The Patriot on TBS (US and Canada)


Active Member
Originally posted by Lotussan
...Yes, his real daughter is in it briefly...

Ayako Seagal movie debut:
(was on E-Bay)


Gamera : Guardian of the Universe Vol. 1 DVD

Look out! That giant, fire-breathing turtle that millions loved as children is back with a vengeance in an all new science fiction spectacular that's being hailed by critics and fans alike as one of the best monster movies of all time, GAMERA: GUARDIAN OF THE UNIVERSE!

Under the guidance of acclaimed director Shusuke Kaneko (NECRONOMICON) and screenwriter Kazunori Ito (GHOST IN THE SHELL) the lean, green, fighting machine has been reborn with a whole new set of tricks under his 200-foot shell!

With stunning state of the art computer animation and dazzling special effects, Gamera's grim, new, ready-for-the-nineties mindset pits the super turtle against both a misguided military and a hideous race of man-eating, flying reptiles!

Aiding Gamera in his fight are a courageous naval officer, an intrepid ornithologist and a beautiful young psychic portrayed by Ayako Fujitani, the daughter of action star Steven Seagal in her motion picture debut! It's the most incredible slam-bang, knock-down, monster slug-fest ever filmed as Gamera turtle-waxes the evil Gyaos through downtown Tokyo!

Mama San

Hmmmm! In "The Patriot" she called
herself Ayako Seagal!
Must depend on what country she's in!
God bless,
Mama san


Active Member
Originally posted by Mama san
Hmmmm! In "The Patriot" she called
herself Ayako Seagal!
Must depend on what country she's in!
God bless,
Mama san

? not sure...I know when she had her web-site running she went by the last name Seagal(that's how I came across her site)...
I suppose her full name would be Ayako Seagal Fukjitani..if she goes by western format....also I have no idea how old the gamera flick is.....she could've been a little girl....ever see one of those Japanese Gozilla, Rodan, Mothra type flicks.....they always have a group of kids in them...she may have been in one of those groups....


New Member
I know some about her: She only called herself "Ayako Seagal" because it was in Steven's movie. She is always referred to as Ayako Fujitani in Japan.

She was 13 when she started making the Gamera movies. There is also a Gamera 2 and Gamera 3, too.

Once when she came to the U.S. to visit her Dad, she was bored and wrote a novel. It was turned into a screenplay when she went back to Japan, and then she starred in the movie! This was recent - about 1 or 2 years ago. I think the movie was called "Type Day".

She once had a decent webpage called "Ayablue" - It was filled with lots of pictures. It has been totally dismantled, and has been left in a state where it looks like it has been abandoned! (see for yourself!)

Now her webpage is: I view this webpage through a translation filter, and it is mostly a diary of her appearances with the media. There isn't really a gallery of pictures of her (she used to model), except there are a few pictures of her where she has appeared on a phonecard. There is a Kentaro Seagal profile page, and the BBS is for fans of both Ayako and Kentaro.

I have done extensive websearching on Kentaro Seagal (my site on Kentaro is and I keep running into the fact that Ayako Fujitani is sometimes referred to as Fumiko Fujitani. I have no idea what the deal is with that! A nickname maybe?? Anyway, I've only seen this reference during the past 6 months or so.


Staff member
Originally posted by Mama san
Hmmmm! In "The Patriot" she called
herself Ayako Seagal!
Must depend on what country she's in!
God bless,
Mama san

Dear Casey,

I saw too many article about Ayako ! She is using her name Ayaka Fujitani in generally !!

in oneness


Active Member
Originally posted by charak1965
I know some about her: She only called herself "Ayako Seagal" because it was in Steven's movie. She is always referred to as Ayako Fujitani in Japan.

That may be correct....because the site where she called herself Ayako Seagal was back in 97-98...I don't know the exact year it was taken down...but it didn't resemble the current one at all(address you posted)....I do remember that the opening page was in English and Japanese......any page after was in Japanese and I'm not sure if they even had translator programs in '97 on the internet to use.......I just remember that the only page I could read was the opening one.....and the following had pictures from the Tej Shin Dojo(Osaka) where she still trained and taught.


New Member
J.Lucas: Do you remember me from back in 1998'ish? My name is Meredith Beckhardt. We used to email about your website, and even Kentaro Seagal. I remember that you emailed Ayako website and asked about the status of Kentaro for me. (She never answered back, of course.) Do you remember that????


I Belong To Steven
Thanks Charak and John...I have seen very little of his children in general, so it is always nice to see something about them...:)


Active Member
Originally posted by charak1965
J.Lucas: Do you remember me from back in 1998'ish? My name is Meredith Beckhardt. We used to email about your website, and even Kentaro Seagal. I remember that you emailed Ayako website and asked about the status of Kentaro for me. (She never answered back, of course.) Do you remember that????

Yes....I remember writing her from her site(the early one)..never got an answer back....your name looks familiar but I can't recall any particulars.....being you know about me writing her...we must've exchanged some those years '97-'99 there were many people I communicated with...due to the rarity of new info on Seagal on the web....
Nice to see you are well......and remember
Wait a minute.......are you the one that sent me the picture of your Seagal tatoo??

Amos Stevens

New Member
Speaking of Seagals any of them around the age of celebrating an junior high or high school graduations? (see I'm lazy & don't want to bother to look it up!)hee hee


I Belong To Steven
I am sure some of his children by Ms. LeBrock are around that age...Just guessing I would say his son Dominic might be Jr. High age now, and His daughter Annaliza is the oldest of the three, I think...


New Member
JLucas: No, I'm not the one with the Seagal tatoo!


I'd say that Anna-Liza Seagal is either 16 or 17 by now. Amazing! The last time that I saw a picture of her she was 9. I'd love to know what she looks like now! I heard that Kelly keeps them pretty sheltered on her ranch outside of Santa Barbara -- like they are not allowed to watch TV. And Kelly gets really upset when Steven takes them to Hollywood premieres and does that kind of stuff with the kids.


Staff member
Saw The Patriot last night.

I liked it fine! I didn't have much of a problem with the flowers falling from the helicopters at the end, though I agree (with someone else who might have mentioned it elsewhere) that the ending did seem a bit rushed.

The naughty words were silenced rather than voiced over, I guess that's better.

I'm anxious now to get the DVD just so that I can see what they cut out of it (or added to).

Mind you, there was one line in it where my jaw just dropped, I didn't know what to make of it, it seemed so - unkind.

The only thing I *really* didn't like about the Patriot (the rushed story-line I can live with), was the music. It was awful. The composer, I think, didn't have *any* idea what kind of movie he was scoring - it sounded half the time like outtakes from the Magnificent Seven, and in totally inappropriate places. I found myself actually being pulled *out* of the movie by the awful and totally wrong music.

Otherwise, it was nice to see Steven doing more than just kicking butt (although what he did so was, as always, excellent.). Loved the red shirt - but I wish he could have taken the jacket off sooner!

:) :) :)


Staff member
"If you get it wrong, it's your mother's side. If you get it right, it's my side." or words to that effect. Yikes!

Oh, and there was another - where he says he's going to have an affair with a heifer!!!!

(I got insulted by a man once who called me a "hefty heifer" so I'm taking this a mite personal!)


New Member
You said: "The only thing I *really* didn't like about the Patriot (the rushed story-line I can live with), was the music. It was awful. "

Did you see the music credits at the end of the movie? Because Steven tends to write his own music in his movies.

Does anybody know if he did the music for The Patriot??

Yeah, my jaw dropped when I heard those lines, too. I hope that that isn't evidence of his real humor; but he did write the screen play, didn't he? Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


I Belong To Steven
Originally posted by charak1965


I'd say that Anna-Liza Seagal is either 16 or 17 by now. Amazing! The last time that I saw a picture of her she was 9. I'd love to know what she looks like now! I heard that Kelly keeps them pretty sheltered on her ranch outside of Santa Barbara -- like they are not allowed to watch TV. And Kelly gets really upset when Steven takes them to Hollywood premieres and does that kind of stuff with the kids.

Thanks Charak....
I didn't know that, they must be sheltered! I hear so little about LeBrock or her children...Too much sheltering is going to lead to bad things, it doesn't foster the independence that the children will need to get along in this hard world when they are grown, and Kelly is no longer available...Believe me I KNOW about this stuff...Steven seems like a very free spirit who could teach them a lot about life in general...He seems wise in the ways of the world...It their loss, and very sad, they are going to suffer for it I think...Children really need both parents as part of their lives...


I Belong To Steven
"If you get it wrong, it's your mother's side. If you get it right, it's my side." or words to that effect. Yikes!

OMG, and I thought that was funny! :eek:

Anybody know the line just as he said it?