Steven seagal's blocking skills

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
From my observations of various martial arts on film, it appears to be kung fu of some sorts, as Steven Seagal blocks and deflects all kicks and punches from all invaders

Tis' true, Steven Seagal is the present cinematic hero and top actor of our age
In my opinion

In my opinion, I believe it is from his akido training. In akaido, he learned how to use a SWORD, his hands and various other weapons for self defense. Think about it; if a sword or some other object was coming at you hard and fast, whouldn't you think and react fast to protect yourself! It's called Survival and a will to live, LOL! Also he trained and trained others in Akaido martial arts, while in Japan, for a Long time. He has very good focus, like the eyes of an Eagle! You have to have that type of focus in that type of martial arts training/studies and being that type of martial artist. I took some teakwando classes as a teen but from the little bit I understand of the training I had, was No where near as intense as the training someone in Akaido experiences and goes through. I do believe that each Martial Arts studies has their own type of discipline with intense training, but in my opinion, Akaido requires the most intense focus,agility and speed. That is just my opinion, from my own personal observations.

Love Always Your Sister,
Stacey :yin:


I must have missed that movie.. as martial arts Steven has learnt from the best and iam sure it is an gift that should be taught to those whom really want to learn..


Martial Art Student
It is strictly Aikido. He has studied Karate and judo as well as Bazilian Jiu Jitsu (limited study), but what you see as blocking are Aikido deflections.