Sci Fi


Smile dammit!
Hey Serena don't be cheeky.:D I am awaiting my 21st you know!
A 5th Alien Mason? Well there is always a way,as they proved by resurrecting her from dna last time. Is Alien V Predator out yet? Predator is one of the top 5 sci fi movies,and Arnie's best. Yes even better than Terminator.


Smile dammit!
Oh yes. Good memory Jalu. Before he went on to fame as Duncan McLeod.
I watched that. It was a good remake.


Steve's Destiny
Oh yeah...

I spot the good looking ones from the begining. ;)
He was something else there too...


Duncan McLeod...

... that was the guy in the Highlander series right? The immortals fighting with swords and chopping each other's ****s off ... (strange ... that's supposed to say "h.e.a.d.s." :D)

I remember liking that show.


Steve's Destiny
If heads are not wonder there's so little thinking going on here...

Yeah...that's the one. :)

"There can be only one."


"If heads are not wonder there's so little thinking going on here..."

Jalu, what are you trying to say? Come out and say it. (I thought we were aaight ... yeah ok)


Steve's Destiny
I'm not trying to say anything....It's a joke.

Do I have to put lots of these?
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

yudansha said:
Jalu, what are you trying to say? Come out and say it. (I thought we were aaight ... yeah ok)


Staff member
Getting this back to the topic of sci-fi, I recall being frightened out of my wits when I saw the original version of The Body Snatchers. The remake, with Leonard Nimoy, wasn't nearly as scary, simply because it was not made in the context of the day.

That's what I find so disappointing about this flurry of remakes - they are taken out of context, and end up being mindless entertainment.

With The Body Snatchers, and with other films of the day, like The Day The Earth Stood Still, it was all about the Cold War, the fear of communism, the fear of being overrun by the unknown. The remake of The Body Snatchers was just an ordinary sci-fi horror flick, with no underlying social or political subtext to it.

Planet of the Apes, for example, the original version, was a social statement of the day, a rejection of the way human beings behaved, of the establishment, and of the (apparent) ultimate end of the world human beings were heading toward with their constant wars. Who could forget that anguished yet angry cry at the end when Taylor realises he's not on another planet, but his own, in the far future, when he rounds the point and sees the half buried statue of Liberty?

The remake did not have any context except sheer entertainment, so of course, it didn't work.

Ditto, Stepford Wives. The original Stepford Wives was commentary on the women's lib movement. The remake is a comedy, and a not very good one at that.

That's why most remakes don't work; the context is lost.


Sometimes, it's just the same title...

For example, The Italian Job was originally thought of being a remake of the Italian Job from way back. Both movies had Minis in them, but the latest version was in no way a remake and was never intended to be. It only used the image of the 'type' of movie it was to portray.

The people from Stepford wives gave credit to the original, but it was not a remake. It had the same story lines but with different intentions (it was not said that it was a remake). People recognize the title and that's what draws in the crowds. Nobody wants to see a 'new' movie where they know what's going to happen next and how. There's always must be originality involved, and with the latest movies, it's not about being a remake, it's to show how times have changed. It was made on purpose as a comedy as it seems to be one of the most popular and biggest genres going around. Would you really enjoy the new version more if it were again based around the women's movements ... you'd know exactly how the scenes planned out and probably wouldn't get anything new from it (other than watching a different cast perform the same script).

Also, it was thought that Steven Seagal's "Yakuza" was a remake, and then no, it was retitled just to show that it was not, but did have some similary story lines.

The new 'remakes' aren't 'remakes' at all. They're brand new movies with some resemblences to the originals to give people a little insight (sort of like a secondary trailer) into the movie.


Smile dammit!
Well TD i liked the remake of Body Snatchers,the one with Donald Sutherland. It was creepy and that girl in it was very nice:D Easy on the eye.
But i see your point. Few remakes are good. One exception is The Thing. The John Carpenter version from early 80s was awesome,scary and creepy.
