Where's TD?


Staff member
Too late! Let's see, what have we got here. Hot pink for the background, I think, with nice robin's egg blue for the polka-dots. Big blob of yellow for the nose... yes, I think that just about does it!

Okay, Lollipop, you can let him up now. Careful, the paint's still wet - we don't want to smear any of those lovely polka-dots!


TDWoj said:
Too late! Let's see, what have we got here. Hot pink for the background, I think, with nice robin's egg blue for the polka-dots. Big blob of yellow for the nose... yes, I think that just about does it!

Okay, Lollipop, you can let him up now. Careful, the paint's still wet - we don't want to smear any of those lovely polka-dots!

Ah, TD, I knew you had it in you!! Good girl!! :D :D

You have a great sense of humor!!
I would send you a TV but it would probably cost more to ship than it is worth
and knowing the postal system and UPS it would be broken!!
And Qvc want ship to Canada! :( :(

Amos quit your whining you look so much better now!! I bet Mrs. Amos will love the new you!! :D :D


Staff member
Lollipop said:
Ah, TD, I knew you had it in you!! Good girl!! :D :D

Well, I have my moments... not many of them, but I do have them. :D

Lollipop said:
You have a great sense of humor!!
I would send you a TV but it would probably cost more to ship than it is worth
and knowing the postal system and UPS it would be broken!!
And Qvc want ship to Canada! :( :(

I'm still suffering from TV withdrawal... I've been resisting watching DVDs on my computer (it's an eensy-weensy screen), but I think I'm going to break down soon and pop in the only films that didn't get re-packed - Steven's films!

Lollipop said:
Amos quit your whining you look so much better now!! I bet Mrs. Amos will love the new you!! :D :D

She should thank us! At least she won't have to stand him up in the middle of the room and dress him every day!

-TD, running away quickly before Amos arrives with one of his blunt instruments


Staff member
Whew... actually did something constuctive this weekend, so as not to be depressed about the lack of work and the absence of my tv (as a distraction from not having any work!).

I rearranged my office space. Yikes!

This involved bringing in the table I had put in the living room and which I was going to use as my "writing nook" but then decided it wasn't working for me. I've been using a gate-leg dining table (from IKEA, of course!) as my desk - I just folded up one of the leaves and put the other table next to it. Then I disassembled the long table that was sitting across the closet (and which pretty much prevented me from getting access to the closet), transferred the legs to a smaller piece (hooray for IKEA, again!) of another desk long since disassembled, and set that up as my extra working space (the whole top of the desk is taken up with computer equipment, which didn't leave me any space for writing notes).

I now can get into the closet without having to shift a honking big table to do so.

My printer, alas, is still in the closet, which isn't satisfactory, but it will have to stay there for the time being until I figure out a way of getting it under the desk. I see carpentry in my future...

Next project to be tackled: the storage closet. Oh, the horror!

I think that's enough excitement for one weekend.

Amos Stevens

New Member
Hmmm I shall paint all the walls,ceilings,doors in TDs place the same color & let her try to find her way around :) BUt then later I might paint one wall a mural of space-the final frontier :)


Staff member
Hey! I like the idea of Star Trek mural! Works for me! Thanks, Amos! :D

As for the rest being all the same colour - huh. Can it be any worse than what I've got? (Except for the bedroom. That's done in a nice shade of pale blue. Mess with that, you're a dead man. I can now do nikkyo AND sankyo, and both are very painful, believe me!)

-TD, prepared to defend the bedroom - wait, that doesn't sound quite... um.


Staff member
Amos Stevens said:
haaaaaaaaa words like that & you will stay single TD :)

Alas, too true. :(

I have a hard time convincing the fellows I'm really a marshmallow, and just gasping to be someone's hunny-bunny. They all seem to think I'm the Next Great Action Hero Tough Girl, or something.... :gun:

Can't imagine where they got that idea from, do you?


Smile dammit!
As a pro decorator i can answer any qs on it gladly ans.And a paintbrush is? Ha ha.
I've been doing it since i left school,painting too!:D


Staff member
Okay, so I've broken down and popped a DVD into my computer. I must say, it's more interesting watching Steven now than before I started taking aikido, because I can see what he's doing (well, when I put the DVD on slow frames, that is - he does everything so blindingly fast, blink and you miss it).

Watching Above the Law right now.

Mmmmm.... tight jeans.....

(TD shakes herself)

I'm just watching for the technical aspects of his aikido. Really.

Really, really tight jeans.... mmmm.......


Staff member
I was talking about Steven's tight jeans....

-TD, astonished that even when she has a girlish moment, no one seems to realise it.... :(


Staff member
Amos Stevens said:
Thats what I was refering to TD :O

Oh! Well, then, if they tear, I will certainly put to good use anything that comes out of them....

-TD, going over the top in girlish moments (making up for lost time, I guess....)


Staff member
Well, I got a temp job this week. Already I'm dreading it, but it's better than nothing.

I'll be working as a cashier at a convention here in town for four days, working 12 hour days for just-barely-above-minimum wage (I get time and a half for Friday, though, because it's a stat holiday. Yippee.).

It also means I'm going to be missing two of my aikido classes, but what else can I do? The coffers are empty, and I can't afford not to take the job. And it starts so early in the morning that I can't go to the early morning classes, either.

I'm going to be crippled by the end of the week - I can barely stand on my feet for more than 4 hours, and I'll be expected to stand for more than 12 every day.

There's got to be something better than this out there....



Staff member
I've also only got one decent white shirt (that I was saving since it just this side of too small - I can wear it, as long as I don't take any deep breaths), and my black skirt is a bit on the tatty side, so I am going to have to venture forth tomorrow and buy at least one skirt and one white shirt so that I have something to change into on alternate days.

$100 gone already, and I haven't even started earning the money yet....

Gosh, I hope I last the whole four days.

I have REALLY got to find something else.