Belly Of The Beast


What a great and honest review. I haven't seen BOTB yet, so don't know how I will feel about it, but it was good to read TD's view of the film. I don't see it as draging Steven down, just telling it the way it is. I too love his films with a message, he seems to act from his heart when he is protecting the enviroment. I really don't think his age has a great deal to do with so much use of stunt doubles, but, I suspect his weight does. (Tiggy who is 28 lbs over weight at the moment and knows how hard it is to move as quickly as when she's slim!!) I have also noticed that he speaks less and less in his films. I love his voice and his play on certain words, so this is great hardship to me. Can't see why he is now talking in little more than monosyllables. Can't be that he can't learn his lines - they can get around that with off camera prompts. (Joan collin's can just about remember her name )- a nightmare to work with, but still manages good dialogue via prompts. I do feel the biggest problem is still down to small budgets, poor direction and editing, and that given the right movie, Steven could still shine.


Honesty is good.But all fans are different.And TD,if everyone was just like you you wouldn't wanna make your point here.So we're glad to have the only you here.


Staff member
Taking the balanced stance has ever been my motto!

-TD, teetering precariously atop a very high picket fence with alligators snapping ferociously below


Staff member
Thank you again TD !!!

On the other hand "Belly Of The Beast" A winner of the Kung Fu Cinema Awards-2003 with "Best Picture - Direct-to-Video" !!

in onenessss


Staff member
I never said it was a bad action movie - I just didn't think it was a good Steven Seagal movie!


Out For Justice Fan
TDWoj, I agreed with your points. Personally, I thought BOTB was pretty bad, but a major improvement on both The Foreigner and Out for a Kill. Certainly a step in the right direction.


I Belong To Steven
To me,BOTB was very enjoyable, I thought it was very exciting, and I thought the fight scences were very, very good...
It is very hard to detect the doubles, and the scenery and plot were good to, imho...
Ritchie I want to know what you thought was so bad...
Please, won't you give us a little review?
Enquiring minds really wanna know what you thought about it...


Lotus,you still can't accept any critics towards Seagal.That's too bad.I suggest you take it easy for one can't be loved by everyone and one can't be loved by everyone in the same way.However,a bit of criticism will never spoil the man but the lack of it will.Even in Seagal's own philosophy,when one is learning to do something he should never be praised,he should restrain himself from that for there should always be a desire to make things better.


Staff member
tora said:
Lotus,you still can't accept any critics towards Seagal.That's too bad.I suggest you take it easy for one can't be loved by everyone and one can't be loved by everyone in the same way.However,a bit of criticism will never spoil the man but the lack of it will.Even in Seagal's own philosophy,when one is learning to do something he should never be praised,he should restrain himself from that for there should always be a desire to make things better.

Good points, Tora, and very well put. "A bit of criticism will never spoil the man but the lack of it will." I'm putting that in my quotable quotes database!


Oh no...what have I said this time?:D Quoatable quotes database?Gosh,TD,are you planning to edit a book of them?


Staff member
tora said:
Oh no...what have I said this time?:D Quoatable quotes database?Gosh,TD,are you planning to edit a book of them?

I collect quotes - takes up a lot less room than my other collections, I can tell you! Something someone says strikes me in a certain way, and I like to keep the quote around. I sometimes get ideas for stories from quotes, things people say, or lines from tv shows or movies, you see.

One day you might even see, "thanks to Tora for starting me on this story"!

-TD, almost famous


Ummmm...Now I think there's even a better title..."How A Bit Of Criticism Saved The Man".


I just thought I wouldn't start a new thread just to say a few words about Belly Of The Beast.I've just finished watching it.
Some people might perhaps eat me up for these words but now I can proudly say that I've overcome that stage of my life when I accepted either only black or only white.
Bad(I'm addressing it to some people who might wanna eat me alive that I'm stepping off the path of total worshipping of Steven Seagal-that I'm doing it with love and respect for him only wishing all the best and hoping that he's realising his mistakes and I'm not the one who wants to point at them):
Now straight to the point.
1-Where's his trademark aikido?Throughout the whole film I haven't seen a slightest bit of it,not to say it was totally not his style.
2-I've always considered action films silly movies(most of them) and I never really liked them much but yet,frankly speaking,I did like some of them.Some.And regarding the past ones still do like them.These American action films always have a typical plot(except for some I did like that didn't have a typical plot).And again,honestly speaking,and speaking of Seagal movies that we all used to see earlier days,most of them were somewhat typical but yet also somewhat special and even serious.Belly has a typical plot like most of the action films do,more or less somewhat special,but silly to amusement.You should have seen me choking from a hysrerical laughter during some silly scenes.The story could have been developed better to have somewhat a more serious look.
3-This is not The Matrix.Well,at least it's not supposed to be.But goddamn,if I liked The Matrix for it was unique,it doesn't mean I'm gonna like all the rest of the moives where they seem to repeat The Matrix tricks(for it was not the reason I liked The Matrix) and even lacking that professionalism peculiar to the real Matrix.
4-From the beginning I hungered to see the love scene that has been discussed here so passionately:D...But ummmm...I wasn't satisfied...:D
I'd just say I prefer not to mix my personal feelings for this man with an objective look at the work of art.
Enough of bad.Now something good:
Steven Seagal still has a potential and he can make things better if he wants to.If he wants to.And I'd like him to want to rather than not to want.
And hell I'm not a movie critic,neither am I a movie expert and when I'm watching a movie I'm not looking for any mistakes in it,it's just some of them pop up by themselves even when you're not looking for them.And,once more honestly speaking,I'll be watching Belly again and perhaps even more often than The Foreigner or Out For A Kill(I've seen The Foreigner 3 or 4 times and since then it's been all the time on the shelf) coz no matter what I've pointed out here,it's quite watchable.Although silly.But hell yeah,I'm still mixing a bit my personal feelings with an objective look at the work of art.:D
Tora,thanks for your review.I am watching this movie in the early hours & I will let you know what I think tomorrow.
