Hi There!


New Member
Hi There!
I only just stumbled across this site the other day, and am blown away by all the great info and fan-love for the Big Guy here... Why did I not discover this site earlier?!!!! Anyway, it's great to be on board.

I myself am a 32 year old male living in the UK, a longtime fan (I remember catching a TV commercial for 'Above The Law' on MTV pre-release - I was hooked the minute I saw him fight!) who holds the dubious honor of owning all Seagal DVDs except KillSwitch (yes Attack Force, I'm looking at you!) and rates 'Seagalogy' as one of my favorite books on my shelf.

I am a keen Martial Artist (Wing Chun and Chen-style Tai Chi), a die hard genre movie fan, and am just really glad to be amongst fellow Seagal worshippers. There aren't many places where I can seriously discuss the work of my favorite action star, it's been a real joy to read all of your critiques and discussions.

Looking forward to catching up with you all on the boards! :apeace:

Zstahtz-wheetz-ee-uh! Kahg-Dill-lah? Raz-reh-sheht-eh Prit-stah-vitz-uh Min-yah zah-voot Stacey! Kahk-whah zah-voot? Yah gah-vah-reet-ee Py-rue-sky? Yoh gah-vah-reet-ee nim-noh-guh py-rue-sky. Yah Stue-dee-unt-uh py-rue-sky, nim-noh-guh. Oh-chin pree-aht-nuh! (My phonetical way of phonetically spelling out how those Russian words sound to me. Welcome to the site! Hope to see you around. Happy New Year! Dahs-vee-dahn-yuh, Pea-kah!

Yoh Oh-chin Lube-Lue-Vahs Min-Yah Broo-der,
Stacey :yin:


New Member
Thanxxx loads for the welcomes, Guys and Gals! Am still having fun just trawling thru the masses of Seagal info and past posts... what a cool site! :)

A Happy New Year to everyone! Catch you on the boards!