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  • thanks for your latest reply Stacey,
    You sounds like you are constantly on the go , go, go.
    Please pray for my daughter and her family, 3 children and husband in London, Tania is very mixed up and quite neurotic at this stage in her life, I have advised her to go to a 12 step meeting and do the 12 steps , get a sponsor/cousellor before making serious life changing decisions that will affect the stability of her chidren, herself and the good husband she has.
    My mum is OK, she is 89 and refuses to go into a nursing home even though she should, my sister moved from Tasmania to Melbourne and lives only 15 mins away.
    In Ukrainian we say " Dobriy Den." for Hello , Good day! and Dyakooyoo for thank you.
    thanks you for being such a light in everone's life including my own.
    Lovely to hear from you Stacey, remember, one door closes and another opens, you are living and working in the Light, god is always with you.
    Lots of love,
    Hello Stacey,
    Glad to hear you are entering a new chapter in your life, what courage and fortitude you have, you and your children have been in my prayers.
    May the door that closed be left behind and a new door open to you and your children.
    Good luck and God Bless you all.
    Have a good day Stacey!
    I'm just catching up on reading posts, I haven't logged in for over a week and there's so much to catch up on.
    Yep we sound alike there :)

    I must go now, goodnight it's nice that we were on here at the same time for once but I must sleep now. :eek:
    Hi, I was typing your message while you sent me on. It is evening here, I'm just watching some TV and heading off for bed soon. Will send you a longer message soon. If you have an email adress you could PM that to me and then we could write longer messages to each other rather than this having to keep it short.
    Hi Stacey, it's so hard to follow the conversation split like this. I am a firm believer in lists, saves a lot of wasted energy in my head remembering what I mean to do. I have notepads everywhere for this and one by my bed so an idea doesn't stop me getting to sleep.
    It sounds like you are as busy as ever. I am enjoying going to work and even the cold and the snow today did not dampen my enthusiasm. I hope I keep the energy there for this.
    I'm about to log off, I'm getting tired here.
    This is funny having so many messages to fit what we want to say in! Must be some new limit with the forum upgrade. I am just here while I have a coffee break. I am trying to do all the household chores today so that I will still have a day to rest tomorrow. So many things to prioritise I am not sure what to do first. And this is with just a 3 day week, what will I be like when I do a full week? I will get used to it and I know I will look forward to payday!
    I think I have watched the film of Anne of Greengables, I do know I read all the books in the series. I am not sure what age in history I would like to have lived in, each has it's good and bad points and it depends which area of the world too. That is a good question to ponder on when I am waiting for the train.
    Take care, I need to get on now.
    Message in two parts due to length too long in one go!:D

    Hi Stacey, I am sorry it has been a while. Only got a few minutes now as I am on my lunchbreak. I am lucky I can use the internet now as I am so tired at night now I am working again, only the first week back so it will soon settle down to feeling normal. I will have to get different boots for the walk to the station as the two pairs I have tried this week have both caused blisters or grazed on my feet. Perhaps I will wear my hiking boots :p I like getting the train into work because that is a relaxing time, I just have to sit back and can meditate or do some serious thinking. A good opportunity for a quiet time in a busy day.

    I hope all is going well for you. I know how frustrating it is when computers play up or the conection goes down. Don't worry we both know we would not intentionally ignore each other so when that happens it's ok with us isn't it?
    I saw the horse this morning on the way to work, it was using the wall to scratch and itch on it's bottom, that started the day off with a laugh!

    It would be good to meet up or rather 'come to tea' in the old fashioned way in the parlour. I would have to brush up on my manners! :p I am glad you have got some things back and among them your books. I do love books and the old ones have such a charm about them, I think wondering who else in past times had read them and what their lives were like adds to the value. There is an old bookshop in my home city and it's like a treasure trove! I have not bought any books for a while as I haven't been reading much, well I think I read off the internet and computer more than anything else.

    Ok I had better go now, take care
    Hi Stacey, I guessed! I think you spend a lot of time out on the farm and I think that is good for you. I thought of you on my walk this morning when I saw some horses in a field. Oh it was so sweet two were nuzzling each others necks. It looked so affectionate.

    My Aunt is doing well, thank you for remembering her in your prayers. I don't think it will be long until she is back to normal. Once she got out of hospital her recovery speeded up, that sounds bad I don't mean that the hospital was bad for her but what I do mean is that once they had got her on the road to recovery and she was well enough to leave she rapidly improved and starting to walk again and everything like that.

    I don't think Halyna has been on the forum since October. I miss her and listening about her travels and her family. She is a very interesting lady as are a lot of you I talk to on here.

    I see you are having a lot of green tea and your special blends, right now I am having normal black tea with milk to warm me up as it was icy again this morning. It is twelth night and so I have to take the Christmas decorations down today, it is always a bit sad that the celebration is over but it will come round again quickly I just know it.
    take care
    Hi Stacey, glad to hear that you have got some of your stuff back (I read your message to Heather) so that is a relief that you have got some of your things around you again. Last year was a very difficult year for many people and I think you are in a better position now than you were a year ago. I know it is still hard for you but keep going and things will keep getting better. I'll keep you in my prayers and I hope your son is getting better from pneumonia.
    Take care
    Hi Stacey, first i whis you happy newyear.
    Stacey are you realy a sister from Sue,she is a very good
    chatfriend from my and i hope that you gone be my friend olso to, iam from antwerp belguim and Sue acept me very wel
    ask her and she gone say how iam.
    I whant to be your friend to like Sue,she is a very nice and lovely person.
    And Sue famely is very welcom by me to, like all the friends here the like and acept me here on thise site.
    And your sister Sue is great and avery good women.
    Take Care and Take Sensei.
    Hi Stacey!
    I hope you and your children had a lovely time, did they enjoy their first celebration of Christmas? I hope they did.
    We have just arrived home today, we had a good time and spent a restful time and fun time it was a good time of year. Midnight Mass in the Cathedral always looks impressive in that setting and this year it felt a little warmer, sometimes I think it is only the cold that keeps me awake at 1 a.m. but I was wide awake this year as it all seemed more special and meaningful this time.
    Take care

    I hope you have a good, safe and happy festive season.

    x :) x
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