin Komarov is featured in the latest issue of INSIDE KUNG FU Magazine (Sept. 2005, on newsstands now). CAPTURE THE WILL TO LIVE! is on page 72. Don't miss this great story along with some outstanding photos! NORTH CAROLINA SEMINAR For Vladimir Vasiliev’s upcoming seminar on MASS ATTACKS, please go to: NEW FILM RELEASE COMING SOON!!!



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Smile dammit!
Serena said:
You're right about a woman president. :D
There have been plenty of great queens. :)
Ashley for president, eh? ;) Let me guess who her vice president would be. :D

Whatever happened to that Ashley/Charlize thread you created, anyway? I had some pics to put in there, but couldn't find it. They weren't sexy pics, so don't bust your butt to find them. :D
If Ashley is president i want to *guard* her;).
She's as hot as Venus!
Some very good pics in this thread,mainly found by Yudansha. Good going:)

I can jump higher than a house. Know why? Houses can't jump:D


"If Ashley is president i want to *guard* her"

Sorry, Storm. That one and only position has already been occupied. :D


Smile dammit!
Can i provide backup? I'd back her up ok! That was meant as a joke,not sexist i hope.
I like women of all shapes and sizes,and looks for that matter as it's the heart that is most beautiful.
Er,Yudansha,if you resign let me know ok?:D


If I resign? Nice joke!

Storm, I'll resign only when Ashlee Simpson becomes president. :D While Ashley and I go into the sun, you can take over the job of the president's guardian. :D If she tries anything funny, it's only because she might still think that buffalos have wings along with her sister...