I believe in god ,and i believe in buddhas olso to the are the same ,why i have buddhas 10 in my home and two from my buddhas did is work, when my sister whas very sick i pray to him and god pleas let her stay by us ,in november she whas very very sick and i whas by her and stay by all the nicht in the hospital by her and i whas fray to lost her, she as cancer and in the morning whas my old sister dear ,and i go home for to sleep, when i whas home i pray to my buddhas pleas let her stay longer by us .
The nex weekend i go back to her and she walk there in her room , i dont believe what i see.
and this whas in 2004 ,in may 11 she whas daed,whe lost her and this whas very peanful for me, she whas and is my sister and like a very good friend for me and i myst her very mutch ,normal she whas dead in november ,she lives 6monds longer and i thanks
the buddhas and god for that but i thank the buddhas most ,the save me very mutch.
A dog i alive buddha and believe my this is true the save you to and your home.