I Wonder...


I Belong To Steven
Yep, right on Lotussan same here nobody can change the way i feel about steven he has a verey special place in my heart...
WHAT BUBBLE, oohhh naughty (ha,ha,ha)

All i can say is sticks and stones...


Hi Heather...Actually I wasn't being naughty, at least not in that case, but I definately get your drift...;)
He makes me feel naughty sometimes, as I just can't resist his handsome charm, and his outright magnetism...But there is a lot more to it for me...
So many feelings...I think he's very special, gotta agree...
Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, either, he's just got something about him that speaks to me, I know he's a good man, I can see that in him, and I just adore everything about him, and well, when I finally do get to meet him
(got to!) I know I'll be even more head over heels than I am right now...
He means so much to me, as a person, and most of all as a man who is soooooo inspiring...
I think he's done some very admirable work, and that he is so talented, and well, there is no-one who's ever touched my heart this way before, I adore him soooooo soooooooo so much!
Sensei, if you are reading, I want you to know you mean the world to me! Truly!


Lucky Member
Oh boy, I think this thread will have some other pages to come.... :)
Thank you TD !!! I knew you wouldn't land a stick to anyone to hit me.... ;)
What planet are you on Sleeping Fox? If us gals didnt know anything what the hell are we doing here you goose....

You think arnold/steven are in the same boat (your dreaming,dude)
no-way is arnold in the same league.

So be a good little sleeping fox and practice what you preach.

All I have to say to you is: lol.
Jalu said:

Five pages on this subject already...maybe we should keep ourselves as busy as Seagal.

Yea Wow.
I'm quite ashamed to say I read most of it.
But seeing as it's just keeps going on and on and on, and on, and on...
And the fanatics keep getting bitchyer and bitchyer and bitchyer.


New Member
Now now Sleeping Fox, not all of us are. We are just expressing our own opinions on how we feel about the way Seagal is treating us fans.
Disciple, we all know some(not all) of the problems that he has been having over the last couple of years. I believe though that after his family and religion, that his fans should come next in importance. I thought that it was the fans that make or break a movie star, maybe I am wrong in my thinking. In any case, I don't see any reason even with all his current problems that he should turn his back on us and treat us so badly and forget about us.
Again I say, that I have a very deep respect for Seagal. I like his movies, and love his style of Aikido(since this is the style that I am learning). I would also be right there with TD, bowing my head in shame and apologizing to the man. If he could prove to me that I was wrong about him. Like everyone else this is just my humble opinion on the subject. I would still love for Sensei to come to Craig's wonderful website, and answer all these questions for us. But unfortunately, I don't ever see that happening. Even if he did visit, I doubt seriously that he would talk to us.
Take care


I Belong To Steven
If he comes and reads some of the stuff that's been said I doubt he would ever speak to us at all...I think he definately reads sometimes, no doubt in my mind...
Dear Steven, I hope you are reading, and I really hope that I haven't personally said anything that has upset you at all, I deeply respect and adore you, you are amazing! P.S I'm sending you lots of love! :) ;) :)


Lotussan said:
If he comes and reads some of the stuff that's been said I doubt he would ever speak to us at all...I think he definately reads sometimes, no doubt in my mind...
Dear Steven, I hope you are reading, and I really hope that I haven't personally said anything that has upset you at all, I deeply respect and adore you, you are amazing! P.S I'm sending you lots of love! :) ;) :)

Hi again Lotussan thanks for your e-mail a nice long one.
Iam glad that you have got a good sense of humor, it would be
pretty bloody drab if we didnt laugh.....

You wont get any bad wrap about steven here it is all gooood....
Iam with you it would make my heart skip a beat if steven did look
through his website and some how maybe leave us some sort of sign.

OOOOHH,boy cool down now heather i can feel my blood rising.(with
Hey Lotussan, when i do have the opportunity to see steven in mags or movies i think he has a "KARMA" (that draws you to him).


thats it feeling abit off colour today( I KNOW WHAT WOULD PERK ME UP
and you too LOTUSSAN. from HEATHER.


I'm not speechless but I've no time to say a few words...I've been thinking about it for 6 years since I became his fan...See ya later.


I Belong To Steven
Darn Tora, when were you here, girl?
Bummer I missed you, no chance to chat again...:(
Heather he's no prince, he's a king...:)
Dear Steven,
You are the king in my mind, baby! ;)


My Hero.
I just keep thinking that,Lotus you are so sweet and honest about how you feel about him,that if you get hurt it's really going to make me angry!On a more posative note,he is fine to look at!:)


I Belong To Steven
You aren't kidding, Trinity...He's definately easy on the eyes...Stirs up a girls emotions, you know what I mean!


tora said:
I'm not speechless but I've no time to say a few words...I've been thinking about it for 6 years since I became his fan...See ya later.

Same here i have been a fan of stevens since i first started watching his
Thanks for the quick note. catch ya later.


Lotussan said:
Darn Tora, when were you here, girl?
Bummer I missed you, no chance to chat again...:(
Heather he's no prince, he's a king...:)
Dear Steven,
You are the king in my mind, baby! ;)

For sure Lotussan steven is king he rocks my world!!.

I love his eyes they are so sexy,i have got a photo Lotussan of steven
its so freaky in a good way this photo you could swear his eyes are
following you.(ooohhhhhhhh).


Here is 2 hugs (OO)<this means hugs.
bye now from me.


Hell...You girls messed me up...I came here to say those few words and now I've forgotten what I was goin' to say...damn
Well,the point still remains...Whoever you think he is I've no right to judge him...I've no idea what's goin' on inside his head,his daily thoughts,worries...
He's a man like eveyone of us with a few faces,with both sides dominating different times in his life...We all play our roles in some way and so he does...
Oh well,I uderstand his nature very well,what I don't understand is its cause.
Besides everyone sees what he wants to...and I'd love to make it clear here for all of use...don't start a fight just because your opinions don't coincide.Don't start to blame anyone for being blind or being too critical.
You know what we're here for so let's keep goin' alright...ayiiiight?


I Belong To Steven
The fact that he's got all that going on is what makes him so fabulous, Tora! What a man! Not judging him, I'm adoring him for who he is and everything he does! I like what I see, I see a man with vibrancy! An exciting man!
I think he's fantastic just like he is...I love you Steven, you rock!


I Belong To Steven
Awwww, you girls are great...We are the best fans, because like suzi says, look who we are the fans of!What a man! ;)


My Hero.
Lotus darlin,don't let anyone make you feel silly and/or uncomfortable about how you feel.This is a Steven seagal fanclub and anyone who tries to make you feel like that is the one out of place!!Hugs


Trinity said:
Lotus darlin,don't let anyone make you feel silly and/or uncomfortable about how you feel.This is a Steven seagal fanclub and anyone who tries to make you feel like that is the one out of place!!Hugs

Hi Trinity, i agree with you 100 percent i think we should feel free to express our feelings about such a great guy if people dont like it they dont have to read them eh? Like i said before and i will say it again Steven(YOU ROCK)ooohhhhh,what a man.....
bye now from Heather.LOL....


I Belong To Steven
Oh Steven you sure do! You are right Heather, he
is awesome! What a man...He's got me up all night!