What are you craving right now?


Already had breakfast... it's not time for lunch...

... and now I'm not craving anything... could someone smack me upside the head? :D


Julie Scarborough said:
Well girl. You don't want to be near the crap magnet. (me)

Jule you are no as you put it "crap magnet" you are a really lovely person and
girl you have to love yourself as we love you sometimes it might seem that no one cares but girl they do...iam happy to be around you so enough of this negativity ok....


A good brekkie for me is cup of nice herbal tea, a glass of orange juice (freshly squeezed,like me) A bowl of muesli and a couple of slices of raison bread with butter..
None of this greasy eggs sausages hash browns......yucko!!!!..But then Amos is an growing boy aint you Amos......


Something to quench this unquenchable thirst! :rolleyes:
Two trays of ice cubes and countless glasses of ice water just aren't cutting it.
Time to try the heavy-duty stuff. :D Caffeine-free (since it's late) Diet Pepsi.

Any other suggestions?