I recently re-watched Driven To Kill for the 2nd time in a year or so.
I always try to watch a movie at least 2 times before I give a real firm opinion on it, and this one is a good example of why I do that.
I had an impression, before I watched it this time, that there was something I was bothered by from my first viewing, but I didn't remember specifically what it was.
Then, as I watched, I remembered.
In the shootout in the garage, there is a duplicate scene, which kind of jarred me, I wasn't looking for it, but when it happened, I noticed it.
It was where it showed Seagal reload his pistol, then in a few minutes, it showed the exact same scene again.
The funny thing is, this movie really didn't need that scene.This is an action movie, people are forever joking about how no one ever reloads in movies like this, so if that scene wasn't in it, it would not have made any difference.
Still, this was a small thing and this shootout also turned into Seagal chasing a guy, clearly it was him, and I loved that, a prime example here of the fact that he really brought his A game to this film.
I've seen a lot of people mention that this movie was kind of a turning point for Seagal in his DTV movie's, and I kind of agree, sort of.
To me, Urban Justice was the real turning point, with a hiccup or two along the way.
BUT, I have read some things lately that make me think the problems with Kill Switch were not the director or Steven, but rather the studio, again!
And the fact that Jeff King also directed this movie leads me to think those stories are true, as this is a terrific Seagal film, good story, great action and one of those endings that make you go,” Why didn't he kill that guy??”
Which goes back to Hard to Kill days.
All of this is just opinion, of course, but I really thought the fight scenes in this were top notch, with special mention of that knife fight in the strip club, man is he good with a knife! So cool!
The big showdown at the hospital had a few more of those duplicate scenes, and again, I did not think they were necessary, take them out and the movie is what 5 minutes shorter? But they were noticeable so it was just a bit distracting. However, once I remembered that it had these earlier in the movie, I also thought I remembered them being even more than they actually were, which is why I like to watch everything at least twice, because I would have given bad info if I'd based this on my first viewing.
And, the big final fight was another great one, especially the ending, really so reminiscent of Seagals early films, it was just great!
I said this before about some of his later movies, and I say it about this as well, Driven To Kill looks good enough, with some minor edits, to have been a theater movie.
Take out the duplicate scenes and this is as good as a number of other movies that are getting released these days. Specifically, I saw and loved, 3 Days To Kill, November Man, John Wick, and in my own opinion, this movie compares very well to them, like I said, without those scenes repeats, which I am afraid would be noticeable to the average movie goer as well, but I have not been able to test that.
I'd really like to know if anyone knows an action fan, not necessarily a Seagal fan, who watched this and did they notice those scenes?
To wrap up, this is another in his filmography that really plays to my personal likes, a straightforward story, some terrific hand to hand and some great shootouts, some new “classic” lines from Seagal and a really nice finish.
Great entertainment!
Take care,