Steven Seagal Joins MPD ... Sort Of


Steven Seagal Joins MPD ... Sort Of
APRIL 1, 2008 - 10:36 AM
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Steven Seagal, MPD

Professional tough guy Steven Seagal has played police officers in Hollywood films, but his next role with law enforcement might not make it into Variety.
In a meeting of the City Council's public safety committee, police director Larry Godwin said he has met twice with Seagal about doing advertising for the department. "He's committed to doing our commercials," Godwin said. "He gets a million dollars a commercial, but he's agreed to do it free of charge to not only promote the Memphis police department, but Memphis, Tennessee."

Enlisting Hollywood help is only one of the strategies the police department is utilizing to recruit new officers.

Last year, the department struck down its college requirement, which mandated that new recruits have at least some college or military experience to join the department. Since then, Godwin said, about 1,000 people have applied; roughly a fourth of those applicants do not have any college.

The city is also looking at relaxing residency requirements for police officers, offering signing bonuses, and sweetening pension plans.

--Mary Cashiola

-- Mary Cashiola is an associate editor of The Memphis Flyer. She edits “The Fly-By” news section of the paper and writes the weekly column, In the Bluff. She was born on a cold and bitter night in 1978. Since then, she has managed to develop a serious Diet Coke addiction, graduate from Northwestern University, sit through hours upon hours of City Council and Memphis City Board of Education meetings, spend 50 percent of her gross income on clothing, scale a rock climbing wall in under 60 seconds, watch every episode of Buffy, Angel, Sex and the City, Alias, and The Sopranos (produced so far) on DVD, and dye her hair an unfortunate shade of blond.


Steven often does charitable philanthropies , just a very giving guy.
love him for it.
There's always more to ponder with Steven, not just good looks, his many films ,as well as his music and martial arts.
Is there any other action man on film who has this vast amount of talent?
no, none other, he is the exceptional one!


c/o naughty corner
I know Halkush and I agree with your comment.

He does an incredible amount for charity but the tone of the rest of the article didn't sound quite right to me.


The second half of the article is the writer's opinion, all that stuff about entrance qualifications into the police academy has absolutely nothing to do with Steven Seagal, so I chose to ignore it.
Love and best wishes to all Steven seagal's fans.