What are you craving right now?


I am craving for some understanding...

"Too late! Believe it or not, blondes are capable of thinking too!"

I believe it.


I Belong To Steven
Godiva Belgian Dark Chocolate Ice Cream...

But I am having a Hershey bar with almonds instead...

Total hectic day, and I have binged...


aka The Phoenix
Julie Scarborough said:
Craving everything NOT on my diet. AAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
The word diet is one of the worst words in the english langauage. You gotta just eat what you'd like sometimes, like me for example, tonight I went off my diet, and had two sundays from Macdonalds for 2 dollars. I went little overboard, but it was good. LoL :D


aka The Phoenix
Julie Scarborough said:
Eat what I like?! :D I will share the five pounds I gained with you!
You can eat what you like only every once and a while. For example, after loosing 5-10 pounds I will let myself have a treat. But not every single day or anything, but I find if I don't allow myself the foods I like once and while, I will just break down, and end up in my room in the pitch dark with a entire cake crying. :D Not really crying, but bing eating. Lol :rolleyes:


I Belong To Steven
What's ailing you Heather?
I went to the doc yesterday, but they want more tests to do, and I don't want to...
They never find anything abnormal, which is good, but very costly...
Sheesh, my mom embarasses me, she and I go in together because I am a bit shy....
I really hope you are ok, girl...


My diabetes is playing merry hell. in other words iam not very well i have to take more medication it pisses me off really iam eating healthy food ,exercising alot with walking
riding my bike and iam loosing weight its an joke..and i find out that it is getting worse
stuffed if i know..


Yeah i know Amos its just making my feel "bluck" until my system gets used to more meds...Well since this is a thread about what you are craving i had abit of home made soup (on be half of Rebbecca)tonight..it was nice ..


I Belong To Steven
Lay off the carbs maybe? I know that gets my dad real bad...But listen to your doctor, although you know doctors don't know everything...Lots of them just don't take the time....But we care girl, so remember that ok? P.S. Don't drink any alchohol...