Steven Seagal at Romania !!


Staff member
Clarissa said:
The shootings began for Steven's new film, Shadows in the past, castel Film Studios. Steven is still at Marriott Hotel (good luck blackhawk) and even if he works more than 10 hours a day his life is very balanced. He does not drink alcohool, he does not smoke, he eats only fish, rice, vegetables, dried fruits, and have trainings every day. He drinks water and natural juices, and he meditates very often. During his stay in Romania he intends to help disfavoured children and homeless people because of the flood.In the days he has no shooting, he meets Wesley Snipes and other friends he has made in Bucarest, and he visits orphanages.

wowwwwwwww !! thnx alot of my friend... You are great !! :)

pleaseee always we are waiting your informations...

thnks alot of..



Staff member
blackhawk192 said:
hmmm,I've noticed that this is a very firendly forum...Finally,we are all fans of Steven, how else could we be? :)

of course my friend we are great family !!! :)



Clarissa said:
The shootings began for Steven's new film, Shadows in the past, castel Film Studios. Steven is still at Marriott Hotel (good luck blackhawk) and even if he works more than 10 hours a day his life is very balanced. He does not drink alcohool, he does not smoke, he eats only fish, rice, vegetables, dried fruits, and have trainings every day. He drinks water and natural juices, and he meditates very often. During his stay in Romania he intends to help disfavoured children and homeless people because of the flood.In the days he has no shooting, he meets Wesley Snipes and other friends he has made in Bucarest, and he visits orphanages.
Thanks very much for the info and pic, Clarissa. :) I'm surprised at the all the facts mentioned, even his food. :D But interesting! And nice to hear! :) No alcohol, healthy food, meditation, and his time with the children. Seems he does that in every country he visits. Just one of the many things that makes him special to his fans. :) Thanks again!


Semper Fi
Our Hero is a very nice and lovable Human being!Bless you Mr Seagal!!!!We Love you!
Maybe one day we could all have a beer together in a Pub somewhere in the World!!!
Thailand would be fun!!!Just a thought!


Staff member
Serena said:
Seems he does that in every country he visits. Just one of the many things that makes him special to his fans. :)

Just chosen countries by himself !!:mad:
He hates some of them and he says !!!! example: Turkey !!!! :mad:


Yes that may be iam an fan why doesnt he come to my home country? like Suzi said he choses them ...maybe he afraid of our Kangaroos they might box him up?..


Staff member
Yes that may be iam an fan why doesnt he come to my home country? like Suzi said he choses them ...maybe he afraid of our Kangaroos they might box him up?..

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:p !! It is good !!!
Don't worry Heather he comes Australia he hasn't problem with you.. !!
But he has some problems with my country !!! :mad:


New Member
News time

As he promised, Seagal visited an orphanage on Monday, from a village from Constanta, Agigea. The orphanage is named "Delfinul".

Steven was accompanied by the manager of Autentic Art & ANAM.

Steven Seagal is certainly the most important person the children have ever seen. The gifts were present too, clothes, footwear,supplies, juices, fruits, and of course, autographs on his DVDs


Staff member
Clarissa said:
News time

As he promised, Seagal visited an orphanage on Monday, from a village from Constanta, Agigea. The orphanage is named "Delfinul".

Steven was accompanied by the manager of Autentic Art & ANAM.

Steven Seagal is certainly the most important person the children have ever seen. The gifts were present too, clothes, footwear,supplies, juices, fruits, and of course, autographs on his DVDs

wowww Thank you very much for this information.. I hope we'll see photos !! :)



suziwong said:
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:p !! It is good !!!
Don't worry Heather he comes Australia he hasn't problem with you.. !!
But he has some problems with my country !!! :mad:

Thats what i like to see our Suzi laugh...He should not have problems with your country Suzi....maybe you should "bitch slap" him that will bring him to his senses...hey Kimonosoul yes "Koalas" can be nasty but most of the time they are gentle creatures..


Clarissa said:
News time

As he promised, Seagal visited an orphanage on Monday, from a village from Constanta, Agigea. The orphanage is named "Delfinul".

Steven was accompanied by the manager of Autentic Art & ANAM.

Steven Seagal is certainly the most important person the children have ever seen. The gifts were present too, clothes, footwear,supplies, juices, fruits, and of course, autographs on his DVDs
Good to see him back with the children! :) Whichever country he's in, he makes it a point to see them and contribute. And obviously he doesn't do it for the publicity, since it only seems to make the local newspapers there. Thanks for another update, Clarissa. :)


Just to update on a couple of things over this thread. Arrisa is still at the house with Suvanna, or at the Estate - either way she still lives with him. It's anyones guess what their relationship is like, but they are together. As for the fifty girls, no harem, just a group who auditioned and no reason for them to be seen with him. As for the humble man .... humble men do not trot around with seven bodyguards, even our Queen only has three!!!!


Staff member
Tiggy said:
Just to update on a couple of things over this thread. Arrisa is still at the house with Suvanna, or at the Estate - either way she still lives with him. It's anyones guess what their relationship is like, but they are together. As for the fifty girls, no harem, just a group who auditioned and no reason for them to be seen with him. As for the humble man .... humble men do not trot around with seven bodyguards, even our Queen only has three!!!!

heeeeeee:p humble man !!!!

Thanks Tiggy for update.. But they are living in Memphis for some reason isn't it ??? I mean Arisa, Savannah and Steven !!! The others living in LA..


He has two houses in LA- or one in the suburbs and one south of LA. Savannah is at school in LA, but once school is out, they could be anywhere. A good guide to where he calls home is where the dogs are, and they are in LA. Haven't heard of a perminant move to Memphis, but he has been doing a lot of recording between filming,and it could be the little family goes along. He certainly likes to see as much of the children as he can. Will do some digging!!!!


Happy go Lucky
TDWoj said:
We've got now a kind of unspoken rule that we no longer discuss Steven's private life in an open public forum. Yes, I know; I was the biggest gossip on the board in the early days, but I've changed my wicked ways.

This is the answer I got from TD, when I and another member on this forum asked Suzi about Arissa still being with Steven.

SO thanks Tiggy for your info becauce I didn't think my question was out of line, and besides my question was directed to Suzi, not TD.:D



Staff member
Steven Visited Children..

I hope Clarissa can help for translation !!! ;)

August 16, 2005

Daruri de la Steven Seagal pentru copiii din Agigea

Cunoscutul star american al filmelor de acţiune, Steven Seagal a vizitat luni seara Centrul de plasament "Delfinul" din Agigea, unde a fost aşteptat cu nerăbdare de zeci de copii şi tineri care doreau să-l vadă în "carne şi oase". Luxoasa limuzină care l-a adus de la Bucureşti pe actorul american a ajuns la Agigea în jurul orelor 22. Deşi a întîrziat mai bine de trei ore, Steven Seagal a fost întîmpinat la sosire cu aplauze şi tradiţionalul platou cu pîine şi sare. Odată intrat în centru, actorul şi-a suflecat mînecile kimonoului cu care era îmbrăcat şi a împărţit cu mîna lui zecilor de copii găzduiţi acolo, hăinuţe, dulciuri, rechizite şcolare şi foarte multe autografe. La insistenţa celor prezenţi, starul american a afirmat că motivul întîrzierii îl reprezintă traficul infernal de pe şosele dar şi compania de producţie care l-a obligat să lucreze pînă tîrziu. "Am pierdut cam o oră pe drum, dar, cum am promis, am venit aici şi mă simt bucuros şi onorat ca prin aceste daruri să aduc puţină lumină pe feţele acestor copii", a declarat Steven Seagal. La rîndul său, directorul Centrului de plasament "Delfinul", Ana Petre a afirmat emoţionată că "toţi copiii noştri au fost foarte încîntaţi de vizita lui Steven Seagal. L-au văzut în foarte multe filme şi abia aşteptau să-l cunoască. Sîntem fericiţi că am avut onoarea să primim un asemenea oaspete în centrul nostru". Starul american a fost asaltat la ieşirea din centru de zeci de fani din Agigea, care au aşteptat răbdători pentru a obţine mult doritele autografe.

Vizita actorului pe litoral a continuat într-un club din Mamaia, unde acesta a asistat la preselecţia concursului Miss Litoral. Ieri dimineaţă, Steven Seagal a plecat în mare grabă în Capitală, unde lucrează la filmul "Shadows from the past".


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New Member
Good morning, ít's about i've already told you, his Monday visit to the orphanage. Dozens of children were waiting for him impatiently.He arrived around 10 pm, 3 hours later, in a beautiful limo. He was expected traditionally with bread and salt, and applause.
After his arrival he strated to offer the gifts to the children. He appologized for being late. The traffic and the production company who obliged him to work until late.

"I've lost an hour in traffic, but I am here, as I promissed, and I'm happy and honoured to bring some joy to these children".

The manager of the center said that all children were happy for this visit, they saw Steven Seagal in so many movies and they were eager to see him.

Leaving the center Steven had to stop for many other fans who wanted autographs.

Then he left for Mamaia, he spent some time there, in a club, for a Miss Litoral (seaside) preselection.

After this he left in a hurry back to Bucarest.


Staff member
ohooooooooooo !!! If I remember correctly he went to Romania for filming..
parties..charities...girls...hareems... Miss seasides.. heeeeeeeeeeeeee:p
who is playing in this film I wonder !!! :D

Again Thank you very much for translation Clarissa, you are very good guy !!!:)

There's no need to wonder who's in the film. It will be the same person who'd been in his last 7 movies -- his body double!