I Wonder...


Avid Fan
I wonder if Seagal has ever visited this site? He should post something sometime. It would make us all go crazy. But then again we probably wouldn't believe it was the real Steaven Seagal.



My Hero.
We've been wishing that for almost two ywars.He did at the official site once or twice in the Aikido section,but that was about it.:)
For him visiting who knows.
As for him posting, thats like Bush trying to help The Israeli's and the Palastinians work towards peace.


DoHuhJooSay said:
I wonder if Seagal has ever visited this site? He should post something sometime. It would make us all go crazy. But then again we probably wouldn't believe it was the real Steaven Seagal.


There are some that would believe, and some that wouldn't. Some are already crazy and some aren't. :D
I'd rather S.S got in contact with Craig, he deserves more credit than anyone else here.


Active Member
Why does it come down to who is more "deserving". What on Gods Planet does that entail? ( Not taking anything away from Craig) .I think what people are trying to say is that it would be such a pleasant treat to have him visit the site .


Staff member
No chance of Steven turning up here. He's too well insulated from us who are "the great unwashed" by his security people, handlers, assistants, lawyers and other sycophants.

Dream on, people.

-TD, dream quasher


I Belong To Steven
Gee, thanks a lot, TD...
I guess you think he's way
too dignified to ever
hobnob with us lowlies...
I'm guessing it was all hoax
when he supposedly posted at
the official site that one time, too...
A real pity, that...
I'm totally bummed...


Staff member
Oh, I don't doubt that it was he posting on the official site. I believe it was an answer to an aikido question, and on that subject, he probably felt comfortable responding (and didn't the fans go ape**** over that. Probably embarrassed him to death, hence why he never returned). As for responding to anything else, not in a million years. Or, if one allows that anything is possible, I'll believe it when I see it.

Reality check time: I don't think that he gives a rat's ass about his film fans, and nothing we say or wish for, however ardently and faithfully, is going to change that. I must add, there are many words to describe Steven Seagal, but "dignified" isn't one of them.

Saying that, however, if he did condescend to mingle with us ground-grubbing mortals, that would be pretty damned cool (if he behaved himself, that is).

-TD, whose glass is half full (believe it or not!)


My Hero.
Are you saying that our wish is like holding on to the butt end of a sinking sinking ship and all we'll get for our trouble is being the last ones in the water:)


Staff member
Yup. And watch out for icebergs. They can sneak up on you when you aren't looking....

-TD, suddenly remembering she can't swim


Staff member
So they say.... let go of that life preserver. It's mine- mine, I tell you!

-TD, survivor


I Belong To Steven
Yes it is a nice wish...
And I still think he reads this board!
Sensei, if you are reading, I just want to say that no matter what I think you are most dignified, full of grace, and very special...
To me you are just wonderful the way you are, no matter what anyone else thinks...
I shall forever adore you sooooo very much! :)


My Hero.
ok take the life preserver cause I am going all the way down with this ship........I figure whats the fun in quiting now!:)


Purplelotus1 said:
Why does it come down to who is more "deserving". What on Gods Planet does that entail? ( Not taking anything away from Craig) .I think what people are trying to say is that it would be such a pleasant treat to have him visit the site .

um...let's see.......because Craig is the one who has put in the effort , expense, time, research, etc etc etc. I don't think it's profound, just common sense!! The point being if he contacted Craig first, then members would know it was authentic!!
AND...like it or not....I think he DESERVES it.

My opinion.


Staff member
Trinity said:
I mean hey if I die doin it I'll cut my losses and become a Bruse Willis fan in my next life.:)


-TD, surreptitiously looking around for a DVD set of all 3 Die Hard films


New Member
Unfortunately, I have to agree with TD about Seagal ever visiting this board. NOT A CHANCE!!!! Also have to agree on her opinion of what he thinks of us fans. If he really cared about us little people, then his nonexistent website would be up and running and have CURRENT updates. He would also interact more with his fans there. As it is, there is NO website and we don't even have a way of getting hold of any of his people that use to run it. There is such a thing as keeping the movie star insulated from everyone. But to keep the star's people insulated from us too, is just RIDICULOUS!!!
I respect Sensei very much, but I don't agree with the way he treats his fans. I don't know of any other martial artists/movie stars, that act like this. He may have a good reason for treating us like dirt under his feet. If so, I'd love to hear it from him or one of his people. I'll get off my soap box now.
Take care


My Hero.
aikidonna said:
Unfortunately, I have to agree with TD about Seagal ever visiting this board. NOT A CHANCE!!!! Also have to agree on her opinion of what he thinks of us fans. If he really cared about us little people, then his nonexistent website would be up and running and have CURRENT updates. He would also interact more with his fans there. As it is, there is NO website and we don't even have a way of getting hold of any of his people that use to run it. There is such a thing as keeping the movie star insulated from everyone. But to keep the star's people insulated from us too, is just RIDICULOUS!!!
I respect Sensei very much, but I don't agree with the way he treats his fans. I don't know of any other martial artists/movie stars, that act like this. He may have a good reason for treating us like dirt under his feet. If so, I'd love to hear it from him or one of his people. I'll get off my soap box now.
Take care
I like to look at it like,maybe Mr.Seagal and "his people" think they are not good enough for us!:)


I Belong To Steven
I guess he's got to have his reasons...
But it's a nice thing to dream about...
Donna, you've been to his house,
he seems very open and generous
with the students, I mean to open your
home to people sounds very generous...
Maybe he just feels the internet is not an
appropriate forum for interacting with the fans...
I mean people did get excited when he posted at
the official site, maybe he thinks us girls would get
hysterical or something...
Not that we could or ever would do anything in a
forum like this...
I think for the most part everyone here respects him
a great deal and would be honored to have him visit...
We can keep hoping, perhaps someday it will happen...